Remind me What's so bad About Immigrants Again?

So Sup Forums why don't you like immigrants - or illegal immigrants?

What do they do that's so bad

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They seldom integrate whixh results in the loss of your culture and it's not a viable solution for low birthday.

They're crimals, sir.

I thought we all agreed that criminals were bad?

If that isn't true, systems of authority have been lying to us for millennia.

Immigrants integrate into the country they are trying to enter. Illegal immigrants do not.

There isn't a single, rational person alive who is honestly bothered by a person who enters their nation legally, becomes documented, and pays taxes.

People become bothered when their efforts, tax dollars, go into building their country only for services and goods to be handed out to illegals who do not contribute anything back.

>more prone to criminality.
>have kids which they use to siphon up tons of welfare for themselves
>pay 0 taxes

they are the biggest drain imaginable on society.

its pretty amazing the usa has even lasted this ong with 20million beaners taking free shit from the government without giving anything back in return. but I guess thats why you are 20trillion in debt


This, can't find it myself.

Why is this such a deal in America? Any other country if you're there illegally you'll get deported.

Immigration control and The Wall is not about denying good people a shot at a better life.

Illegal immigration is a symptom of mexico being a super shitty country. Nobody would be coming here if where they were was better. The problem is for every 1 immigrant that makes it over here, there are still hundreds more that are still suffering in their homeland, and that will never change unless we just absorb Mexico as a country.

To make matters worse, the corrupt politicians ensure that aid money from the US is being squandered and the money immigrants are making in the US is being sent back as a de facto form of welfare. Thats not a way for a country to exist. Particularly a country that borders the mightiest nation on the face of the planet.

Having a prosperous country as our neighbor is very much in the interests of the US. Its time for Mexico to get its shit together.


It really makes a bad impression when in an attempt to become a part of a country, the very first thing you do is break the law. It's simply disrespectful to the host country.

It's also a huge insult to the people who legally immigrated. The ones who did the hard work and followed the proper channels. I have several friends who are legal immigrants and they very much dislike illegals because they see them as cheaters.

Because liberals discovered that poor, stupid brown people are a solid blue voting block so they manipulate the system to get as many of them in America as possible

I don't know about that, the sheer number of legal immigrants who then go on to talk shit about white people makes me think that being a taxpayer doesn't mean shit if they're essentially a colonist for a foreign society

>illegal immigrants
>What do they do that's so bad
Demonstrated clear disrespect for the laws of the nation they entered.

If they're going to selectively pick and choose which laws they will not abide by virtue of their entrance in the first place, why on earth should I expect them to respect any other laws?

If they want to be here, they should at least have the most basic respect for the very first law they would have to acknowledge may have even the slightest impact on influencing why the nation they seek to enter is attractive enough that they want to enter it.

I have little problem with immigrants so long as they abide by the law, and see to understand and respect the spirit or intent behind them.

On the flip side taxpaying white people are a solid red block, hence why Trump's administration will change immigration so that if you need to rely on welfare to survive in America your ass will get deported back to your home country

Europeans are the only immigrant group which uses welfare less than the native population

Sink or swim, shitskins

Jumping a fence or overstaying your visa doesn't make you an immigrant.

>So Sup Forums why don't you like immigrants - or illegal immigrants?
A country has to maintain it's identity and standard of living.

Too many legal immigrants that don't assimilate fast enough aren't good for the cohesive identity of the country, and unchecked migration can overburden vital social services.

And illegal immigrants are always unwelcome. They should return to their home countries and try again by following the law.

Probably shopped tbf.

>that pic

Thanks OP, I'm happy to read something uplifting on here now and again

The first message exists, but she hasn't been deported as far as i can tell.

She didnt get deported
Check her twitter

I dislike all immigrants unless they are European and fleeing Marxists.

is this image actually true?

Yeah that's what I meant the second pic of the headline, the text used for it seems a bit amateur, that one's probably take.

This. Assimilation should be mandated by law for immigrants. They need to get with the program or get "re-educated" until they do. Still harboring a love for your old country is bullshit, you fucking left for a reason and if you love it so much you can turn your ass around around and go back.

>implying residents who aren't even recognized by the government of the land are subject to its laws and "illegal" in the first place

There is no inherent right of the government to any bit of land. It is literally only theirs through brute force.

But Mexico has nothing worth absorbing other than cartels and crime.

Send them back.

I can't believe a helpless undocumented citizen who was living here peacefully and productively was deported just because some racist didn't like her skin color. Wow.

Really doesn't matter because you won't read this.
It's fake. How's your first day on the internet going?

It's fake..

>>more prone to criminality.
That's only if you count illegal immigration as criminality.

If you don't, they are less likely to commit crime that every other group in the country. After all, getting arrested is how they get deported in the first place - all the retards that can't keep their nose clean and their head down get shipped out, while their betters get to stay.

It's partially why I like the current system. It's basically eugenics.

It is fake. It is what Facebook will be taking down in the future.

((Multinational corporations)) will just need a new class of serfs to make their shit if you make every Mexican an American citizen entitled to minimum wage. A lot of factories will either move into south america or into SE Asia, and we will have millions more on the dole without a hope or a prayer. No fucking thank you.

The first generation of people from Asia and Africa were hardworking and trying to integrate, they caused zero trouble. Now we've got 2nd/3rd gen and they're "As British as you mate!!" leech welfare because they can, are really eating into the stats for sexual and other violent crimes, and they all demand our culture change to fit their ugly ancestral cultures and skin colours. I wish we'd never bothered. They are an expensive drain in every way, and any good is far outweighed by the bad. We should have only ever allowed in whites.

We have to decide as a country how many immigrants to allow and from where, and follow that policy. Every illegal immigrant is a blow to a regulated, sane and LEGAL immigration policy.

>sail to America by order of the king
>claim it's now yours because reasons
>genocide indigenous population
>even betray the king
>enslave Africans
>cry when Mexicans come and work $5 per hour jobs

Honestly white America deserves no sympathy

>There isn't a single, rational person alive who is honestly bothered by a person who enters their nation legally, becomes documented, and pays taxes.

In 2001, 250,640 people immigrated to Canada, relative to a total population of 30,007,094 people per the 2001 Census. Since 2001, immigration has ranged between 221,352 and 262,236 immigrants per annum
1991 27,296,859
2001 30,007,094
2011 33,476,688

I don't want to look up yearly immigration rates, so lets split the difference and say ~240,000 immigrants come to canada yearly
That's ~2,400,000 / 10 years
From 1991 to 2001, Canada's population grew by ~3,000,000
2001 to 2011, ~3,000,000 again
Canada's population increase has been 80% immigrant
Canada's 2011 population was 14% immigrants that arrived within 20 years
I don't think 2021 will be much better

I'd look into the labour participation rate, how many first-generation immigrants collect welfare, and probably make some conjecture about large immigration numbers vs native population devaluing workers and keeping wages low, but... well I just don't want to bother.

immigrants aren't the problem, undocumented immigrants are. undocumented immigrants don't pay taxes

>what is ethnic nationalism
Stay bluepilled newfag cuck.

>That's only if you count breaking the law as breaking the law.

Come on, if we just ignore the law then these peaceful people are actually the best demographic of all.

Don't know if legit or not anons, I found on twitter.

Our country is filled with fencejumpers, referred to as immigrants


Illegal. self explanatory.