Woman kills herself:
>Newspaper articles
>Huge out pouring of sympathy
Man kills himself:
>Fucking loser.
Woman kills herself:
>Newspaper articles
>Huge out pouring of sympathy
Man kills himself:
>Fucking loser.
Other urls found in this thread:
Let them hit the wall and end it all
>she was about to turn 30 with no husband or children
Fucking so? My mum gave birth to me when she was 35, whats the big deal?
>inb4 autistic/down syndrome
I have neither, so hush.
She looks 45
Nigga you wrote the word "hush" nigga you assburgers af familia
>Wanted to have children.
This poor woman had internalized the desires of a patriarchal and sexist society. Unable to live up to their norms and standards she fell into depression and finally suicide. This is men's fault.
>spends her whole life coal burning and grinding chads cock
>oh no i'm 30 and turning ugly i better settle down quick
>damn no men are interested in me anymore they're all sitting at home depressed about how western civilization is going extinct because of useless cunts like me
fucking useless cunt, every man dreams of having a family with a loyal woman and some kids. she blew it.
>tfw my mother gave birth to me when she was 37
Sheesh Sup Forums, I really dodged the autism card... R-right guys?
>what is gynocentrism
Men are the disposable sex. Deal with it.
But she was a strong independent woman don't need no man
>yay feminism/social Marxism?
Mus be because she din have enough abortions. If u abort babies it makes u strong.
>u are so strong making this choice about your body
Something something moloch
>on a Taiwanese knitting forum
>not maximally autistic
Pick one
30 is always the worst
My grandmother was 40 when she gave birth to my father. Boohoo 30 years old self loathing cunt kys
Let me tell you, i dont care about this women.
But you and MRA fags wont get this. Women and men are different. Women are born, men are made. You only need one fucking male to inseminate thousands of women. Women have an intrinisic worth, because they can get fucking pregnant. That is why we will save women and kids, they are more worth than a man. Fucking get this into your head. That doesnt mean that the average women nowadays shouldnt be gassed or just controlled. Suffrage and female sexual liberalism will destroy us. But that doesnt mean you have to treat males and females equal..
She died because she couldn't accept anyone below a Chad Thundercock as her husband. She would have absolutely no trouble finding a husband if only she lowered her standards from a top tier Chad to a normal guy. And even if that wasn't enough, she could settle with a million of her beta orbiters that she probably had
She literally chose to kill herself over going for an "inferior" man
Really only 30? Try being a 37 year old kissless virgin and I'm not even depressed. Women are weak
Wasn't that bad.
It's "Chinese, Taipei" you counter-revolutionary dog!
Natural selection tbqh
This. She even had a boyfriend to begin with.
I guess beggars can still be choosers.
This was fucking great to read.
Like scratching an itch I didn't know I had.
women are more valuable then men duh.
thats the way its been since forever.
women are a commodity, men are a resource.
you're on Sup Forums
My mom was 41 when she gave birth to my little sister, and she is probably the smartest of her kids.
The meme that giving birth at old age gives the child autism/Downs is just a Jewish lie to stop white women from procreating.
You clearly know little of r/K theory
Because women are objects. It's the same reaction when someone crashes a classic or luxury car.
Well this is sad, we lost one of the only good ones.
Her goals in life were to be a good wife and mother, shes very pretty and held a good job. Sad.
Donald please help.
mine was pretty young, but I was two weeks late so?
Yeah especially good breeding stock like that one.
She killed herself, which means she was mentally unfit. Her reproducing would just create more white people that are prone to kill their selves.
Kys wigger
Autism. Many such cases. SAD!
Most roasties give birth in their 30s. She just couldn't handle her declining looks.
I'm going to guess she spent her 20s being a whore, and when time caught up with her she realized no man wants used goods.
>that woman's theme song
LOL@stupid bitch.
She hot and thrrein lie the problem. There was nothing stopping her from getting married and having kids. There were plenty of men out there, she just thought she was too good for them all.
One dumb bitch down. No sympathy from me.
I'm telling ya.... American white women are a scourge.
>Her goals in life were to be a good wife and mother
Only after her youthful looks started to fade. I know too many women like this and i don't feel sorry for them.
For fucks sake. It's that jap voice actress who died of flu all over again.
Yes because being "pretty" makers her so much more important.
I have autism cause my mom was 36 when she had me
>complaining about Daily Mail journalistic standards
Why do all whores have this kind of look?
She wasn't American tho.
It does. If a man is successful enough he doesn't need a successful or even smart wife.
Who are you quoting? Do all of you honestly believe male suicide is considered acceptable by society at large? Are you all fucking insane?
She's from England you dumbfuck
Close enough. White female.
How many news articles have you seen about a dead guy who just wanted to settle down and start a family? None, and men are vastly more prone to kill their self.
No it doesn't. Being attractive may make you more desirable, but it doesn't make you more important than anyone else.
Not sure why Sup Forums is shitting all over this girl
She actually wanted a family. She was one decent girl in a sea of selfish whores.
