Senate passes Anti-Semitism Awareness Act

>The U.S. Senate on Thursday passed the Anti-Semitism Awareness Act, which seeks to adopt the U.S. State Department’s definition of anti-Semitism so that the Education Department may consider it in investigating reports of religiously motivated campus crimes. The State Department defines anti-Semitism as “a certain perception of Jews, which may be expressed as hatred toward Jews. Rhetorical and physical manifestations of anti-Semitism are directed toward Jewish or non-Jewish individuals and/or their property, toward Jewish community institutions and religious facilities.”

>The bill was proposed by Senators Bob Casey, a Pennsylvania Democrat, and Tim Scott, a South Carolina Republican, to “ensure the Education Department has the necessary statutory tools at their disposal to investigate anti-Jewish incidents,” according to a news release. The senators say the act is not meant to infringe on any individual right protected under the First Amendment, but rather to address a recent uptick in hate crimes against Jewish students. The bill is supported by the American Israel Public Affairs Committee, the Anti-Defamation League, the Jewish Federations of North America and the (((((((((Simon Wiesenthal))))))))) Center. Casey listed the following examples of anti-Semitism in his explanation of the bill:

> Calling for, aiding or justifying the killing or harming of Jews

> Accusing the Jews as a people, or Israel as a state, of inventing or exaggerating the Holocaust

> Demonizing Israel by blaming it for all interreligious or political tensions

> Judge Israel by a double standard that one would not apply to any other democratic nation’s-bi-partisan-anti-semitism-awareness-act-passes-unanimously

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Nothing to worry about. Just trust the Lord.

What did you expect there's a Jew King now. Jews don't have to pretend to be for Niggers.

Nah, nigga, fuck the Jews.

They can't come after us for this. Lmao, fucking kikes

So i guess my question is why exactly does there need to be a federal law for this? If you have legitimate problems with anti-semitism in your communities then why can't you just pass laws like this locally or at the state level?

Bob Casey and Tim Scott are names I will remember.

Except they can because Barack 'Gas The Gentiles' Hussein 'Birth Certified' Obama gave away Internet rights to the U.N..

I think I can safely say that nobody is ore aware of antisemitism than Sup Forums

Jews are the most powerful people in the world. Man they have all Shekels. And everyone loves Shekels. $

>Jews are the most powerful people in the world.

They're not more powerful than God.

'Education' Department. Everyone knows that's the Jewish Grooming Department right.

Pretty sure this can be challenged in the supreme court and ruled unconstitutional.

That's why they fear Judgement.


Go ahead. File the papers. Make yourself known. I'm sure The Supreme Jewish Court will find it in your favor.

>Based IDF and Yerushalayim police carrying away shit-tier Hasidim

I'm okay with this

>implying Trump's new fundamentalist SCOTUS appointee won't strike this bill down with a quickness

>Drumpf tards actually believe this.

So this passed in the senate but not the house yet. Who can we write to in order to make sure that this violation of the 1st amendment isn't passed there as well?

Bump Anti-Semien..


Write 100 million letters the same amount of people who died in the Holocaustings. It won't matter. As long as power is physically seized the country is theirs.

Evil / Live
Damon / Nomad
666 / 999

Make you think..

> Judge Israel by a double standard that one would not apply to any other democratic nation


it will pass, and everyone who spoke against it will have their name kept on a special list

I'm 100% sure these kikes are having a laugh at our expense atm

Bamp to prevent sliding.

Another censorship law, it's painful to watch how they pile up.

It's sad, but I'm laughing anyways. Politics on all levels has become a comedy born from tragedy, and one so astounding it's almost hard to believe any of it is true.


This thread is being slid hard.

To those wondering, Israel is quietly making the Jewish people second-class citizens anyways. That's why the double-standard exists.

>then why can't you just pass laws like this locally or at the state level?
oy gevalt, then there's no federal protection against anudda shoah. remember the six million, goy

If jews in Isreal are second class citizens, then who are the first class ones?

I'm sure it started with local laws. It always does.


How about a Semitism Awareness Act?

The papacy has been forcing them out of places like King David's tomb and the third temple to hold mass, so I'd guess misguided Christians and elated Muslims.


