No Jokes, No Memes: Was Hitler Right?
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He certainly wasn't left
Certainly one of the most depressing red pills is that the bad guys won ww2.
He was right in some aspects and left in others.
>tfw too intelligent to be a neo Nazi
No, obviously. He was brainwashed by a pedo catholic priest into hating the Jews (read his biography).
Hitler was nothing more than an authoritarian historical figure, on par with Napoleon, Caesar, Stalin, Carlos V, Gengis Khan etc.
He just did what he thought was right. It's pretty much obvious that the Jews do not control the world.
Adolf Hitler was literally the only person in history worse than Donald Trump. Kek stands with Israel. Fuck Palestine.
he was wrong about the following
>lebensraum, thinking that Slavs were subhumans
>invading Poland way too early
>autistic about "entartete kunst" (good idea in general, but they ended up contradicting themselves)
Good goy.
Imo all races but whites and Asians need to be killed.
We could have a genocide real quick, and take a few weeks to mourn bleh bleh then get over it. Why we haven't done it yet, have no idea.
Both should be glassed 2bqhwu
Two sides of the same coin
Hitler wasn't the villain every makes him seem but I wouldn't say he was Chosen by God tier. Otherwise he would have won the war.
are you that nigger woman went on the talent show?
Good Muslim. Believe in Saudi propaganda. Hate the Jew while we rape your women and buy your lands to build up Mosques.
>It's pretty much obvious that the Jews do not control the world.
>t. Crypto-kike
wtf I love Hitler now.
Only about Jews, communism, and gypsies.
Attacking Poland was uncalled for.
One of the hardest redpills to swallow.
yes but israel should have been his solution. make jews happy. make europe happy. no ammo to use against natsoc. everybody wins.
In a way he was right, killing off the disabled, the tards, the Jews would have made this a better world
No joke: considering the outcome, no. He shouldn't have invaded russia, and instead focus more resources on britain. If he needed oil, he could have made deals with Italy who owned Libya.
He should have stressed to his allies not to fuck with america. the populace didn't want to go to war anyway so why risk it?
He had everything in his pocket, he had Chechoslovakian industries, he had united Germanic people of Austria and Germany. He could have shilled Balkan countries on the right side peacefully, without war. Nationalists won the civil war in Spain. He had fascist Italy as ally.
But then the fucking idiot declares a war on Poland and starts a chain of events that ruined it all. Big mistake.
Hitler simply did not know when to stop.
not sure why but it really hit me hard
i spent a lot more time than i should have trying to make sense of it all...thinking how we lost the one and only chance to get rid of the shackles of jewish tirany via finance and cultural subversion.
Contrary to what americans claim, jews dont control the world, they just control the western world and soon the arab world.
1 chance, and we failed we all failed.
And the results are quite clear.
stalin was going to invade
his only chance was to strike first, waiting an attack or further arming was too dangerous for germany
No. A large portion of jews are evil, but most of them are neutral, and some of them are even good. He should have made an effort to go after the bad ones. Because he used such a wide drag net the evil jews now have carte blanche to scheme with impunity.
New censorship law in the USA, no more antisemitism germany style.
>entartete kunst
Could you please elaborate on how they contradicted themselves?
>To all those mothers in the Fatherland, I said,
>"Achtung, baby! I got me a plan!"
>They said, "What you got, Adolf? What you gonna do?"
>I said, "How about this one? World War Two!"
No, he was right on that. Commies need to die and anglos and Germans are natural brothers.
Where he fucked up was attacking Poland drawing England into the war against Germany.
What should have happened was Germany, Britain, and Poland teaming up to rekt the USSR where Germany and Poland exchange sczechen, silesia, pomerania, gdansk, etc for lviv and other Ukrainian and Belorussian clay.
Finland would have kept Karelia too.
Fuck off filthy cancerous Protestant heretic.
Stalin was paranoid not intelligent. This was tyhe same man who made a deal with germany to divide poland, and stood by and watched nazi germany grow.
No doubt they would have invaded at some point, but first deal with your biggest threat. Seeing as how many us politicians wanted to join the war despite many americans not wanting to, you really don't want Britain to still be around.
It's about priority. Between each step replenish and grow your power.
1. Secure germany
2. Secure greater germany
3. Handle Brittan
4. Handle Other neighbors(russia, spain, balkans)
5. Handle America who would be too late to stop you
>Paris liberation was a mistake
He was pretty much definitely a sociopath but he was also a pretty cool guy.
>Don't be stupid, be a smarty
>Come on and join the Nazi party! (Party!)
on the broad scale, they got rid of Jewish/pseudo-intellectual/modern art
that's a good thing
but they were to detailed about
they banned certain keys and note combinations
because they considered them degenerate or Jewish in origin
and they ended up banning things by Mozart for instance
who used those techniques in certain works
>loves animals
Pick one
He would never have been enemies with England to begin with if he had just not fucked around with Poland, who was a natural anti-bolshevik ally might I add.
