Warning. Don't Go See This Movie

Arrival AKA Fuck Gravity AKA Jewish Death Worship AKA There Are No Constant Laws And Forces In The Universe AKA Amy Adams Makes Me Sick AKA This Is How You Doom Nations AKA Fuck The UN AKA Good Thing Hillary Lost AKA Christianity Is Under Siege AKA As Fucking A White Male, This Movie Is Satanic.

Watch Out Lads! Just Went To See It. Didn't Feel Safe In The Movie Theater Actually. At Least Hillary Didn't Win...



>Didn't Feel Safe In The Movie Theater Actually.

Fucking leaves I swear to God

So are they jewish cephalopods?

Does this take place in the Alien/Prometheus universe? The spaceship seems to be inspired by that.

Were you literally shaking?

>crying 4 u rn

They Control Time And Space.

I think the message they were trying to send was two-fold:
>The forces and laws in the world are not constant
>We are able to control these forces

This is satanic and goes completely against Christianity, which sees Jesus as the one true God of this world, and we have zero control, while Jesus has 100% control.

Makes sense considering how the left wants to destroy the Western White Christian.

man when i see things like this i really do wish white people were going extinct just so i could see you be more of a little bitch. Man whats it like living in a world of such delusion?

>lines up with brumpf's election

Pretty sure everything Hollywood does is Satanic
What makes this movie special?
Did you make a similar thread when This Is The End came out?

>This is satanic and goes completely against Christianity, which sees Jesus as the one true God of this world, and we have zero control, while Jesus has 100% control.
actually good message
stay slave christcuck

can you prove 100% jesus is the one true god and that his version of religion is the "one true religion" or is this just something that was force fed since you were born so now your an adult who believe's in fairy tales?
>if you were born 3000 miles in any diff direction you'd believe in a different god

How is brumpf a biblical man in any sense but relevatory?

no. maybe.

only in the sense that they are our friends and want quid pro quo

this is good.

for anyone who hasn't seen it, it is just a rip off of Kurt Vonnegut style time "travel" with a lot of "soldiers are dumb, women are the clearest thinkers, the UN is good, the citizenry are apes" mixed in for good measure. actually, that is the entire movie. there are aliums too but the whole movie is Hillary/NWO type imagery.




Zionald dindu nuffin

Glad I saw this before faggot leaf OP came here and posted spoilers

I enjoyed it until it went full Interstellar at the end

>capitalizing every word

What kind of autism is this?

Tbh I really enjoyed this movie. It was definitely dumbed down a bit to appeal to a wider audience, but I thought it was still pretty solid.

I didn't detect and discussion of God or religion or whatever. This story is an examination of non linear storytelling in film. The whole idea is that the alien language allows people who understand it to exist in all moments of their lives at once.

NO Mexicans, jumping the WALL

It was really leeching off of Chris Nolan sci-fi's.

So you control the laws of physics faggot? This world is Satan's Domain. Only truth can transcend it. And the keeper of truth is the one true god Jesus

Trump gives Christians free reign to carry out what they want. Hillary would've tried to destroy them further.

All alien disclosure shit is jewish

It's a good movie, shut the fuck up. It's about ayyliens not missus equality vaginapower, despite what fake news websites and edge lord trumpies with no taste in movies will say.

Fuck off, I've been brainwashed to hate xeno already.


>from the director of Sicario

Say no more, that movie sucked more dick than OP

Oh sh*t my bad

you are retarded leaf, btw my gods are stronger than your dead jew

Yeah I caught that hint of globalism non sense from the movie but other than that it was kinda entertaining at first and then went retarded. Really can't understand all the high ratings objectively it was just an ok movie. Nothing I thought about after I left the theatre.

There is only one god pulling the strings. You think you're a good person? You're not, you're flawed!

So what's wrong with the movie? I haven't seen it, but it's been getting good reviews.

Don't worry, I haven't watched any Hollywood movies in like 15 years and I don't plan on watching any for the rest of my life.

