
is there a worse combination? how the fuck do I live my life as a contradictory to my beliefs? I have to drop one of these and dropping the gay is fucking hard. help me Sup Forums

If you were really red pilled, you wouldn't be gay.

Just be a normal non-flaming monogamous gay and everything will be fine

>33 y old

Don't let your sexuality define you. Keep it behind locked doors like I do

Get the clamps...

Whats difficult OP? I would say you can be both.
The only place you will run in to issues is with the prospect of a family. Kids should be raised by a man and a woman, this is fact. Any other variation causes psychological damage. So if you really want kids it might interfere

You have to devote yourself to God. Become celibate its the only true way. You'll realize that there are good reasons the truly enlightened stay away from it.

Being redpilled is about knowing what's bad for you as a redpilled person. If you can't choke your homo feelings, you never were redpilled.

I heard electricity works pretty well.

Accept that there's no such thing as "gay", you're just into a degenerate thing.

You may be able to change yourself but you'd need to go through very very tough cognitive training to turn your gay fetish into a hard core hetrosexual (normal) fetish.

Alistar Crowley went through this, it was hell for him in the end, but he managed to cure himself after being the most degenerate evil person in the world.

I do want kids so that's a problem

Act normal. Impregnate one woman multiple times. Make sure that any men you screw also find wives.
Although you are cancer you are in a position to limit the damages.

Relax user ....

this desu

You could always leave here and go to Sup Forums or /r9k/ though, plenty of gay shit on those boards.

Just do what I do and stay in the closet, don't let being gay define who you are / what you believe. Fuck all the us vs them mentality, if you think degenerates should be gassed for parading in the streets but suck dick in the privacy of your own house then all the power to ya.

Just be gay. Act normal out in society. do what ever you want in your own house. Don't define yourself as gay, define yourself with your actions. Don't adopt kids.

Do this and no red blooded right winger will have an issue with you.

Wanna go out?

Nothing wrong with liking dicks but theres everything wrong with letting your sexuality define you and shoving it in everyones faces because it's only a small part of who someone really is.

You can not be redpiled.You are part of the problem

Fucks sake mate, don't listen to these fucking retards.


You are not gay.
Sexual identity is a social construct.
Just don't do any gay stuff.

>Men make the kids great.
>Women make sure the kids survive long enough to become great.

I want kids and im gay too

you should honestly just kill yourself

Just get a woman to have your kids. It's not like you need love to cohabit nowadays.

>This is the father of my kids Tom. He's gay.
>Omigod does that mean he can do my hair?
This shit would probably go down a storm with some groups.

>op: boo fucking hoo everyone look at me im such an oppressed faggot don't you feel sorry for me?
kill yourself really

Fuck off filthy het

You have a mental disorder which is pretty harmless. Keep it private and don't be proud about it, or ashamed either.

Use your gay against the liberals. You are a valuable tool in the fight


Id rather live with a dude. Not having to deal with women is a big perk of being gay.

Then don't have kids. They have a 50+% chance of being female.

Being gay and redpilled is no different than being schizophrenic and redpilled. Just accept that you have a mental disorder and try to find ways to fight it. If you really can't just accept it but don't let yourself become flamboyant.

In the same vein, I've got redpill values, but I'm mixed race. Do I help take down the left and kill myself after, or kill myself now?

>He thinks that gays are obligated to be dumbasses

Lol i dont mind females who are blood relations. I would love to have a daughter (or a son)

Go fuck your cousin then? I hear that's all the rage in the USA.

Feminine penis isn't gay m8

You can't be gay and redpilled, they're opposites you faggots


Fuck this board. Fuck you weak stupid high heel lickers

Not really into that.

just discourage race mixing. advocate against it.
I don't hate mixed race people, but I do hate their parents

You only have to do it once or twice at appropriate times. Heck with modern technology you could just turn up at a fertility clinic today and fap into a bottle.

>posts picture of a faggot

You can be both.

Don't act like a faggot outside the bedroom and you will be fine.

I can do that.

Im addicted to cuck porn, chastity porn and femdom.
I have it worse than you

ill have sex with you if youre cute

post face ive always wanted to see what a real life Sup Forums cuck from briton looks like


I sincerely want to die.

>adopt lots of black children
>redpill them

Have you tried electroshock therapy?

i bet you are as beautiful as you are intelligent

Well as long as you make sure your bull is snow white and thinks you get off on him impregnating your wife then you and your wife raise the children together at least you have a little value.
It doesn't really matter how fucked up you are after you die after all. It's what you contributed that matters.