Well it sure seems like it after what you faggots have done with the place since.
What really did it for me was pattons letters to his sister (I think?). Right before his untimely death in a (((car accident))) he had expressed regret that the wrong side won, that the Germany destroyed was a good race worth saving, and it was ruined in the name of mongol rape and international jewry and banking.
Reading that after really considering the big picture: how does one man turn an entire nation "evil"? He doesn't. How do millions of people get disappeared? They don't (six gotrillion). Why is it okay that every country in the war rounded up outsiders into camps, but only the nazis were bad guys for doing it? They weren't. Etc. etc. etc.
The winners write history. Look into total war doctrine. It's still in force today.
Intelligence and behavioral traits are sometimes racially oriented: German minds tend to be logical and orderly, which resist Jewish manipulations. (((They've))) worked hard for generations and had to mindfuck millions of people.
Yes he was absolutely right.
>they banned certain keys and note combinations
Oh really, I had no idea
I am curious to who's decision that was, would it be naive to think Eichman was involved? Wasnt he their Jewish expert? Or would there be a more specific cultural specialist?
You are forgetting how butthurt everyone was over WW1, Poland never would have teamed up with Germany, they hated Germans and in fact were killing all of the Germans that lived in the claimed land.
Invading Poland was not a power gain move or a military decision, he did it to save the German people being persecuted on the "polish" land, Poland wouldn't even allow mainland Germany access to the secluded German land and you think they would have joined them in war?
Hitler was dealt one of the shittest hands any western leader has ever been dealt and he managed to turn Germany from the poorest nation in Europe into the most prosperous nation in the world.
unironically not bad
I love animals and I'm a sociopath.
Was he wrong about the Jews? No.
Was he wrong that Germany would need additional territory to secure its future? Probably not.
Was he wrong that the best to secure Germany's future was to fight a multi-front war against the greatest powers on earth? Yes.
I believe Adolf was a great leader. I just don't do the scrotum worshipping that Sup Forums does.
i wouldn't say he was right, but he was on the right track. his problem was going after all jews. he really should have just gone after the right ones.
This. I'm still confused, militarily speaking, by the Axis decision of invading the Soviet Union before finishing off Britain AND attacking Pearl Harbor before finishing off the Soviet Union.
I mean, what were they thinking? Was this just a big fucking gamble?
I wish we could get rid of our ghettoniggers like we get rid of commies student in 68
>Poland never would have teamed up with Germany, they hated Germans and in fact were killing all of the Germans that lived in the claimed land.
Oh they would have if the deal was sweet enough. Don't forget, as much as Poles hate Krauts they hate Russians, and Bolsheviks in particular, 1000x times more. And western Belorussia and Ukraine were already historically Polish clay. There was a deal there ripe to be made.
But of course Poland was allied to Britain and France, not their traditional ally the United States, at that time.
France and Britain were more concerned with fucking over Germany than a solution that worked best for everyone.
>What really did it for me was pattons letters to his sister (I think?)
Because you would lose
not sure he mentioned international jewry on the later but he surely did say germans were a good race as opposed to what was coming..
>Why is it okay that every country in the war rounded up outsiders into camps, but only the nazis were bad guys for doing it?
even worse, nazis were honorable towards other prisoners, specially in the begining of the war, they wouldnt punish officers trying to escape they found it as their duty
yet heisenhower held more germans troops in horrid conditions - true death camps, than germany ever did
It is too late for us all, the economic system as we know it is collapsing, the jews won. There wont be a race war or uprising.
Western society and culture will fall like empires of old.
I take comfort in knowing, and this is very bitter to me, that it will be the arabs that will put the jew in their place.
This horde of brown mongrels that will follow us will do nothing, like the good children of kalergi they are but the arabs know the jew, they know them for a very long time, and indirectly, in our countries in the future, will avenge us.
He was correct in the jew problem. Other European countries and even the USA supported them in this and would not have lifted a finger if he didn't invade france and the UK. They even would have even let him run around poland with no shits given. But unfortunately far right leaders cant understand the concept of moderation. Just like this faggot at the alt right could have actually made it a reality if he didnt sperg out and nazi salute. they should have assassinated hitler after they went into poland, and a white utopia without jews would still exist. the leftist agenda against eugenics would not exist and eugenics would still be intact in the USA and other white countries leading to a suppression of the shitskin population.
But that's a lot land and resources, plus he didn't start to lose until after invading russia and japan bombing americans.
After invading poland he quickly defeated france, and was really hurting britain.
He could have had his cake and ate it too, if he took things slowly with russia.
Japanese decision to attack Peal Harbor was independent from Europe. They did it because of US embargoes and because they felt it was the only decision.
Germany's decision to declare a direct war on US and Invade USSR while they couldn't even take out UK was Hitler's incredible stupidity.
