why are niggers like this..
Why are niggers like this
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you're the expert
we should be asking you
Why are you talking bad about your own citizens?
monkey like shiny
why is Sup Forums so autistic?
well, because they are niggers
Why is the sky blue. It just is user, it just is.
The Jews did it.
they wuz kangz n sheit
From the light distance on a spectrum, same reason the sun is yellow and not white.
They have low IQs (also genetic propensity to violence, low impule control etc). So they don't progress past the junior high tier thinking and behaviour.
It's very simple. Think of them as overgrown 14 year olds.
They're the missing link. That explains the chimp-like behavior that many of them exhibit.
The real question is, why do Jews exhibit shekel-seeking behavior?
Daily reminder that Apes are more intelligent and empathetic than niggers.
tha joos
How do you explain blavk adults with no criminal record?
lets see they get paid millions to rap about their life and they things they do and have done. So why not act like this when your literally to rich to give a fuck about what a fat virgin white kid thinks on a Malaysian basket weaving image board
what do you mean OP?
reminder there has never been an ape president
*the o
the 9th wonder of the world, because it's a fucking myth
chamillionare lowkey the greatest artist of all time shut up whitey
because they didnt evolve in a harsh winter climate on the russian steppes
Whack ass Houston rappers. BRLA+NOLA ftw!!
Explain my father then.
This is what you get when you do not track the family lineage and just fuck whatever you can get at.
the exception that proves the rule
To be fair behavior like that was always discouraged but when the jews and studios found out kids liked the edge they started mass producing it. I give american blacks the benefit of the doubt, they were more susceptible to influence and had the little culture and stability they had destroyed.
Australia holy kek
Damn. Really made me think
The tall Israeli.
Okay, this one really does look like a chimp.
>monkey like shiny
Well that explains why their kind is attracted to bullets
i have to agree with this tbqh