>Trump Playlist FUCK BOTS
>Pence Rally in New Orleans LA 12/3/16
>Trump on F&F 12/2/16
>Trump/Pence on Hannity 12/1/16
>Trump Rally in Cincinnati OH 12/1/16
>Trump/Pence at Carrier Plant 12/1/16
>Thanksgiving Message from President Elect Trump 11/23/16
>A Message from President Elect Trump 11/21/16
>Trump Objectified 11/18/16
>Pence emotional return to Indiana 11/10/16
>Trump Rally in Grand Rapids MI 11/7/16 THE FINAL RALLY
>Trump Victory Speech 11/8/16
>Just The Two Of Us
>The Truth about Trump Protesters
>Election 2016
>Clinton landslide
>SJW Meltdowns 1
>SJW Meltdowns 2
>Hold Back The Night
>Inauguation of Fire
>In the Hall of the Trumpen President
>We Are The Silent Majority
>American Comeback Story
>AD: Trump's Argument for America
>American Hero
>The Lion
>Trump Triumphant
OP pastebin:
Other urls found in this thread:
Wew, Kek has blessed this thread.
nice digits
In 100 years, Trump will have still been President. In 100 years, people will remember this as the days liberals got cucked hard. But, in 100 years, this will also be remembered as the day we all got cucked hard too by jews.
Recycle this one for later, I guess.
Go here instead.
I'll keep this bumped
Praise Kek.
This time you didn't put "Trump General" in the title. That's the minimum requirement. Let the thread die.
>another Trump general
Yeah, cause we missed the other 5 million with the same links
It is time
Perhaps we could have a conversation.
How was your day?
At least I got the title right this time
Pretty boring desu, lots of shitposting.
That faggotous begins
These threads a goddamn joke. The only one that consistently doesnt fuck up is the botfaggot and he should be strung up. You had one fucking job.
Same, haven't eaten yet either.
Also gonna work out again for the first time in 3 weeks.
>Those digits
Praise kek who provides us with zappers for the holy duty
I should probably do that too. I drink too much mountain dew
Soda is the absolute worst for you user.
Even my coach told me once, he'd rather be drinking beer than cola.
Yeah I should drink less. I guess I just have shit willpower
Just try to make little goals.
You'll barely notice, and eventually you'll get off the stuff.
Same for exercise I guess, little steps so it doesn't mess with you all that much.
I don't know though, I was a boxer, so it might be different for a wieghtlifter or something.
Luckily I'm underweight if anything so it won't be much of a problem to get going with exercising
That's true.
Really all it comes down to is how much you want it.
I guess you and many others here already know that though.
Ok guys, enough fucking around. I'm gay and I don't want to be killed or lobotomized because of some genetic inferiority. I'm all for eugenics and I'm happy to get a vasectomy or whatever. I don't want any more of my kind running around.
But, can you take a second to see the world from my shoes? All I want to do is marry a average to upper middle-tier woman and procreate. Just like the God lord demands. But I can't. Not "Oh vagina's are gross, I love fucking boipussy", but literally "I can't get an erection or ejaculate while having sex with a woman".
My life is shit enough already. Life is hell for me. Can you please start focusing on the real (((problem))) and leave me alone?/
Many people here agree, that so long as you are redpilled and don't try to force us to be gay with you, then all is fine.
(((They))) want us to not procreate, they want us to be gay, if you can help it, you shouldn't have sexual intercourse with other men, but if you can't, then all is fine as long as you don't try to force it on us.
Checked. Time for the electric slide!
I think (((they))) spread the idea to fucking retarded gays to be flamboyant, when the majority of us are quiet and just want to live in peace. I hate my "culture" because of those flamboyant fucks. Makes me want to off myself. It's not redpill, it's reality
Let this thread, the second with a fucked up title, reach page ten. The title needs to contain "President Trump General" so oldfags can find it.
I think the flamboyancy is to get younger children to aspire to be gays themselves, because the they look so fun and daring and whatever else that could be used to describe them.
I hope to see a lot less of it, and I hope you find peace in your life.
I'll find peace when we find a cure
Friendly reminder that this is a fake thread designed to make Trump supporters look homophobic.
it's usually on the front page anyway
are old fags that newb they couldn't find it?