Yea this is definitely muuuch worse than just being gay desu. Nigel get your shit together man

What age range are we talking about here?

Be like Milo. We could use another Milo.

be gone satan! Mike Pence is a Child of God!

You don't have to not be gay, mate - just don't be a faggot. Remember pic relared

As long as you are not the fem one taking it up the ass and pleasuring another man's penis with your lips then it's cool. Lift some weights and make faggots suck you off

Just be like Milo. You're fine.

Can things get any worse?

>gay and redpilles
The non-tranny members of /lgbt/ seem to manage just fine. Go ask them.

>not a controlled opposition degenerate bbc enthusiast

Have sex with woman !!!!

that is even more degenerate than just being gay. Coming home to your wife, bringing aids and another's man shit on your dick and then fucking her after she took care of your kids all the day, is degenerate as fuck.

I don't buy it. That doesn't prove anything. I wonder how many cocks he's secretly guzzled. Trump made out with him. Trump is a pedo. Tell me how many children Christ had, Dan Brown? Oops. Zero. What did Christ say was the sin of sodom that you lied about after you raped everything that moves? Angels don't have a gender. The terms we use didn't exist. The army of 144,000 will be men who have never touched only any women. Eve made us fall. Not Adam

try being half black, at least you can choose to be gay

Same situation mate, I'm just waiting till people know that I am gay, and then I will be able to say whatever I want, being protected by this (saying I'm against gay marriage while being gay will be pretty good)

>redpilled Nat Soc
Welcome to the club

7 - 14, please just take me out back and shoot me. I don't care anymore.

shotas at pretty qt.

Bring her some fishy zika instead, Charlie and then fuck her ass

>and then fucking her.
Mate. The idea was that you fuck her a few times or artificially inseminate then leave her alone.
Having sex with your loving wife every day isn't something gay folk do.

>Just accept that you have a mental disorder and try to find ways to fight it.
I'm glad you did not shy away from saying "mental disorder".

>try to find ways to fight it.
This, this and this. Everyone has tough fights to endure. No one is special in this regard.

Godspeed OP.

Xq28 gene

stop emulating women

gays try to emulate normal with their sissiness

Find a coal burner and make her have your children. Instead of letting her create more half blacks you have created quarter blacks who are one generation away from being accepted by the Nazis.

>Accept that there's no such thing as "gay", you're just into a degenerate thing.

Ignore these dickheads. Gay being a choice is something only retards believe.

The Bible is a really easy book to understand. You fell for the procreation meme as if surrogacy isn't right in there. The very first story in there is how woman absolutely fucked us and yet here you are still subserving to the vaginal jew. YOU are possessed. YOU are mentally ill. You are also portuguese. We have dicks. I like mine. I like them. If you think a woman makes you more masculine you're off your rocker. Absolutely brainwashed

Why does everyone reply to the obvious shitty leaf baiter?

Do you emulate the shit in the toilets you scrub? What sissiness? You get all your stereotypes from hooknoses


>7 - 14, please just take me out back and shoot me. I don't care anymore.
Just try to keep it 12+ tho. Hebe is ok, pedo not so.

>stupid fucking board of zionist slaves

thats like me telling you to find some cheap slag. im done with western women, they are trash.

All better now!

How many of us do you figure there are?

I like pence with those glasses. They suit him

Stop being Gay.

>I'm done with western women.
Mate you have to understand that women are necessary to function as a race. Either you can save a coal burner from the fate of becoming single mom or you can stay single the rest of your life and end your line. If you fuck a plastic chink even if it's an island chink you are only going to spawn even more fucked up kids.
Alternatively if it's spics that make you hard move to Brazil. Nobody is going to notice another half nig down there.

I will never act on it, I just like fapping to it, although I would maybe do chastity, not long term but on the occasional night

It's possible to be gay and to understand that your setup is not standard. On the one end of this spectrum, gayness is degenerate, on the other end, you are forced to celebrate it or be a social pariah. Gayness does not need to carry degenerate weight. As a gay person I cannot stand gay pride bullshit as much as any bible belt republican. As long as you're not a faggot your gayness is probably just fine. The best kinda gay people are the type you never notice. What they do in the bedroom is their own goddamn business.

Being straight and Canadian would have been an even worse contradiction.

Stop drinking mucus

The truth is nobody really cares just don't be a faggot about it and you're good.


Remember, you can't be redpilled and like dick in the ass.

>I want to be a cuck but I don't have a GF who will lock me up and tell me that I'm worthless.
Have you tried getting a whore? I though that actual cucks were as low as it got but the world never disappoints.