Adderall is literally legal meth. How the fuck is it legal to give this shit to kids?

Adderall is literally legal meth. How the fuck is it legal to give this shit to kids?

It shuts them up


I've taken Adderall since I was 12 years old. 40 mg every day. I've tried to go off of it multiple times but it never works out. Focusing on anything becomes impossible. Even doing video games is a challenge. So I end up lying in bed all day long.

I wish I could stop but it just doesn't seem possible.

Why were you put on Adderall? ADD? Why didn't you stop taking it before your brains got destroyed?

Amphetamines are the only drugs I haven't experienced with. How similar is the high to cocaine?

I took some of my friend's once. I tried playing some video games and the next thing I knew it was 3 AM and I was taking apart my laptop looking for keylogger hardware...I didn't find any

>Shutting anyone up, especially a hyperactive kid

Do you even know how drugs actually work

pretty similar, they both make you focused, euphoric, talkative, confident, energetic, and insanely good at everything you do

dextroamphetamine = / = methamphetamine

just because they're from the same classification doesn't mean they're the same

>he thinks meth and adderall are exactly the same thing
fuck off, moron

>needing the chemical Jew to function

Just say no to degeneracy, kids.

stupid parents/doctors are always "diagnosing autism or add" in kids that are just hyper and excitable. load em up with adult doses of the stuff and they are never the same

Amphetamines are God's gift to LRRPers and sentrymen everywhere.

Pharmfag here.

Adderall isn't "literally" meth -- it's a combination of amphetamines and dextroamphetamines.

There is a literal methamphetamine out on the market called Desoxyn. Pharmaceutical grade too so it's a lot more pure and refined than street grade meth.

Amphetamine isn't neurotoxic, methamphetamine is.

While I would agree you're right in the sense that giving it to kids is retarded, it's not as bad as it could be.

Take for example benzodiazepines, which will kill you if you don't or can't taper off.

I used to be an IV meth addict and I can tell you that ADD stims and actual meth are nothing alike.

When you smoke a meth pipe or shoot up, you get an insane rush that feels like constant orgasms for hours.

I take 30mg dexedrine a day for ADD I faked. I am two years from meth, but have really changed my life around with ADD meds. My GPA is 3.8 and I am set up for a really good life. Thousands in scholarships yearly, parents are proud.

ADD does not exist though. It is merely a reaction to public education and Jewish subversion. It is a cheat code on life.

Correct. If the poor kids weren't actually autistic before the adderall, they certainly seem to be afterwards.

>Adderall is literally legal meth. How the fuck is it legal to give this shit to kids?

protip - Benadryl is literally legal meth. How the fuck is it legal to give this shit to kids?

>Amphetamine isn't neurotoxic, methamphetamine is

Neither are neurotoxic at a medical-grade dose. Meth is more neurotoxic than adderall, but both are neurotoxic at high dosages.

Fuck that, all this shit did was give me constant nausea and headaches.

Taper your dosage down gradually, why would you think it's smart to go cold turkey after taking a moderate-high dose of medication for 12 years straight?

>Do you even know how drugs actually work

Look at this dumb ass and laugh.
>Different doses have different effects on the body!!

I haven't handled C2s in a while and don't even know the standard dosing of desoxyn so you're probably right, I was thinking of crackheads sucking down 50% pure meth when I wrote that.

Using Adderall means you have an inferior brain that cannot be successful in the modern economy without chemical assistance.

Yeah, soldiers and guards, not high schoolers who are so undisciplined they need drugs just to be able to do homework and chores.

It's pretty good stuff. I took it during finals in my senior year of college. I had been up for a few days and it helped me for the home stretch. I wish I had a bottle of it just to have as needed.

>using Adderall
>not superior Modafinil

Then your one of the few on it that needs it. My cousin is the same way, but so many parents are putting their kids on it for simply being kids

Why did you even bother making this post?
You'd have to be an absolute socially retarded NEET to not know someone who has taken adderall and seen how it affects them.
The drug literally makes you want to concentrate and be productive. Sitting down and reading an entire book after taking a couple is the side effect.

>ADD does not exist though. It is merely a reaction to public education and Jewish subversion. It is a cheat code on life.

Only if you follow up with a steady regimen of the red pill, one to three doses of the black pill, lots of cardio, maybe a bit of vipassana meditation, etc.

Proud degenerate reporting in.

