What in the blue hell is going on here?
What in the blue hell is going on here?
>ruins democracy
>america is a republic
Why are liberals so stupid?
Fuck off. If Hillary won and lost the popular vote you would be bitching about it too.
Not saying liberals are not hypocrites but so are you.
>popular vote you would be bitching about it too.
>Not saying liberals are not hypocrites but so are
Actually I wouldn't because I understand is the value the electoral college has in keeping the union together.
We are a constitutional republic not a democracy if the video's title was something along the lines of "Why the electoral college is no longer needed our republic" than it would be more acceptable but the thing is that the electoral college is by nature to be undemocratic so that way ever state has an opinion on who is the chief executive. I'll put down why we chose the electorate system in detail if anyone is interested.
I wouldn't because I understand how the system is set up.
With that out of the way, the way the system is set up is completely retarded and the results of all manners of voting should be down to total raw numbers.
This faggot tries to talk like Alton Brown or whatever the guy from the food network is.
Yeah sure, I'd like to save it as pasta
>Candidates shouldn't have to even acknowledge states that aren't next to oceans to become president
The ends justify the means to every one of these people, so I wouldn't be surprised.
They don't acknowledge them because they are lock step for democrats. If the states were somehow in play candidates would give a shit.
>total raw numbers
Thank you Mr Soros we know how you feel on this issue.
Hit it Civics man.
My basic understanding of the electoral college as a Canadian is to prevent population centers from voting en bloc and ruling the political landscape.
>I have never taken a political science course or understand that definitions of words evolve over time
The United Sates is both a republic and a democracy. More specifically we are a representative democracy, and not the direct democracy, or simply democracy as the Founding Father understood the word "democracy" in their time to mean.
It would be better to remind leftest that the United States is a federation, a union of states in which each made a compact to retain their semi-sovereign character under the constitution. To forgo the federal character of the Electoral College would mean to unbalance the American system.
Yeah I've been hearing this argument a lot, so I decided to calculate the results of the 2016 election if the states didn't receive extra electors from Senators. Because each state receives two Senators regardless of population, while seats in the House are divided proportionally, it's the Senators that skew voting power to smaller states. Here are the results.
Out of a total of 435 electors,
Trump 245 - Clinton 190
So even if the States electors were based purely on number of House representatives, Trump still won.
I'm still curious as to why the distribution of electors is undemocratic when used for electing the executive, but it's not considered undemocratic when it's used to determine legislation.
Interesting point.
In fairness, this was made literally a year before this election. Like, this episode being written and Killary's defeat have nothing to do with each other.
Take your cheeto and go.
Adam Ruins Everything is nothing but liberal propaganda. He had an episode 6 months ago about Trump's wall, and explained it was stupid because illegals can just build airplanes to cross the border. That was the actual reasoning, as if they can just slap together an ultralight in a garage and somehow hope the border undetected with no prior experience flying. It blows my mind people actually believe this shit
Well technically it does, however in the words of Plato and Aristotle democracy is a shitty system that doesn't actually protect the minority thinker and only goes with what the leaders want backed up by a swayable mob despite the fact that the electoral college exists for a reason.
>inb4 some stupid dumbass says it was "to keep blacks votes from counting as much"
That's how it's being interpreted by rural voters now, but they're just as deluded as the libs who think the Electoral College can overturn the election because it was designed as a safeguard against the electorate making a stupid decision.
The truth is that if you take the top 100 largest cities in America, their combined population is 61,325,698, which is less than a fifth of the total population. To qualify as one of the top 100 cities in America, you need only 212,000 people, so it's not like I'm leaving out a bunch of people here. So even if the Electoral College were abolished, it's not true to say that candidates would just campaign in NY and LA and call it a day.
The real reason the Electoral College exists is because the United States of America is firstly, well, a bunch of states that united. When they were figuring out how to elect President, people from populous states like Madison wanted to have a flat popular vote, while people from smaller states didn't for obvious reasons. They also had to reconcile the fact that southern states had slaves. Ironically, the southerners wanted their slaves to each have a vote so they'd have more political power, while northerners wanted to deny them the vote. In the end, to satisfy each state so that they would join the union, it was agreed that each state would have it's popular election and send representative electors to vote on the President. That way, each state had a voice.
When will Adam do an "Adam Ruins Everything" about Adam Ruins Everything where he admits he's just a biased shitlib faggot?
I fuggin hate that guy, my family is crazy about him 'cause "Hurr Durr muh soap is bad for hair" + "big business be runnin everythang"
This will be hardly pasta worthy
can you even describe a "representative democracy" lets not going around calling lemons limes just because they look alike. Hell our founders knew democracy of the athenian model and republic of the roman model and they chose the roman model which is why we have a huge fasces in our senate room. and to call our nation a "Federation"? what the hell are you smoking one state does not have overarching power over the others
we got the electoral college because of stupid people. The founders knew that public office is a popularity contest so people would vote for the most popular person (i.e George Washington who fought in the revolution) and word did not spread that far when it came to the whos who of government. The average citizen of the time would recognize the name of important people of his state but not others so come election time each state would have ended up casting ballots for local favorites and since bigger states have more people large states like New York or Pennsylvania would be the ones deciding the presidency not all the states. The electors were the solution to the problem. A group of educated men who would be entrusted to vote for the interests of their state rather than pick celebrities. This was the perfect solution at the time but as we know their is another problem of how many electors does a state get? The number of electors was pretty much assigned because of the Connecticut compromise which was too protect smaller states from bigger states while giving bigger states the power they deserved.
so there we have the electoral system because people were dumbasses then and because large states would over power small states.