There is nothing older than this

There is nothing older than this.

This is Gobekli Tepe in Turkey.

While Europeans were still inventing the stone bludgeon, Turks were creating regional pilgrimage sites and promoting commerce in a 100 mi radius area 11,000(!) years ago.

fucking white people probably were inventing fire around this time kek

Other urls found in this thread:

i want to bomb it.

Jerusalem is older. Goyim BTFO


>>Turks in anatolia some 11,000 years ago.

Yeah no, mehmet.

Everyone knows that aliens built it.

daily reminder that 'meme magic' is just a google-CERN joint project in quantum computing

where were you when you realized white people are niggers?

Gobeklie Tepe-9000 BC
Jerusalem-4500 BC at the very earliest

And what have they done of note since then?


Okay OP, you went full retard.

The original people of Anatolia were amazing. It's a shame that so much culture is covered in roaches now. This is why I propose we use gas, to avoid harming anything of value.

>Turks were creating regional pilgrimage sites and promoting commerce in a 100 mi radius area 11,000(!) years ago.

Those were not Turks, you uneducated burger.


that place isn't even in Turkey it's in modern day Greece


Turks weren't even in hat is now known as Turkey before 1000 or so years ago.


Gobeki Tepe was buried intentionally 11,500 years ago, which implies that it is even older than that. It is suspected to have been built by a Canaanite group though.

It makes sense considering cockroaches were around way longer than humans.

hm, maybe ancient scarabs which roaches mistook them for their ancestors.

>has doge
can't be all bad

Wow ancient brown t*urks stacked a bunch of shitty rocks. Big deal.


Turks would have been white at that time nigger


gave birth to Greek civilization from which followed Roman and your own.

If they hadn't been conquered by Turks (the people who lived at Gobekli Tepe obviously weren't "Turks" like some anons are insisting I must have meant. come on, don't be daft) they would have continued their Hittite/Greek/Byzantine civilization. Notice those were the three greatest civilizations to ever exist hmm I wonder why.

oooh a mystery box

I've got news for you.
Homo erectus was the first homo that knew how to make fire.

and look at it now

inb4 some retard says something about lemuria, atlantis or hyperborea

This. OP is a dumb fuck.


ha OP btfo

What are you waiting for? Open up! :^)

>implying it was built by people

I bet you felt pretty clever for a second there but you didn't read this. you got trolled (by yourself, really) into feeling superior without actually attacking my point: white Europeans have always been greatly inferior and Gobekli Tepe is the oldest permanent habitation on Earth.

if they had so long to build a better civilization how come they live in a third world

Not diverse enough. Where are proud indypyndynt engineers of color?

bumping for the butthurt

White Europeans are descendant of the Tall White Atlanteans that built Gobekli Tepe. That built the pyramids in Egypt. That built the pyramids in South America. That built the pyramids in Indonesia.

>ancient ayy lmaos made this masterpiece

Turks were still scrubbing the shit from Indian streets 10,000 years ago

God's Atlantean children did. God is an ancient ayyy.


No, Aryan Hittites built it while Turks were living in animal hide tents in the Altai Mountains.
And Jews were living in animal hide tents in the Palestine desert.

That was Greeks, Turks didn't invade until very recently

People actually don't realise how far back Ancient Greece goes

The ancestors of modern Europeans were still in the Pontic-Caspian steppe just 5000 years ago. They could have come from anywhere before that.

The European "Aborigines" who we displaced fell victim to survival of the fittest. Except for the Basques.


>Turks are native to Turkey

Modern day Turks, Australian Aboriginals, Dravidian Indians, they all have the same ancestor in common - Denisovan. A beastly, cannibalistic, twisted primitive man, more commonly known as satan.


>Poo Land

Where the fuck did you came from?

lol turkroaches were into beast porn even back then

>Ireland and Armenia suck
>Sweden and Germany are overrun by niggers
>therefore all Swedes, Germans, Irish, and Armenians today live in squalor under muslim despots

I like your deep logic Pablito. Ease off the chalupas, it's making your blood and brain like porridge.

kike shill fuck off

Cenk, you have to go back and tape some more degenerate videos for youtube.

Greeks weren't even in Greece when that temple was built

>benus wolf

Actually there is, Graham Hancock goes over various sites.

why do they wear pope hats

This is cringe af



Graham Hancock is red pilled as fuck, shits all over mainstream kike controlled archaeology.

Which sites? It was my understanding that Gobekli Tepe was over 12,000 years old, roughly. What other sites are there that exceed that date other than possibly the Sphinx?

this desu.