All drugs are fine if you exercise self-control. The weak will get fucked (and should).

End of discussion.

Have a nice day.

>be me, like 12 years old
>my friends have ADD, i wanna be cool to lie and say i have ADD
>get perscribed vyvance, cousin of adderall basically
>took it for years, fucked up my eating habits and general shit side affects
>stop taking it, but still "diagnosed" with ADD
>pretty sure it gave me ADD once i stopped it
>take adderall for finals occasinoally, would not recommend

adderall is given to smart kids who are imagintive to calm them down and act how mummy and daddy want them to act, or how teachers want you to act

Do this
> show up to doctor, list scenarios, not symptoms
> "I can't sit in one place for long. I get distracted in class and my teachers are frustrated. I start a task at work, but never finish it"
> side note. Show up to doctor clean cut, well dressed, make sure you say you are working and going to school. If they ask you about drug use, say you have no scripts, never use drugs, you are not depressed, no troubles sleeping
> Your doctor will either refer you to a ADD doctor or give you a script. You can go to some walk in clinics too. You probably will have to do a test, exagerrate answers
> Tip: Never ask for any medication. Lead them to what you want. If you get a low dose of ritalin, accept it. Come back, but say that your dose is working, but it makes you nauseoius
> Keep saying the meds are effective besides the side effects until you are switched to proper med. To increase dosage, say your med does not work long enough eveyr couples months.


It starts me up. t. ADD

It's cool you all have your thoughtful opinions on drugs you know nothing about, that is used to treat a disorder you know nothing about.

>for ADD I faked
>ADD does not exist though
You should consider shooting yourself.

I never got what I would call "high" from adderall. I did have an OD where I felt like I would have a heart attack and couldn't stand up without my circulatory system feeling like it would fail. Pretty horrible.

At least for me I'm pretty sensitive to it and it doesn't get me high at all. I'll just use 7.5 mg every few days and it makes me more alert and keeps me up at night. It seems to last like 14+ hours for me, and I think I don't metabolize it, so if I take bigger doses a few days in a row it builds up in my system and gets up to the point that I get OD symptoms.

I think you've never done this particular drug before and you feel as if you have intimate knowledge about it strangely enough. Makes you more focused and concentrated. Methylphenidate is very similar. Kids love the shit. It is alarming how widely prescribed it is, though. Have a good one.

*and I think I don't metabolize it as fast or efficiently as other people
>many people say it only lasts them like 5 hrs

>Adderall is literally legal meth
amphetamine vs methamphetamine. That "meth" has one more carbon atom and one more hydrogen. That makes the world of difference.

Hyperactive kids don't have an overabundance of energy, they actually have a lack of serotonin and the brain tries to compensate by constantly searching for new sources of pleasure and interest, hence the short attention span.

Amph balances out that serotonin so their brain isn't grasping for interesting things. This is the cause of the "paradoxical" effects. They aren't paradoxical, or working in the opposite to how they should, the action is exactly the same as a normal person.

Adderall is a legitimate medicine and should be prescribed responsibly, the exact same situation to American's opioid problem.

Source: healthcare professional, ex-pharmacy assistant, drug user

Could do with getting rid of shitty teachers as well. Who the fuck has the patience to just sit there and copy notes for an hour at a time, 8 hours a day? Every single female teacher I've had has taught things like this, while every male teacher has actually focused on making the students themselves actively read, study and do questionnaires in class. My high school history teacher even brought us deactivated rifles to finger-fuck once when the AK47 became relevant.

I took Adderall once for an exam, like two hours before it started. Read the entire textbook in like an hour, nearly complete short term retention.

only got a 79 cause that was the only studying I did cause I was a retard freshman.

Coke is a little more intense, but it's fleeting.
Addys are a steady crawl for a good 6-8 hours.

>Morphine is LITERALLY heroin. How the fuck is it legal to give to patients?

Dexedrine is the best, followed by adderall. Addy is dextroamphetamine + levoamphetamine. Levo is the stuff that gives you physical energy and makes you feel very anxious and uncomfortable. Vyvanse is okay too. It is basically Dexedrine, but it only becomes dexedrine in your gut. Dexedrine IR works right away and is best. Ritalin for me is very uncomfortable and makes me feel sick and gives no clear headed energy. Generic dexedrine is cheap as fuck too I payed $20 bucks for a month script without insurance.

how can i get my psychiatrist to give me adderall? i dont want some naturalistic shit or wellbutrin

he said xanax would make an addict in a few weeks

Because medical science has shown a benefit.