Haha oublie ça tu rêves jamais tu vas te débarrasser de ça les négroïdes sont là pour rester.
What he did was justified. His mass genocide was stepping over the line. What he tried achieving was justified. He would've led the best society in history, considering his Health Advancements in such a short time. By now our Average Lifespan would be MUCH larger.
Entire Europe would be Germany, with "Subcountries", just like it currently is, except it's the EU with countries.
Technology would be MUCH more advanced. It's likely that he would've gone for the Muslims after, then Africa, which would mean that Africa's unexplored natural resources would finally be used. Middle East would be thoughtfully explored and used.
Islam wouldn't exist. Hitler would see them trying to expand into the Third Reich using their Jihads in order to corrupt Christianity and he would invade anything Muslim-Owned, essentially ending the religion.
It's likely that Judaism would still exist since his only problem against it was that they were fucking up his Country. Except Jews wouldn't be IN Germany, or not in powerful positions within Germany.
Likely that Russia wouldn't be a complete shithole (Quality of life), same goes for China. And that's pretty much it.
The only REALLY big things that he would've accomplished would be Tech and Health advancements. Which our current governments don't expand on because of Ethics.
Of course he was, but his type of thinking was outnumbered to theirs ((())). Most men who fought Germany would had be serving with Hitler and his people.
Badguys won in WW1 as well.
>our people living in land stolen from us are being genocided
>better not do anything about it.
right handed? I don't know, maybe!
Hitler got cocky after the easy victories in western europe. The end game of the nazis was to destroy Russia so he went all in.
And your defense was that he was greedy? Well greed was his downfall.
I guarantee you Poland would have exchanged west pomerania and silesia for belorussian and ukrainian clay. Hitler could have taken the entire northern stretch out to the urals if he had made that deal.
And guess what? Bolshevism is destroyed and you have England, the Empire, and the United States as an ally instead of an adversary.
I agree with you, but I think we should downplay him instead of disavow him (like you are suggesting with Richard Spencer.) If Hitler loses his status as """pure ebil""", then we can move forward with our ethno-Nationalist agenda.
>no jokes
>no memes
The only thing we actually know about Hitler is that he loved Germany and he wasn't the greatest military mind of all time, or even his own time. By your own constraints, we have to say that he was a good, imperfect man.
No one cares what you think. Go die from diarrhea you third world shithole.
When you are a sociopath you can't love because you feel no empathy
You have shitty (((doctor))) m8
>Was Hitler Right?
If you understand German and read his books and watch his political speeches you would not even have to ask that question.
Russia would has been impossible to take over by Germany itself. If Germany managed to successfully take over England in Operation SeaLion and focused on USSR with full force they would still need more men. Germany and Japan needed to work together.
Which books in particular?
>If you understand German
Couldn't I just read translations?
He was a complete fuckup of a military leader, and I don't think the claims that he singlehandedly fixed Germany's economy are valid.
Yep and we didn't fucking listen. Next time around the jews will burn for real this time.
They were free to leave any time they wanted to, discrimination isn't a genocide. The fact is that before starting a war with Poland Germany had far more industrious and wellbeing nation that theid had in WW1. And they risked it all because of few kilometers of land between Germany and East Prussia and they lost hard.
t. Scrotum licker
Says a country of no significance
On some things like nationalism, yes, but on (((others))) no.
They underestimated the manufacturing might of the US back then.
What he needed to take on Russia was Britain, France, and Poland as allies. But being an autistic sperg he burned all his possible bridges before finally attacking Ivam.
He never even wanted to keep British of French clay in the Reich. Why the fuck even fight them to begin with when you all hated Bolsheviks?
How we're they the bad guys.
I know my country is insignificant, but the real question is will you Americans realize that when your country falls like Rome?
I don't think they would ever be allies. And it's not greed it's building an empire. You need more land and resources to project more power. During the 20th it was consistently the largest(by usable land) who became the most powerful.
Without land and resources you always run the risk of losing it all to bigger nations.
Nothing was fixed. He just hired a lot of people to do government jobs. Anyone could do the same now and fix unemployment, but that always comes back as inflation.
Go back to your weed and jerk chicken fucking nigger.
He was left.
Unironically yes.
>we're they
For fucks sake man. You need serious help.
Neighboring Poland - The First Target: “All Poles will disappear from the world.... It is essential that the great German people should consider it as its major task to destroy all Poles.
No they didn't. They underestimated Americans tolerance for war.
The thought was we were a pampered, spoiled, bunch of libertines who would never care enough to continue a war half a world away.
A fantasy bordering on delusion by the axis as recognized by anyone who has ever seen American's innate love for violence and the idea of the heroic struggle.
Watch his declaration of war against the US.
I didn't want to believe it. But being entirely objective, yea. He was right about a lot of social things. The people around him though, Rosenberg especially, I don't really know what to think about. I don't know what to believe bros.
That doesn't answer anything.