How do you know? Maybe she just couldn't find a guy to settle down with when she was younger
Why you made, white boi? Something LONG with ma dick?
White American or white British female... is there really much of a difference?
I don't have to "get" anything. Providing for society just so that my kind remains second class citizen is not worth it.
To be fair to him, all Westernized women are the same. Selfish, solipsistic, narcissists who are only able to see life in terms of how it directly affects them.
Yes, it does. If an ugly dude goes missing, people might bother to look for like five minutes. An attractive white girl goes missing and it becomes a national search.
She rode the cock carousel until Chad stopped returning her texts faggot. No sympy!
This is how it should be. Do you want to be treated like a dainty emotional girl? Do you think women shouldn't be and we should all be equal because we're the same?
Your digits are lying or not ? Has kek truly forsaken us ? Are you really a 37 year old kissless virgin ? why and how difficult has it been to achieve this wizard level 7 ?
She would need to settle with someone below the "normal" level though.
Normal men don't settle with old woman.
Obviouslly there are exceptions, but giving birth late is still dangerous.
Normal people don't have to tell others that they are not autistic
Autist detected.
cock carousel damages women significantly. all women ride it except the extremely ugly. don't ever fucking get married.
We're hitting on her because she was (obviously) the kind of bitch that would have laughed at you for asking her out.
She didn't off herself because she couldn't find a husband... she offed herself because she couldn't find the George Clooney, Bill Gates, Jerry Sienfeld combination she thought she "deserved."
My mother had me in her 30's too. Is this why i autism?
Good riddance. I have zero empathy for suicidal losers.
She probally knew she fucked some many cocks in her 20s that no man would want to marry her worthless cunt.
You just know this girl was an emotional nightmare house of horrors. 24/7 drama.
>go to germanystan
>get raped
>play dead
I heard a plane fulla soccer dudes crashed. Sounds like 70 chics will be looking for a date this weekend
>February 2015
They'll just go see their side-Chad.
All finns are autistic, so it wasn't noticeable.
my mom gave birth to me when she was 22
she told me to stay virgin until marriage when i was younger
and im in the wedding pictures at 2yr old with suit and tie
Her fate is the future for lots of feminists, that and alcoholism surrounded by 10+ cats.
fugg. My dad was in his 60's, i must have it double bad.
Does she know who your father is?
A cunt that rode the cock carousel and at the very end of her youthful looks wondered why she was alone and none of the guys she wanted wanted her back. I'm sure there would be some beta pussy looking to worship her but she probably thought she was too good for him/them.
Fuck that cunt. The world just got a bit better
I wonder the same. They all have the same hair and make up that makes them look the same. And they think they're the shit for it. If you hose them down, they're average
Just think if any of you faggots would have gotten off the internet for a few minutes you could have met her, wifed her up and made a nice little family with an Aryan qt.
Stop victimizing yourself, fagger. That is the enemy's tactic.
You sweet chaotic evil motherfucker.
You probably have trisomy 21. You should see a proctologist.
she looked pretty good, more likely had very high standards
There isnt even that much pressure on women in western civilization,in fact, most pressure is on men
I'm like a autistic monk, I have become enlighten to the corruption of this world and do not wish to partake in its sins.
You are second class because men arent controlling the power structures any more. Get the traditional systems back, control women again, and you can enjoy multiple benefits from being DIFFERENT than your wife. I do get your point now the differences are only used to favor women anymore. That is a problem. But your solution is to make the treatment of both genders equal. Great logic.
Suicide is the leading cause of death for men under 35.
Nobody cares about normal things happening, only the unexpected. Sort of like how nobody cares about the hundreds of black people shooting each other, it's just the accepted norm.
she married to my father but they didnt have the money to throw down a wedding since my father has just ended his final college exam the day i was born
they divorced two years later tho
>30 years old
>she had been through three break-ups before meeting her husband
>husband is not a millionaire
This should tell you all you need to know.
See this Sup Forums? Women would rather kill themselves than be with you. That's right women would take their life before they are seen in public with an average looking guy. They want the top alpha 10/10 model male or death.
>47 chromosomes by this ID
As if she would have given any of us the time of day. She would have either ignored you, laughed at you, or told you so BS lie to blow you off... then she'd have gone home and cried herself to sleep sobbing "why can't find a good guy!" Translation: "why can't I find a super hot, rich, famous, funny guy that I believe my self entitled ass DESERVES because daddy told me I was princess and I have a vagina."
I don't think so. In a female mind, lower status males are not actually male.
>As if she would have given any of us the time of day.
Not with your bitter beta bitch attitude
I've had my days of Chadding around. I've been with super hot and not so hot women. I can tell you from experience... they are all self entitled, self absorbed cunts who think the world revolves around them what the precieve they deserve.
>do not wish to partake in its sins.
>posts anime
yeah sure
This bitch could have gotten with 99% of any single guy out there and she decides to kill herself?
Haha wow, I don't feel bad for her at all.