Get a new psychiatrist. Or buy them illegally.

you're a dumb fag

I went to a Rexall walk in clinic and had extensive medical history of abuse. They never even had my records at the place I went to. Just doctor shop until you get a good one.

He's right though. The dex vs levo isomers was spot on

ADD is the minor infraction to enable complete pharmacological control

Same as with depression and anxiety

was given this shit as a teenager in the 90's. ho hyperactivity problems, literally just didn't do homework. went from 170 lbs to 115 lbs in months. couldn't sleep, eat... became like methhead, i remember erasing my signature and redoing it over and over again because i 'messed it up'

shit was terrible, made me psychotic and srsly fuck the doctors and fuck my parents for going along with it

i'm just fine now, quit that shit after a year but it makes me sick that they give it to kids. i was 15, they give this shit to 5 year olds ffs

Hello my name is Paul Erdos, one of the most influential mathematician of the 20th century. Did I mention that, thanks to my daily intake of amphetamine sulfate, I was extremely prolific at my job ? I once discontinued treatment for a month and I could not come up with a single original or valuable mathematical thought during that time.

Moda doesn't get you speedin. Although the USAF recently switched from giving their pilots Dexedrine to giving them Moda as "go pills."

i cant do maths sober either, i need to have a buzz to study calculus

>I once discontinued treatment for a month and I could not come up with a single original or valuable mathematical thought during that time.
>addicts can't function properly without their drug
Who'd have thought?

he's just giving vague descriptions of what he skimmed through on wikipedia. he doesn't know shit. also he's a dumb fag because he was a meth junkie and now relies on adderall to regurgitate information to get an arts degree. and he thinks ADHD is fake when he doesn't even know what it is

t. soon to be in rehab 20 year old

Adderall is rough. You GET SHIT DONE, but you're so damn amped up, your output never seems to be enough to dissipate the energy, and then you come down and crash hard.

>adderall is given to smart kids who are imaginative to calm them down

That's like shooting a drunk full of tranquilizers and trying to get him to run a half mile.

Is there a safe way of doing amphetamines long term?

If I were to get street amphetamine (not meth) how should I go about using it safely long term?

What drugs if not street amphetamine would you recommend for regular use long term?

thanks for the input

teachers (who the majority women) are literally incompetent at their jobs as glorified babysitters and have to medicate the kids to avoid going on ~stress leave~

methlyphenidate fucked me up. 40mg a day for years. suffered from stimulant psychosis at one point, and wasn't aware

and now i take antipsychoitcs

is vyvanse safe to take on a daily basis or is adhd one big jew?


Just go see a mental health provider and give them the rundown, it's likely you don't need to lie about symptoms/your reality to get diagnosed as ADD, the symptoms are near universal. Do your research/due diligence. You don't want to be buying amp paste or amp salt on the street.

What you lack is not drugs but discipline in the classroom. In Nazi Germany kids were not fed with drugs.
>inb4 Pervitin

I'm prescribed 30 MG a day. I only take it on days I work, and I always take a week off every time I renew my prescription.

Tapering is the best way to go about getting off it. Just stop taking it daily and only on use it when needed.

>In Nazi Germany kids were not fed with drugs

They literally gave out amphetamines like candy. Not only did they pass out drugs, but specifically these drugs. Hitler was a notorious speed demon.

Parents aren't allowed to beat their kids anymore, so the only way to make them act normal is to give them drugs.

>discipline in the classroom.
Oh boy. More mind-numbing bullshit when I could be actually learning effectively, how incredible.

The safest way would be incredibly low doses, the therapeutic range, say 20-40mg.

It's fairly easy to get a consistent quality of drug on the street nowadays so that isn't as much of a concern these days but you may have to adjust for impurities. If you're dead set on self medicating, splash out on some good product from the deep web for better quality.

You'll need an accurate milligram scale and some capsules, along with a dosage routine.

For ADD, amphetamine is the best drug and is quite non-neurotoxic, with damage repairing within a month of discontinuation. Damage is also negligible in therapeutic doses. Alternatives would be methylphenidate but that has a different action (agonist vs reuptake inhibitor, take a quick read up on them) and isn't as easy to get illegally.

