Sup Forums, what do you think of this country?
Norway thread
Nice place, good people. Thanks for the Christmas tree user.
No problem. Happy christmastime, Nigel.
Never been there but I want to soon. Not too far and it seems awesome.
personally I think very highly
I'm hoping to meet/marry a Norwegian qt in a few months after I visit
Norwegians I have met are mostly pretty relaxed and nice people. Generally I don't have anything against you guys.
henger meg nå
Fått for mye å drikke, user?
Om du ikke er Norsk er du u-arisk, svensk (muslim) eller et kukhode
Norge=beste landet
Norwegians are based. Most of you speak English better than the average American.
should I focus my time in Oslo? (I'm hoping to just drive by a wheat field out of the airport and have an encounter with an innocent Norwegian girl)
Not much. Breivik comes to mind and you seem to dislike the Swede
Don't go to European capitals.
I think it's full of effeminate fags
Do not. DO NOT go to Oslo.
Short answer: NO
Better than sweden
I don't know, other than their politics don't seem to be utterly insane beyond belief like Sweden.
What gender is your current First Lady again?
That bulg is bigger than obamas
are you serious ?! (Oslo)
my thinking was
higher population
universities and youth centers
more likely to not get lost or find English speakers
obviously I'm raising the degenerate likelihood but can't be much higher than the smaller cities can it?
should I meet guys and hope that they have sisters to introduce me instead?
Oslo is an absolute shithole that you must avoid at all costs.
European capitals are now basically new york if you catch my drift, AVOID at all costs if you actually want to experience Europe.
U relly think they gonna be down with you banging thier sis...
Why not just call it "Nord/pol/?
>death to america praise allah
Suck a fatty spic
I said meet and marry you degenerate
No he was translating it, but it actually says "hang me now".
Same shit ero-fags tend to have a supiriority-complex just look at Sup Forums literile shit fight
I know that "meg" is me/myself. Henger sounds like "ask", and "na" sounds like anything.
Scandinavian languages look like gibberish in writing but once you understand some words and read a bit of it, you can encode it after a while.
Similar with Russian if you're Slavic.
Rare flag
Norway is cucked more than Denmark, but not as bad as Sweden
I grew up in Toyen in Oslo, literally ghetto hell
filled with turks, pakis, somalis and other shit
it's a true shithole, and it will get worse
we don't have those no-go zones yet, but they will come unless things change
I don't envy other white kids growing up in the Oslo slums
I like Norway, but stop making these fucking threads. This is the umpteenth time I've seen a Norway shill thread this week.
hello my norskebror I will move to norway and see what's up and then probably move back to Sweden. How do you want a guleböj or kjempetorsk in your asshole? How long does it take for a swede to learn norweigan? Can I become an oil jew too?
I'm 100% European (would blend in with locals)
if Oslo is a no go, then there goes half the population
and I'll likely be visiting alone so how many small towns can I realistically hope to go to .. it's weird enough as it is
Norwegian locals .. help me out
2 or 3 towns please :)
I will treat her with respect and love .. I'd go to Sweden if was for degeneracy
Hva synes /nor/fags om det nyopprettede partiet Alliansen?
Bergen and Ålesund.
only viable capital in Europe is Prague, honestly, beautiful city, will make you weep in joy for europe.
>I grew up in Toyen in Oslo
my condolences.
Well not much really but if Norway would ever be in mortal danger i would gear up and defend it to my last breath.
As much as my fathers and grand fathers defended Finland.
No, I don't like Norway
>A bunch off pussies
>Niggers have stolen all the lads in Sweden and is now coming for us
>gov is ruled by girls
I appreciate your assistance. I'll send an invite to our wedding
if I meet my wife in those two cities you can be the best man
(no joke) , Thank You
liker'e !
EOS suger, folk som tror at vi ikke kan handle med europa er mongo uten EOS er mongo, vi kan handle med de da, men det blir en 7% toll.
det vil kreve en mer ökonomisk liberalistisk regjering (enda mer enn nå) og mindre barnebidrag til abdullah.
Send inn signatur for å opprette partiet, fordi du onsker å redde norge!
also a complete miss on the translation apparently
I second this. I'm in Bergen right now for my studies and it's a really great city.
Pass på å dope deg ned forst så ikke de primære instinktene dine overstyrer dodsonsket. Lykke til.
Prague?! ..nice try, but nothing is stopping me from going to the land of wheat field queens
Skriv i testamentet at jeg får alt du eier når du dor. Hvis du gjor det gir jeg liket ditt en blåsejobb
forget Ålesund,
Bergen, Trondheim, all of the south is the way to go,
Kæm e for og kæm e imot legalisering av pot?
Prague yes, its a great city. no joke.
Legaliser gress. ja takk
From the sound of that post you already sound defeated.
så kan dere royke hippie-shit med pakkiser?
ikke i dagens samfunn,
i et tilnærmet homogent samfunn med sunne konservative verdier, ja.
stotter denne
world reknowned cheeze pizza produzers
>i et tilnærmet homogent(likt) samfunn med sunne konservative verdier, ja.
Ka ska du fram te?
Legaliser gress sånn at private bedrifter og staten kan selge det. Isteden for at kriminelle skal tjene penger på å smugle det rundt.
(I'm not going sightseeing) The more you insist on Prague, the more I know Norway is my only choice
I'm set on Norway, nothing is changing my mind
Don't want your mixed meat genes senpai
+ så slæpp man at kids sitt å smoke sia dealers ikke har alldersgrense
Eller så kan vi internere alle dophuer i en diger leir og la de spikre paller resten av livet.
Kill yourself.
"I'm hanging myself now"
lol champagne-sosialistene har en ghetto rundt seg hahahahahaha
>muh I'm european therefore I can mix with anyone from any european country!
How about you fuck off and don't pollute our genepool, burger.
Irrelevant socialist shithole that had a butter crisis.
I'm blonde, green eyed 100% European DNA (not even the 0.1% other on genetic tests)
RH negative
3.4% Neanderthal
it's the females that decide who they want
and I'm will to show up on their shores from distant lands to compete for them
I've met too many lefties and the prime minister is too fat to hold office.
Other than that I quite like it
Be aware. If you're here to ficki-ficki then your ass will be deus vulted out of the country faster than you can say "Sweden".
Spain and Sicily are in Europe too. You are not Norwegian. Fuck off from my country and have children with a 30% Irish white ape like your countrymen already have.
Care to elaborate on this one?
Flere og flere pakkiser der jeg bor på Sorlandet, hvordan er det i Nord-Norge?
Good TV
Negerene tar over byen
Men ellers er det rent
why would I go all the way to Norway just to fuck around
I live in Florida
if that was my intention I can drive to the beach 2 minutes away and pick up a slut
or I'd go to a Eastern Euro country for cheaper/read degeneracy
I'm worried you don't trust your women enough to not engage me if those were my intentions
Trondheim er negerby
>green eyed
Stay home, irish genes aren't welcome
>trust your women
>it's the females that decide who they want
I wouldn't trust women with niggers. Women are genetic backstabbers.
Do you only accept blue-eyed, blond-haired?
How about blue-eyed, dark-haired?
Post your DNA result just for fun.
who said I was from those countries
I'm not sure you're prepared for this
.. Romania
Dark hair is ok (but not black). Blue eyes is key.
like anyone is gonna believe it anyway
I can here them type gypsy as I write this
Nah, I don't want your sandnigger/gypsie genes, thanks.
Oh boy..