Fight, fight, a nigger and a white

>Fight, fight, a nigger and a white
>When the white starts to win, all the niggers jump in!

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This isn't a race thing, it is an american thing

I was gonna refute this but my friend got into a bar fight a couple months ago and I jumped in

If the guy was there alone then you are degenerate.

but if he had a friend and you hit his friend that is just good testosterone fun

1 on 1 let it be faggot, it's a fight not a gangbang

White race is most savage mankind do you deserve it.

Every nigger needs to be absolutely sterilized right now.

2 bombs were not enough

american niggers are literally monkeys

Says the fucking dot. You're just mad because all your tactics boiled down to suicide or suicidal zerg rush that only kills the guys close to you.

And now?

Your army is a guy with a BB gun.

Your navy is an unmanned canoe without any oars.

Your air force is a child with a radio-controlled toy helicopter.

Admit it, you're just jealous because you suck at war. We lost to fucking emus and we still rekt you in WW2.