Promoting Satanism disguised as Boring Pseudo Science

>social science cunt was MKultra'd to believe the daughter she never had died of cancer in order to precipitate a total stand down of Earth's military against the aliens
>her reward is finally getting a boyfriend (organized by alien reality control) and maybe having that daughter who dies of cancer

Pretty clever tbqh pham

That was probably THE most anti-climactic movie I have EVER seen. It could've been so fucking good dood, but they had to do all this fucking inception timeline nonsense where the whole fucking time it's "Hhaha you won't know what period of time we are currently in because the power of this language somehow rearranges the circuits in my brain somehow allowing my too see through time."

And in the end they fucking make it about their own personal love life? What the fuck dude show me the advancement of the fucking species now that we're muh one race, the human race. I don't want insight into how this experience affects your fucking personal life, I'm not emotionally attached to your character, and I don't fucking care if your daughter died and you can speak Farsi.

the theme of this movie is to be pro-life

How so? Explain please

>This story is an examination of non linear storytelling in film.

Its probably the most effective I have seen, more so then memento.

The process of watching the film is figuratively the same experience as learning heptapod. The point in time where amy adams understands what is happening so does the viewer.

If you go back and watch the movie again, you watch it just like a heptapod. You know the whole story and get to live in the moment.

It was executed so well that i couldn't help not enjoying it

That's why faith is important. I used to think like you.



Didn't the cinema provide a safe space with a ball pit?

Not an argument

>New scientific developments = There's No God
>There are no constant laws and forces in the world and they can be controlled

This is satanic and goes completely against the scientific truth that we have zero control, while Jesus has 100% control.

Makes sense considering how the left wants to destroy the Western White Christian.

>Fuck Gravity

Pretty good.

That doesn't explain the movie to me. What is the plot and what happens in the film to support your claim?

Obvious paradox is obvious. I'm not picky with movies that involve space-time or how it is perceived, but there was nothing clever about this shit. It was in your face since the moment she started having flashbacks 3 minutes into the movie which you know is going to be about aliens. Not specifically the daughter part, but having their perception altered.

you're a fucking religious nut

Fuck off. Man is god.

This, tons of globalism subtext including an Alex Jones type character that causes some soliders to go bad. Also I think they briefly mentioned fun control.

Are you an evolved ape? How does it feel to be a monkey?

What is the AKA?

Aliens come to earth and show them how to control time. The aliens can also telekenetically control matter, and tries to explain it as a true possibility. Pseudo-science is a way to attack truth

A plot line promotes the idea that the USA has to submit to other world powers, which is part of the Pro-UN Anti-Christian-USA movement.

I could go on.

Also Known As

>spiritual forces are natural forces


I saw the movie, i thought it was pretty good. Just my opinion though

Life is a natural force

>Are you an evolved ape?
Yup. So are you.

>How does it feel to be a monkey?
Not bad. Bit chilly.

>Godless leaves
Day of the rake now

>there was nothing clever about this shit.

Not even the title card being at the end of the movie? That alone gave me a chuckle

its this movie again no one gives a fuck

Is it like Contact? I thought Contact was quite degenerate. Posits an atheist universe and was written by Carl we-star-stuff-now Sagan.

Man is god : ^ )

>you can see into the future if you understand coffee stains

Thought it was a pretty good film, great scifi story and wasn't focused on moronic action movie stuff.

Got a kick out of the very lovecraftian design of the insides of the ship and the aliens themselves.

as usual leafs are fucking morons. go watch gods not dead or some christfag trash.

jesus is our one and only savior

Jesus lead a life of truth. He completely transcended our world. Only truth transcends this satanic domain.

There's some irony there, but I don't think it's exceptionally unique or even especially relevant to the plot. Maybe if you read into it a bit. Not the first movie I've seen do it, but I see the humor in it.

>Yup. So are you.
>Not bad. Bit chilly.
Glad to hear, your mother must be proud.

In all seriousness, Darwin was a fraud.
>If you repeat a lie often enough, it becomes the truth.
>If you tell a lie big enough and keep repeating it, people will eventually come to believe it.



>Darwin was a fraud.

Share what you're thinking

Agreed none of the concepts in the film are new. I would argue its all about the execution. The story was very tight, it focused on the experiences of Amy Adams character. Nothing felt cheap to me, the story worked within the confines of the world constructed. The nonlinear nature of the story fit with how the story was presented.