There's been some debate over that, and the legitimacy of its practice.
I think we have a long ways to go.
Some of us are scriptfags. The full title must stay.
I have no problem with gay people m8.
What's his name again, Sup Forums?
Mike "Fap to traps? Get zapped" Pence
I was specifically told not to come to this thread
i'm the same way, it sucks. You want to love a woman but your dick just doesn't answer your desire. It's a feeling of ambiguous loss...idk how else to describe it, and it's depressing as hell. I want to have a son and a family but I just can't. I hate all the cultural faggotry because it's not me and I will not give into Herbert Mercuse's culture marxist ideals, etc... Do what you gotta do in private but know where you stand, and where you stand better be with honor and tradition. Stand for blood and land at the very least. As long as do that then I feel whatever curse has been put upon us, hopefully then it makes up for it....or so i hope. Just don't push your sexual retardedness on people is basically what I'm saying and it's a struggle we ourselves deal with
Everyone's in this thread:
Vroom vroom mother fuckers
>tfw no more Trump rallies for a week
I feel anemic. I need more Trump.
Stop stop STOP!!! You really don't give a fuck, do you?
We get it, babydicks. You managed to meme a narcissistic, grossly unqualified, pussy grabbing orange orangutan into the Presidency. Here, let me give you a standing ovation.
Meanwhile, normal Americans are hurting. The system cheated us out of having our President. A rigged electoral system set up by white men delayed the first woman President ! ! !
It's sick. It's sad. And it's heartbreaking.
What's worse, we will ALL have to fucking suffer under President Pussygrabber until Democrats sweep Congress in 2018 and then immediately impeach the orange slug.
This is America, assholes,and you ruined it for at least a goddamn generation. I hope you're still laughing when you see the kids screaming as their Muslim and Mexican parents are loaded in black trucks for deportation. I hope you're still laughing when you find a woman willing to put up with the miserable alt right stumps in your pants, only to find out President Pussygrabber let Pence BAN birth control. I hope you're still laughing your evil, sick asses off when hate crimes spike 10,000%, and black people have to band together just to avoid being hunted by fascist thugs after Drumpf's housing policies gut their communities.
The joke is on all of us. Honestly it hurts like hell waking up every fucking day since Hillary lost, knowing we threw away a good woman for a racist, insane, and sadistic piece of orange dogshit no sane country would ever elect postmaster.
You have DAMNED this country, maybe the entire planet, and I have to come here every fucking day to see you laughing like we aren't all hanging over the edge of a cliff. Literally eat my shit.
You mad
>can't edit their own scripts
Suck it SJWs, You Fuckers lost! WATCH :
Suck it SJWs, You Fuckers lost! WATCH :
Suck it SJWs, You Fuckers lost! WATCH :
Yeah man that feeling, it's tough to describe, but I can tell you understand it too. It's like I feel guilty that I'm letting my entire ancestral line down, let alone my father. Denial, anger, bargaining, depression.... I'd like to add guilt in to the stages as well. Hopefully I'll reach acceptance one day.
But hey if you're looking for a guy to take up arms with you, I'm in Atlanta ;)
i'll beat you up
>leave me alone?
I'll consider it.
Hmm I don't know why you replied to my post.... but I'm ecstatic that Hillary lost. I prayed to a god I don't believe in for her loss/ incarceration/ death. I know you're a shill, but do you know how much suffering people outside our country would face if she had won? Let alone our own people.... She clearly had no reservations towards bombing the innocent to further her corrupt agenda. People in this country will suffer, regardless of who we voted into office. But at least this way, the poor bastards in the middle east wont be drone practice solely for an oil pipeline
Flamboyant LGBT fuckers who voted for Hillary for her "views" on gay rights and whatever are the worst kinds of people. Because clearly they don't believe in factual evidence. People with asinine and backwards ideology don't just change. Hillary voted for a ban on gays back in the 2000's and she'd have done it again if given the chance
If you're gay why would you even care about what she looks like if even the prettier ones won't do it for you?
You have the perfect excuse to mate solely on genetic makeup. That being said, what are your attributes? Are you at least 6'1? If not just forget and neck yourself.
