Who else fell for the genetic ancestry Jew?
Turns out I'm a pakiniggerkikefinn, not even remotely white. Not really surprised, to be honest.
Who else fell for the genetic ancestry Jew?
Turns out I'm a pakiniggerkikefinn, not even remotely white. Not really surprised, to be honest.
>build a dubious genetic test
>everyone insatisfied is just "bitter"
>everyone who got desired results defends the test
>not using ancestry.com
Have fun with your vague, inaccurate pleb shit.
What are the differences?
You don't know what that means. Do you have white skin? Bam.
The term you're looking for is Anglo, you dumb fucking retard.
Idk, why are you using linux right now instead of google chrome?
Mate wat
I'll give you the (you) you so crave.
Anglo = a person of English ancestry
Aryan = a person of broadly European ancestry; sometimes (incorrectly) used to mean a person of Germanic ancestry, or a person with blond hair and blue eyes, or a person with "nordic" features
White = a meaningless term used to mean anything from "having white skin (but not east asian)" to "caucasoid" to "aryan"
I was using white as it is most commonly used on Sup Forums (to which I welcome you, newfriend :^)) as synonymous with Aryan.
It was a very witty way of pointing out that there is no comparison between the two.
>as it is most commonly used on Sup Forums
Because 90% of Sup Forums is fucking retarded like you.
You're the lad who doesn't know what Anglo means.