>Implying wikipedia isn't amazing for chemistry

I am seeing one psychiatrist for symptons of depression and anxiety.
I have legitimate issues with procrastination and attention. Sometimes with motivation and energy to do things on my day.

With this psychiatrist I'm seeing, which is very good one due the hourly rate I pay, I talked about these important exams I have to take for next year. I suspect shes thinks I might be lying to get ADD drugs and sort of giving me other stuff first, but I 'm not sure.

I think she started to suspect my intentions when I told her I felt very good about the wellbutrin she gave me (idk It legitimately made me a madman with focus and energy but only for one day.) I sort of want to try something related to ADD drugs but I don't want to tell her and force her to boot me out of her clinic. Good psychiatrist are rare and shes a good one I dont want her to stop treating me.

this dude looks like a Pixar character


The deep web is where I would be inclined to get them.

I was insecure about purity and dosage, I thought about using a scale but I was not sure about how to go about that.

Thanks for the input. I will take a look at it.

Maybe school work and reading in the internet generation of vines, snapchat, and all other short attention-span media is the D-day of today for these kids.

In Canada, we actually prescribe literal meth for ADD resistant to meds like Adderall.

Amphetamines fueled the Hitler and most of the upper echelon of the Third Reich from 1942 onward.

just a word of warning, make sure you don't have bipolar symptoms. amphetamines can make you go manic if you are, and it will fuck up your life

take vyvanse 20mg or 40mg, once every morning and ull be high energy like trump

A good psych won't kick you out, she's more likely to give you an NRI like Strattera (Although if you're still on the wellbutrin she's going to be standoffish because it has similar action to strattera) and make you jump through hoops over several months to get to adderall. Sure, they're wary of drug seekers, but being worried about coming off like a doc shopper is going to make you come off a little suspicious to her.

How do you treat ADHD if u also have anxiety?

what if ADHD meds worsen ur anxiety?

that's why the nazis lost. hitler developed psychosis

>Don't give kid adderall
>They fail school and make a living selling their boipucci for a living

>Give a kid adderall
>They succeed in school, leading to a girlfriend, the ability to hold down a stable family, and further western society


I have several friends who see a psych for both and most also have a script for Ativan. I'd be wary about getting into a habit of relying on both.

I never had a maniac episode, so I'm very secure about not being bipolar.
Thanks anons.

longterm adderall use causes brain damage

>we live in such a fucked up society where you NEED drugs to be successful

Maybe stuffing toddlers full of amphetamines is the wrong way to go about solving this problem.

I was an addict that could function for the first 19 years of my life. Before taking a single pill. Then I started taking the pills and got all parts of my life in order. Also made friends for the first time in my life.

Try taking my drugs away and you'll be on the same level of jews. It would be in their interest to spew that bullshit that you're throwing around.

>not just smoking shard
Enjoy the kiddie pool, pussies

>that could Not function for the first 19 years of my life.*

It's what happens when the rich are trying to put you out of a job using the combined forces of automation and globalism. Swallowing (((study drugs))) is the only way to keep up for a lot of people.

>Source: healthcare professional, ex-pharmacy assistant, drug user

t. not smart enough for med school

Actually, addy and steroids is one of the reasons the 3rd Reich Army smashed with the Blitzkrieg, soldiers fought for days without rest.

Think about the future you moralist ninny fuckwad!

>I thought about using a scale but I was not sure about how to go about that.

A good milligram scale will cost $40-50 bucks off the internet and is well worth it if you want to take self-medication seriously. Weigh out the amph on a bit of card and then pour into the capsules. Put the capsules pill bottle (I found a nice little tub for paracetamol OTC which was perfect for holding drugs) and voila.

Dose once in the morning and then once again after 4 hours (midday/1PM) so you can sleep.

>I was insecure about purity and dosage

As I said, it's less of a concern on the deep web, purity from the same vendor generally stays the same regardless. Although purity does scale with price

Okay Bernie.

people who get into med school usually take bitch majors like biology. You'd have to be retarded not to get a high GPA with that major

ADHD is real
ADD is not real, was invented in the late 80s

And ANYONE can see improvements from amphetamines.

Exercise mostly. It won't make it all go away but believe just running will help lower your anxiety

if they fought an even competent army they wouldn't even have made it past oslo. adderall wasn't what helped them, blitzkrieg was meant to just shoot through civies