Who else fell for the genetic ancestry Jew?
Turns out I'm a pakiniggerkikefinn, not even remotely white. Not really surprised, to be honest.
Who else fell for the genetic ancestry Jew?
Turns out I'm a pakiniggerkikefinn, not even remotely white. Not really surprised, to be honest.
>build a dubious genetic test
>everyone insatisfied is just "bitter"
>everyone who got desired results defends the test
>not using ancestry.com
Have fun with your vague, inaccurate pleb shit.
What are the differences?
You don't know what that means. Do you have white skin? Bam.
The term you're looking for is Anglo, you dumb fucking retard.
Idk, why are you using linux right now instead of google chrome?
Mate wat
I'll give you the (you) you so crave.
Anglo = a person of English ancestry
Aryan = a person of broadly European ancestry; sometimes (incorrectly) used to mean a person of Germanic ancestry, or a person with blond hair and blue eyes, or a person with "nordic" features
White = a meaningless term used to mean anything from "having white skin (but not east asian)" to "caucasoid" to "aryan"
I was using white as it is most commonly used on Sup Forums (to which I welcome you, newfriend :^)) as synonymous with Aryan.
It was a very witty way of pointing out that there is no comparison between the two.
>as it is most commonly used on Sup Forums
Because 90% of Sup Forums is fucking retarded like you.
You're the lad who doesn't know what Anglo means.
you are what we tell you goy
oy gevalt
I am a son of slav immigrants, so I'm already sure I'm not a nigger.
you gotta go back
Seriously though; I've been wanting to do something like this.
Please explain to me the difference between the 2.
im half jew quarter italian and quarter spanish
of the half jew side im half ashkenazi (white jew)
and half sephardi (shitskin jew)
There's isn't except maybe price.
That's funny, my best friend is an Argentine jew from Nevada.
Thankz finbro
I'm happy with mine
this is bait
>ashkenazi 0.6
one of us one of us
I take it she's 15% Shire Horse.
>47% spic arabpean
>1% pizzanigger
>7% tan euro mutt
>2% G_d's chosen people
>25% injun (headless variety)
>.1% chink
>2.5% chink & injun conundrum
100% goy
Congrats you're an American :)
Thank you, my oriental friend.
Bro, they are pretty accurate.
Don't be mad just because you are not 99.6% European like me.
White? Fuck who knows this happened TWICE to me now. What the fuck guys. Am I an ayyyy
Question: given that your ethnicity is whatever the worst thing in you is (sewerage + fine wine = sewerage, no matter the amounts involved) is this guy an abbo or a nigger?
>an almost full blooded jew
Alright you called me out so here it is. I added some pics I had to show just how accurate these tests are.
I should do one of those just to check if they are reliable, I'm probably one of very few people who can trace my family tree to around 1350-1400, I know for a fact my father's family hasn't left the spot since that time and I know where they came from before that so they wouldn't be able to fool me
Analyze the raw data against ancients to get a clearer idea of your origins.
Corded_Ware_Germany_RISE446 6.761%
Iberia_BA_ATP9 6.1695%
Karasuk_RISE_avg 5.3085%
Kotias_KK1 3.5205%
Greece_LN_Klei10 39.0305%
Bell_Beaker_Czech_RISE_avg 39.2099%
You didn't address your Finnish heritage fool
I don't have pictures of me doing math homework or eating white rice.
I was very pleased with my result! Good look on the test, goy.
t. very very very jewish
I would do it if it didn't cost 99 fucking dollarinos
Honestly though, finns get too much shit here.
I will be disappointed if you do not marry a Jew. So will a thousand years of your Jewish ancestors, who are also mine.
Not getting the results you wanted does not mean it is inaccurate. Jews have always been a part of Europe. While they were never the majority, they were there and sometimes mixed with Europeans. It really isn't that surprising that some people whose families come from Europe could have Jewish blood, even in small percentages. Do you actually know who all your ancestors are? And who their ancestor are? I doubt it. And saying "they were all from Europe" doesn't prove anything.
i mean non rich jews are pretty based at least here
i never heard about a gay jew wedding
but tons of catholics one
plus they teach sewing and cooking to their girls even if its masked as muh heritage its still works
I am the future.
"I am 100% black. I was born in Kenya."
If your family doesn't already have the entire family history compiled and passed down from generation to generation, requiring you to take a DNA test or use an outside lineage company, you might as well be a nigger TBQH.