If you don't own a lead slinger you may as well FUCK OFF MY BOARD.
Seriously don't be preaching your "hurr I'm more American then you" garbage if you're not armed.
I'm not white yet I respect the constitution more than 90% of you fucks.
If you don't own a lead slinger you may as well FUCK OFF MY BOARD.
Seriously don't be preaching your "hurr I'm more American then you" garbage if you're not armed.
I'm not white yet I respect the constitution more than 90% of you fucks.
Other urls found in this thread:
who's my board?
nigger with a gun
sorry bud but being a thug is not an american thing
Ew leave and take your gay drawings with you you pencil dick loser.
I prefer to lift instead, you sissy.
shoot yourself nigger
Shouldn't you be tending to your garden kid?
What's a good first handgun to own?
I'm a small manlet and been thinking of getting a .22 for fun shootans (I conceal-carry pepper spray). I've shot some 9mm guns (HK VP9, some Sphinx, some Sig striker-fired) and they were all too big for my hands and were difficult to operate in general.
Spotted the nogun faggots.
Let me guess, you're either underage, poor as shit, or your mom won't let you have guns in the house?
>8 bullets per magazine
Glock 19. May as well get the most reliable and proven handgun in existence.
>what the fuck is a subcompact?
Are you done being retarded?
one that fits in your fat mouth
nignog with a gun obsessed with chinese cartoons
can you be less of a stereotype tyrone?
I just converted my 1911 to 10mm. Going to shoot it tomorrow.
I'm literally giddy
i forgot code lyoko was a show
My compact has a 14 round magazine. Cz75 compact.
Walther ppk.
Shouldn't you be shitposting on Reddit with this weak ass bait?
A very good show
I can't handle the weight of one, not even the Rami
Can confirm. Great gun. I have about 15-20 others and it's quickly risen to my top 3.
>found the faggot
Sorry you lost your boyfriend in Florida.
If he's small then a glock is not the answer. Fat grip.
Just get a Shield.
>tfw 9 guns
unrelated, anyone have a good way to get cosmoline out of a M9 bayonet scabbard?
Heat. I heard people use hair blowers to melt the cosmoline. Or you can put it above a fire.
1911 with original grip profile
i'm actually here in Orlando driving by pulse each day
but i'm married and with baby... just like shooting sandnigger dude
hair dryer or heat gun. thats how i got all the cosmo out of my M-48, and boy was she jucy
Yep. I'm only 5, 7 and the large 1911 is super easy to shoot compared with a glock. Since the grip is thinner.
>every single malaysian is the author of gijinka christ chan
go kill yourself already, dumb nigger
A 1911 is not a good first gun. Also 45 Autism is an obsolete round.
I wasn't a huge fan of the shield, releasing the slide when it was held back (the proper way by pulling it back and releasing) was really weird and I kept getting failures because the rounds weren't going in properly. I've never had that problem with any other gun I've shot. I recently bought an S+W Bodyguard which I really like but it clearly isn't as practical as a compact 9mm
I have a lead singer, is that close enough?
Didn't I just tell you to leave?
not your board
not /k/ either.
Autistic 9mm fag detected
A S&W 38 snub. Manlet hands here too I love mine.
Why did he steal that girl's heart? Japanese anime is messed up.
>Unamerican Shit Poster
Oh brother its this faggot again.
OP i don't say this often, use your gun to an hero the shit outta your skullcap.
>I'm not white
You had me up until that point you ape faggot. Anyways, every white person should own and be proficient with a gun
Every (You) I get only makes me stronger faglord
If you don't own 20 acres of land you are literally inhuman. You are an ant bowing down to your queen. gob bles the unibed sbabes
Yea there may be a reason why the USMC ditched the M9, hint, 1911 master race
This is your last warning
Nope. 45 is a literal meme round that gets BTFO by most other rounds. Its a slow piece of shit.
That girl is an evil cunt
Could care less desu. Any white with out a gun is a certified cuck. Such as yourself
However you arm yourself, just do it. If you live in a faggot state where they try to control guns. Get yourself a 3d printer and proceed to give uncle sam and his illuminati handler the finger. If they take your gun fuckem, print another. They need bg checks for ammo? Fuckem print some.
Want to know where to get started? hint: FOSSCAD
>Could care less desu. Any white with out a gun is a certified cuck. Such as yourself
You're lacking in reading comprehension boy
>I'm not white yet
Well if you weren't white in the first place, no matter how much times passes you're not gonna be white. Might as well kys shitskin
>muh constitution makes me Muriken
>nogun faggots
Dude you have a fucking Shield, that think is a pos. Come back when you have a real gun.
same guy. Stop arguing and fomenting in fighitng. ignore the shills start arming yourselves fagets
I am armed but that won't stop me from hating niggers
Fuck why the hell do you think we arm ourselves?
>not both
I got some senpai, don't sweat.
I rather not be a feminine beta white guy who gets cucked on a regular basis
Like what Mr. No guns
Anything with a vagina can have all of those taken away with a single police report. How does that feel user?
hes not buying a carry gun. caliber doesnt matter anyway
*autistic screeching*
You don't need to own that many guns.
What if I am not American and own several lead slingers?
You don't need to welcome that many refugees.
There you go, faggot. Now go back shutting down every form of travel from and to your country because someone in an airport sneezed, or whatever the fuck else you where doing.