I'll start
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I'll start
Thread theme
something about waiting in line
Alright the horrible memories
I wonder how slavs will react to the coming western European refugee crisis.
oh boy
something something wasteful
mama and tata chillin' around
You must wait 3 minutes 59 seconds
You must wait 2 minutes 12 seconds
You must wait 36 seconds before
You must wait 3 minutes 9 seconds
Be happy or else!
You must wait 14 seconds befor
Don't be shy fellow east euros and Russians, show us exactly what your mother's and father's grew up with, show these imbecile western young people who make communist general threads what it means to live in such a societal structure, ask your parents and grandparents for photos
it is actually sad that we are being fucked by the democratic govenments more than the communists