This is the front of /r/politics. Their anger is never going to end, it is going to be the gift that keeps on giving.
This is the front of /r/politics. Their anger is never going to end, it is going to be the gift that keeps on giving
Other urls found in this thread:
This will be pol in three years guaranteed. It's already starting to flip with all the left wing threads. Pol is generally spineless and doesn't actually stand for any concrete political viewpoints. The whole objective of this place is to be contrarian. This place was a liberal hell hole of a board back in in the bush presidency, full of Bush-9/11 conspiracy theories. Just give it time, sooner or later it'll be digging up dirt on Trump and starting to pivot towards the next democrat president in 2020.
If Trump disappoints on immigration, I won't support his re-election.
Literally all he has to do is enforce the law and undo Obama's executive actions. If he can't even manage that, we've been bamboozled.
Except that's completely wrong, as the very reason /n/ was deleted, and subsequently /new/, was due to moot feeling that we were too racist, and were just a bunch of Nazis.
We've been the same for a decade. Your subversion efforts will fail.
Sup Forums will never be leftist. If it starts hating Trump it's because of what he will became not what pol is.
The wall is happening
>this place was a liberal hell hole of a board back in in the bush presidency
>bush presidency
Lurk moar you tremendous faggot
I tend to agree with this and went too far saying that pol will support a democratic president. However, like politics at plebbit, they will start to dig up shit on trump non stop. Pol will double down that their support for trump was for the lulz, and they never cared about him or the election.
That cut off one at the end is rich, they literally want to brainwash kids even more than they already are.
And I'm sure you held this sentiment before the election too, when you fully expected Hillary to win.
Now you're just in denial."I'll be right eventually! You'' see!"
>bush presidency ended in 2009
>Sup Forums was created in 2011
He is immediately deporting illegals who are currently known to be felons or are in our prisons so there's that
In any case Trump is fully aware that illegals don't vote Republican, he'd have to be fucking stupid to shift to the "but maybe I can make them like me" mentality that Bush had
Reddit, by all accounts, is just a retarded place and good for a few laughs if you know where to look.
There were two politics boards on here before Sup Forums. /n/ was the first, and /new/ was the second.
Both were deleted because moot couldn't handle us being a bunch of racists.
so weird... 1989 miles long, and the berlin wall came down in 1989.
merely a coincidence goys, what is trump trying to tell us??
I haven't said anything about supporting any candidate. I didn't even say anything disparaging about trump. this is what brainwashed retards do, they get the slightest hint that something might be anti trump, even when its not, and spout off some dumbfuck comment about how someone is pro hillary or whatever. I'm just telling you this is what pol will be in 4 years.
>Hitler is literally satan goys
>this place was a liberal hell hole of a board back in the bush presidency
I already knew that
could it be that this is a message board and merely a reflection of the populace. If you remember George Bush, you remember that it should be no surprise-
Forget it. Go read a book.
Considering you're blathering nonsensical false histories to paint a narrative, I think calling you out on the subversive intents of what you're writing is perfectly acceptable. You're just a liar who still feels like he's sunk too much into his losing candidate, and wants to feel vindicated.
If this place was an accurate reflection of the populace then it would be a pro-Hillary board. I understand she lost the electoral college, but she did win the popular vote. This is not my opinion, this is a fact.
Trump represented the entire country. Hillary represented the coastal population centers.
I'm sure this has been driven into you a dozen times, but we are not a nation of city states.
there's that meme again
guaranteed replies
Lol what a retard
what do you guys think of Voat? This is its frontpage right now
Ok again I don't know where you are coming from where I'm this adamant Hillary supporter. the leaf said something about reflection of the population. Regardless of where people live, more people voted for Hillary. I understand, and am not arguing against, that Trump won fair and square. I am simply stating, as a matter of pure fact, regardless of where people live, that in an absolute sense, more people voted for Hillary. Holy fuck.
Oh, we know what you're saying. It was clear the first time.
>gets called stupid
>repeats statement with no alterations
g-guys, I was just saying!
Everyone on there talks like bill Maher it's the goofiest shit ever
The FCC and the FTC are going to revoke Reddit's safe harbor status.
Reddit will close down because they aren't really profitable in the first place.
Even Twitter, which is ten times larger than Reddit, can't make any money.
Reddit will be used as an example by the FCC and the FTC over their stealth editing of comments and then having a newspaper link to those edited comments.
>ITT: asshurt leftists push the "Sup Forums is just contrarian" meme
Kys, leftist scum. We've always been right, we will always be right, your subversive bullshit doesn't work on us.
Remember guys, the election is over, so all the losers can do now is try demoralize you.
lmao. how boring
/n/ ???
/n/, /new/, and then Sup Forums.
Sup Forums is the "Third Reich".
>It's already starting to flip with all the left wing threads.
That's leftypol raiding us you fucking retard.
Compared to these commie scum, I'd rather have TRS invading us.