Just Ctrl-F'd for this. WTF Burgers? Isn't this unconstitutional?

They react to the picture and can't see the thread.

They are expressely avoiding topics, same thing the microsoft AI does.


(((They))) should try and fling for a bill to be passed to make anti Semitism punishable by death.

Anti semitism applies to Muslims too, but didn't see anything about them (not that I care).

>just goes to show the shadow hand of the jew in our government

Bamping again to prevent it from sliding.

>related bills (1)
>To provide for the consideration of a definition of anti-Semitism for the enforcement of Federal antidiscrimination laws concerning education programs or activities.

At what cost will the enemy finally pay for their crimes?


Why is criticism of Israel automatically "anti-semitic" and how is this law not a violation of the 1st amendment?

Could it be tested in the SCOTUS?

It's probably going to go to the Supreme Court at some point. This is just too blatant a violation of the 1st Amendment not to be challenged, if passed. Obama also doesn't like Israel as well, so there's that.

They're jewing themselves out of their role as the Chosen People. Rather, they'll realize they actually never were.

If this passes, would criticizing Isreal on Sup Forums violate US law?

I say let it pass on the condition there are legal consequences and equal punishment when they're caught faking fucking 'hate crimes.'

I don't think you can amend it since it's already passed the Senate.

You are not dealing with Obama anymore, he's not the man any longer, in politics the hardest test it's to pass your position to your ally, in case you fail, guilty falls onto you, something it's pushing this and he's powerless to stop it.

And considering that's one antisemitic censorship law, I'm waiting for Germany.

Antisemitic goyim blocked the video in the holy land, and bypassing it too bothersome. What does it say?

Tough to say if Germany will get one, considering the number of Muslims jealous of Nazis over the 6 gorillion.

I'm glad I voted for the third party against that stupid nigger Tim Scott.

For some reason it's an SNL skit on Kylo Ren going undercover as support staff in the First Order.
The line that probably got it blocked was "He's trying to finish what Darth Vader started!"


We better hope it doesn't reach it before next SC. This Supreme Court has 4 Jews on it.

The SC can make rulings when it lacks Justices?

Oh, thanks.

What's your opinion on this?

Does it bother you this antisemitism?

Almost immediately clarified it was about ruling the whole galaxy, but yeah.
My apologies for not putting that in the explanation.

The most goyed nation in the world!

not usually here in the states, not anymore. republicans like to pass things at the state or local level, democrats like to go big, like how they recently baited the federal courts to push gay marriage.

> anti-semitism rises during muslim influx
> damn whites!

Why do you let this things happen to you.

You don't need those laws, jews are the most privileged group in America, what supernatural force drives you to surrender your own constitution for them?

>jews are the most privileged group in America
I think you'll find that the most privileged group in the US is wh*te males.

>You don't need those laws, jews are the most privileged group in America
anybody have the college-percentage graph of Jews to everybody else?

fucking leaf. gas the kikes nuke Canada, just take the good women first.

I have never see any ethnic group receive as much shit as white males.

I been personally insulting them for the last 7 years daily, non stop.

This isn't justified in any way, you are completely out of your mind.

Fuck the Jews. You leafs are just as worthless. You think antisemitic behavior is above Constitutional rights? Lets go niggers. I'll bring Mexico and the Southern rebels. Yankees are faggots anyhow.

Well then they can both eat shit and die.

is anyone untouchable? no one is.

>beautiful Jewish babies

crusader kings 2 is truly a top tier game

Mostly just posting to bump. I doubt most Israelis like either candidate.

Geeeeee.......I wonder who runs the Senate



We have literally no white males in SCOTUS

But we do have at least one Jew. We actually have a few Jews in SCOTUS if I'm not mistaken.

Trump will probably nominate a cuckservative or a (((white male)))

(((They're))) doubling down. They smell the change in the wind and are desperately trying to protect their investments.

>judging Israel equally under the law should be banned as judging Israel by a doublestandard

Are they eventrying to hide it?

This would get knocked out in the very first court case.

You sure.

Bamping again to prevent sliding.