11,000 years ago there were no Turks in Anatolia they were in the steppes of Asia, it is far more likely these people are the farmers that would eventually settle all over Europe

What u think of his observation that these bags were bags keeping their picked psilocybin mushrooms?


He goes off the rails on drugs, spirit, and an oil drller, but got a lot of the archaeology right, I still question some of his conclusions which I find a bit of a leap of logic.

looks like a roach nest
I think not.

>it's a Sup Forums discusses some complex topic and offers autismal explanations thread

>Nordic statue, by the way Seljuk Turks did not build this shit you fucking moron, this is way before your parasite race entered into Anatolia you fucking moron.

Turks hadn't even invaded anatolia yet you fucking roach

This shit.

They've been there for what, 500 years?

Beat me to it
Where you been senpai, haven't seen your flag in awhile

... (40,000 yo, Germany) (35-40,000 yo, Germany)

I think you'll find ice and glaciers receding were the deciding factor for settling and building.

>huge headstart
>Gets BTFO by whitey in the end
Applies to everyone really

Who cares if you waz kangs. Who cares if you stacked rock blocks 5,000 years before someone else. Who cares if you invented a bunch of cool shit like the compass, gunpowder, etc In the end, a handful of western European countries (and USA) managed to just make the world its bitch, to the point where it wasn't even remotely close.

There's one in south america, in asia someplace, they scanned it and found caverns inside, was banned from exploring, then allowed to, then banned again from the guy allowing it being removed from office, I forget where. Also, as reasonably been pointed out, humans hug the coast line and water level was way lower back then so most sites should be under water.

Yeah OP, of course, turks were not in central asia by the time this shit was being built by ancient anatolians / greeks / phrygians / trojans etc

What's next, OP? Constantinople was founded by turks too? Was Cyprus also historically a turkish nation? Ancient minoan civilization was ottoman?

Where the hell have you been during your history classes? Eating kebab and talking shit about greeks?

Anyway, I can't blame the turks for taking over this historical site and calling it their home.
Roaches love hiding in claustrophobic places after all.

yea like Atlantis kek

white people are so fucking gullible

I bet you think the German invaders of Rome were middle class sophisticated burghers like German historians used to say in the 1900s

for those of you in this thread saying "lol Turks were in Altai" you are giving way too much credit to the influence of their blood. By this logic all British and French are swarthy Italo-niggers.

Ud modern Turks didn't build that.
Not saying it was whites but not modern Turks. They only arrived in the Anatolia region in the last millennium.
Greeks were settled there before modern Turks moved in, its related in plenty of texts and we also have evidence from burial sites etc.

looks pretty Canaanite desu

Are you retarded? The original inhabitants of anatolians were the anatolian people, who were indo-european who were white. White people built this, while the turks were fucking around in central asia. All you turk savages do is steal other cultures, you are all race mixed subhuman scum

see my last sentence here I've clarified earlier in this thread too you just are too eager to meme and not read.

If you read the thread you would have noticed
1) thirty people have made the exact same post as you
2) you still haven't proven that white Europeans are basically niggers who never built shit but trinkets I could carve while drunk like this bullshit:

You can't be very smart yourself if you think Indo-Europeans existed 11000 years ago

I don't know how that conclusion was arrived at. From where I sit Graham makes leapes of logic sometimes that don't square for me.

Graham is about as rigorous as the guy who wrote "1421: The Year China Discovered America"

>does it add up
>do I want to believe it

>therefore yes

Tbh he said something along the lines of: "if i would speculate..."

It was built by anatolians, so how could they have not existed at that time?

You do realise turks arrived only 1000 years ago, the previous inhabitants were all white and created civilisation. The turks never influenced anything, they only race mixed and stole cultures

just wait until ISIS razes it to the ground

why did they bury that temple? It wasnt destroyed it seems like they just buried it and left.

Anatolian means someone from anatolia.
Indo-Europeans simply didn't exist at the time.

Graham Hancock

whoa bro, we're all linked


>Turks were
The turks weren't in Anatolia until the 6th century

Anatolians were indo-european
> The Anatolians were a group of distinct Indo-European peoples who spoke the Anatolian languages and shared a common culture.
stop trying to glorify your mongol cousins

you literally cannot read since that is exactly what I said minus the "white" part.

what makes you think they were "white" like you are? the only evidence is the rulers of Greece, Egypt, and Rome were blond or red-haired. That doesn't mean they were "white" anymore than the Irish are "white" and red-haired, green-eyed Kazakhs are "white."

I swear the IQ of the room drops to the temperature of the room anytime an ANZAC steps in.