Unlike a Tarantino film that just cuts shit up for kicks. or compared to Nolan shit like Interstellar which tried to do this big huge idea and ends with love holds the universe together.

I'm thinking that you're not giving enough information .

man is dog

Agree. The movie sells free will by letting go of determination aka jew world order.

It's 2016 and you are still going to the CineJew.

I'll torrent and watch it, and if I like it I'll buy the 4K Blu-ray

lol I forgot about the fun control

IIRC they dropped the line about it right as they showed rioting in countries where funs are already regulated to death like China.

my girlfriend who is from the midwest went with me to see it. she didn't like it just because it had a female protagonist lol

Oh boy, a schizo thread.

The movie was good. Get over it.

I had a 10 minute argument with my wife over wanting to know what the Chinese general's wife said, and whether or not it mattered

its the cynical bad vs evil message you're always hearing from the left. It is true that we are all flawed. But this belief will be the death of our peaceful and prosperous land.

fun control? explain please.

gun control
nice digimon

It was something about war making widows, i don't remember the exact translation

I meant you aren't giving me enough information about the movie.

You're absolutely right about the execution. I think the concept is perfectly fine. Yeah, there are some issues with the pseudo-science involved, but like I said, I'm not especially picky as long as it sounds like it could work to a pleb. I would have been much more impressed with it if they didn't spoon feed me the concept throughout the movie, and left it up until the end to drop it subtly. Something like Shutter Island, where the whole time you're under one impression, and as the movie goes it builds up to you realizing you were in an alternate plot line conceptualized by the character.

Looks like shit desu. Read Childhood's End instead.

read the wiki plot bud

dont remember that part but I do remember the trailer for Miss Sloane. After I saw that, all I could say was good thing hillary lost

>tfw a Taiwanese guy wrote the book that this movie is based after

How can white bois even compete? Fuckin low IQ cucks!

>This is satanic and goes completely against Christianity, which sees Jesus as the one true God of this world, and we have zero control, while Jesus has 100% control.
>Makes sense considering how the left wants to destroy the Western White Christian.

>this movie is bad, but I'm not going to explain why. Just trust me at face value

>I would have been much more impressed with it if they didn't spoon feed me the concept throughout the movie

agreed, they were dropping hints really hard. If you couldn't figure shit out by the paintings of the bird cage or a million other little things I am not sure why you were even in the theater

but people are stupid and you got to spell it out or they bitch about confusion

The director has impressive movies under his belt. No idea what's up with this one. He always makes mystery movies.

>>If you repeat a lie often enough, it becomes the truth.
>>If you tell a lie big enough and keep repeating it, people will eventually come to believe it.

You are a real kike piece of crap. When the smoke and mirrors are gone, your weak progeny will be wiped off the face of the Earth.

This movie sucked fucking cock. So fucking boring like it had no point or real plot even.

Ayyyeee lmaos come down and some bitch learns their langauge and sees into the future because of it (???) and saves the earth because the humans were going to kill the aliens for being cryptic cunts who wouldnt be straight up with them.

The general idea was the aliens forced mankind to work together because apparently 3000 in the future they would need mankinds help for their own species survival. The aliens knew this and traveled across space and time to contact earth but apparently were too fuckwitted to do anything about it themselves despite being able to actively manipulate time and events.

Plot was full of holes and was trying WAY to hard to be all mystical and cerebral. It was just another generic koombaya faggot plot with the most lame ending ever hurdur lemme get dicked by this dude even though i can see into the future and know we will get divorced and our single child will die of cancer like seriously fuck off how about not choosing a shit destiny

Fuck this movie sucked.

Aspie Mental Masturbation.

it took me slightly longer than I'd like to admit but when the daughter was making clay figures of the aliums I just about fell asleep out of irritation.

I saw this next to UCSD which is a liberal safe space. Everyone afterward was looking at each other like "we did it guys" and "wow women really are good leaders, Q.E.D."

It was just a "muh feels" marathon for Hillary voters. Remember at the beginning where her mom calls her panicking and she's like "mom, I told you not to watch that channel, they get paid to spew bullshit." Everyone in the theater thought that lame put down was a master slam.

It should have been called "Reddit: a womyn's journey"