I still don't get why Sup Forums hates transgenderism so much

I still don't get why Sup Forums hates transgenderism so much.

How does it affect you?

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its just one thing degenerating society by encouraging mental illness
also saged

They take our cute twinks

And cut off their dicks

And turn them into (((girls)))

It's as much my business as John Oliver making fun of what someone wears or their plastic surgery.

People should be free to do it and people should be free to make fun.

some anemic people purge by throwing up, others take laxitives, but medically speaking, its none of your fucking business, its 2016 let mental illness run its natural course

I really want to hit his head against the wall until it cracks

They give these hormones to children because opf mentally ill parents and doctors.

It affects me because they want to force me to lie about what they are to appease them. I'm not going to call a man a woman.

It affects me when my tax dollars go to mutilating their genitalia.

Because it's a mental illness like anorexia or bulimia. Instead of mutitalting their own body because they think something is wrong with it, they should learn how to live with it.
The fact that the sexes are distinguished by their cromosomes does not change if people operate aways the genetalia.

>none of your fucking business
exactly, stop shoving it in my face

Double standard. "transgeder" is a mental illness, and the common answer to mental illness has always been "dont encourage it". Except now, in this one instance, apparently, it's cool to promote self mutilation.

Fuck that shit i'm Napoleon and i'll have half my spine cut to be his size, and if you object you're Bonapartophobic.

They're a drop in the ocean, but they're as loud as a tsunami.

>It affects me because they want to force me to lie about what they are to appease them.

Where is the force, where is the physical violence? They often asked to be called a certain way but their is no force.

You can choose to call them whatever you want.

>It affects me when my tax dollars go to mutilating their genitalia.

So what? You don't get to pick and choose what your tax dollars are spent on.

I do not hate them
I pity them

They should be receiving psychiatric help
"Reassignment surgeries" are never effective and never actually remove the dysphoria. These people need to learn to accept their gender and become comfortable in their own skin.

honestly, it's less transgenders and more 10 year old transgenders. That shit is fucked up. Let the kid grow up first you fucking monsters. "Doctors" that are assisting trans kids are going to be responsible for a LOT of suicides. That blood will be on THEIR hands.

The fact that it's a nonissue is exactly the point. No one would really care about a handful of spastics who decided it was a good idea to take hormone pills and mutilate themselves in expensive surgeries if they weren't aggressively shoved down everyone's throats as poor little victims who have to be cared for and nurtured by everyone.

Or at least that was the case until they started brainwashing kids into it like said. Then it became something to actively oppose.

It's a fucking mental illness that people admire and support.

>literally a criminal act to not use someones correct pronouns in Canada


Unlike homosexuality (which can actually appear in chimps in nature) transexuality/genderism/whatever is a mental illness, this is a matter of absolute fact

Advocating for trans rights comes 100% from an appeal to emotion

There is nothing wrong with dressing like a woman and acting like a faggot, there is something wrong with demanding law and politics bend to your delusion

As the hack fraud Ayn Rand said: "You can deny reality, but you can't deny the consequences of denying reality"

It is, in my opinion, cruel to try and pretend these people are something they are not, instead of investing in their surgeries we should invest in finding a way to cure their illness

Also heres a picture of some roman fag so I look intelligent

>how does people with cancer effect you?
>how does people with downs effect you?

Transgenderism is an epidemic of mental illness and could happen to anyone of your children and there needs to be a way to search for a cure.

Trannies are pedos and try to push their mental illness upon little kids. They're also a waste of national resources since they're life expectancy is 29

>Where is the force


>So what? You don't get to pick and choose what your tax dollars are spent on.

Kill yourself.

Agreed, the law is pants on head retarded.

I still don't see why someone would be prevented from cutting of their own dick if they want to,

Let the faggots cut off their own dick but no one should be passing laws that appear to violate free speech.

If they don't like what the company calls them they can vote with their wallet

>And cut off their dicks
>And turn them into (((girls)))

cutting your dick off doesn't turn you into a Jew

>gender is a social construct i.e. subjective choice
>homosexuality is not a choice

This is literally the agenda that these things are trying to force on us. Can someone explain to me how that's even possible? My oppressive cis male brain can't process it.

If im really drunk i might acidentally fuck a man. Sounds funny but it really is not