Leave me be satan, Christ the shit I have to put up with these days...
Donald Trump won.
The real fight begins now. All the GOP needs to do is win over 1 more state in 2018 and they'll have enough states to pass constitutional amendments. This is huge. This is how we truly make America Great Again.
>Term Limits for Congressmen
>Clarify the 2nd Amendment as an individual right
>National Requirement for Photo ID
And that's just the beginning. If we pull this off, we can fix America for the next 100 years.
210 lbs
Engineering degree in Nuclear and Radiological
Body hair for days (my only downside)
I lost my muscles from varsity lacrosse and swim during college from drinking, but I'm not out of shape
Southern, white
German/ English ancestry
>Stop stop STOP!!! You really don't give a fuck, do you?
& don't get too lippy, cuck. The Law is back in town.
I'm learning. I also have some lag with it at times.
ads are getting smarter.
>Leave me be satan
I've reconsidered.
Begone Beelzebub.
Dude that's fucking chad tier. so you can't even finish with a woman? Even if you pretend?
What about Milwaukee and Madison? Have they counted yet? That's where I anticipate fuckery.
>tfw Barron is taller than me
Dont come to this faggot thread
Does anybody know where all these commies are coming from?
I keep seeing /leftypol/ threads, but they are mostly being shitup by you guys (thanks).
We have to stay on guard.
Already a quarter done sweet
>pics you would have posted if Bloompf lost
>Your relatives sends you some oreos for Christmas / New Years
What do?
expecting the world to pander to your special snowflake syndrome is the first mistake you're making user
Bernie should have been elected president
In 2020 a holy hell is comming you fucking retards, the pendulum will swing back to the left
pfft haha
will they get sick of losing and just play dead soon?
Send them to me.
>tfw Rand is taller than me
Here is a free tip: these threads are called "Trump General" (and now President Trump General) for about a year.
You can call it /ptg/ when you are making them but people will end up splitting it with a customary named thread.
i would eat them as i am a compulsive eater
me on the right
I mean, if they were a gift then Trump won't mind you eating them. If you bought them for yourself then Trump would be displeased.
Hydrox are actually really good.
Weak shitposting.
It's leddit, don't let them get to you
They're butthurt because conservatives won house/senate/presidency
Liberals are more butthurt than any of us can understand
They saw us use meme magic successfully and think they can get similar results. Yeah right. Conservatives will be in power for the next 50 years. Leftism has been defeated. Even Europe is turning right.
I lived the Chad life with none of the benefits. It's funny, I could never figure out why girls didn't like me in high school. It wasn't until college before it made sense.
See, I dated a girl for almost 2 years in college. Best time of my life. Unfortunately, she made me get off maybe 5 times out of probably close to 200 times we had sex. I'd either think about other things like porn to get hard or just close my eyes. When I went soft, I'd just eat her out (which I hated) or fingered her or something until she was satisfied. I was in love wither her, but there was just no spark in our sex. Eventually it clicked in my mind that I wasn't into women and we had to talk. It was THE most difficult conversation I've ever had. I'll never forget what she told me during that chat, "We've had sex so many times, but we've never made love." That's the difference between being straight and being gay. We just can't connect on an intimate level with the opposite sex.
Sorry for the disgusting detail
tfw your mom names you after saint michael
our patience has its limits, one day we'll shut their dirty lying corporate globalist scum mouths
plebbit's communism subs and infinity-chan's lefty/pol/
>le red AZ meme
>le red UT meme
>le red ID meme
>le red MT meme
>le red WY meme
>le red ND meme
>le red SD meme
>le red NE meme
>le red KS meme
>le red OK meme
>le red TX meme
>le red LA meme
>le red AR meme
>le red MO meme
>le red IA meme
>le red WI meme
>le red MI meme
>le red IN meme
>le red OH meme
>le red PA meme
>le red WV meme
>le red KY meme
>le red TN meme
>le red NC meme
>le red SC meme
>le red GA meme
>le red FL meme
>le red AL meme
>le red MS meme
>le red AK meme
>le red NE meme
>le red ME District 2 meme
Give up Drumpfkins