Why does everyone hate Reagan so much?

Why does everyone hate Reagan so much?

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They don't.

>hate Reagan

fuck off commie

He was a true American. A patriot. Same can't be said for the docile American cucks shilling for Putin.

their only complaint is usually, "he gave amnesty".

reagan was trump-tier

Trickle down economics destroyed this country

>I love millions and millions of illegal spics and no fault divorce

Kek, never change POL

I don't hate him, but holy shit was he overrated.

>A Boon in the War on Drugs.
>The Amnesty of millions of illegals in California making it permanently blue till the end of time.
>No-Fault Divorce.
>The Brady Bill.
>Somehow as a "Get the Government off our backs" Conservative, the scope of government actually got larger during his term.

I take that back, Reagan wasn't overrated, he sucked desu. Literally a Glorified White Obama.



Who was the best post-WW2 President?


Funded terrorists, tripled national debt, raised taxes, and turned a $12 billion trade surplus into a $100+ trade deficit.

>Republican idol


Closed the machine gun registry with FOPA. Not to mention how many fuck ups he had in the Mid East. When he should of been strong he was weak. When he should of intervened he didn't. When he should of minded his own business, he didn't. Just overall a fuck up.

Fundamentally, Reagan ignored the big, long-term national issues that have reached the crisis point today. It wasn't just that he approved an amnesty; it's that he ignored the immigration problem in general. The illegals kept coming AFTER the amnesty, and so did legals, in an increasing flood.

In the 1980's, healthcare expenses began to chew up an ever-increasing chunk of the federal budget. Reagan didn't even attempt to do anything about this; he just ignored it and shoved it into the future. The same was true of entitlements in general.

Those are the biggest criticisms against him. At best, he was a temporary caretaker president after Carter. But he was no visionary; he failed to identify problems and tackle them early.

Only a retard would think trickled down economics works when we are a globalized economy. If we aren't at the front of the next technology boom (3d printing, robotics, clean energy, whatever), the US's economy is in major trouble.

its liberal propaganda, regan was great

He fucked up California.



That motherfucker ruined California. Fuck him for all eternity.


gave millions of illegal hispanic democrat voters in california the right to vote, therefore giving democrats biggest state in the union

he ended all intelligence requirements for police officers because not enough blacks and hispanics were becoming police officers. today there are so many incompetents in the police force it's not even funny


>he was an anti gun cuck
>he let all the crazies out of the asylums
those are my only problems with him

'the global economy' is an idiots way of explaining it.

Side supply economics or reaganomics, works if you're new money. If you create a company and it is successful. The problem is multi-national corporations have under utilized capital, which they have no need to use on US labor, when they can outsource to the 3rd world. It's more profitable. They keep their R&D but don't make more plants. Protectionism from 3rd world labor is THE most important factor in fixing this.

This has nothing to do with Reagan and everything to do with Volkner the head of the federal reserve trying to reverse our insane inflation rate in the late seventies

it really goes along with their EVERYTHING IN HISTORY WAS WRONG BUT THE THINGS I LIKED methodology that lefties have

That is a misleading graph. From 1789-2008 the debt went from $0 to $9.99T. from 2009-2016 the debt went up another $9.96T

No fault divorce

Ended free college in public universities for California citizens

Cooperated with HUAC and helped create the Hollywood blacklist

he ended vietnam syndrome

Things I hate:
Ingrown toenails
Asthma attacks
Motorists who hesitate at green lights
OP's who ask questions based on erroneous assumptions.

Hey, asshole OP. Guess which one you are.