>dude... why is weed even illegal lmao
>it can cure cancer and shit mayne
Do degenerate weedfags actually believe this shit?
>dude... why is weed even illegal lmao
>it can cure cancer and shit mayne
Do degenerate weedfags actually believe this shit?
Go throw a shrimp on that barby you fucking prisoner
Weed is for niggers.
Go to prep the emu you shitposting cunt, weed must be legal
Chinese used to cultivate marijuana when you europefags were using aledalds to spear bovine because you were too retarded to learn proper agriculture until 711 ad
>dude im a faggot who cant get weed lmao
>Not smoking weed
What are you, a faggot?
Is it easy enough to get in Poland?
>Do degenerate weedfags actually believe this shit?
No, they just pretend to. Deep down every single one knows it's complete horseshit. Most of them grow out of it though.
weedfags need to be shot
i believe that an aussie cuck has literally no place in telling me what i can and cannot put into my body. whether its a dragon dildo or weed.
fuck you kys
>caring this much over literally a flower bud
>Actually calling for genocide for those who use pot
Literal autism.
Fuck you Wells
It isn't autism. It's just idiots trying to mask their degeneracy with bullshit. It pisses the rest us off because they need to just admit that they are losers
it doesnt cure cancer but it helps with side effects of chemo.
try it nigger
are you implying using marijuana automatically makes you a loser?
and how do YOU define the word loser?
Somebody needs a time out.
There's no reason to substance abuse if you're satisfied with yourself. Drugfags are the weakest subset of people who don't have self respect.
Literally the to most successful people I know smoke weed, when your alpha you can do what you want
>>it can cure cancer
no, weed can help with the chemotherapy and glaucoma and there's medicines that work better than weed
>can cure cancer and shit
Of course my bimbo friend.
It can also fly you to the moon and built a Castle for you and makes you more attractive to Billionaire Women.
Weed makes you stupid, lame, autistic, paranoid, spoiled, lazy, ... and nothing else.
"Medical Marijuana", sure dude.
and it makes me comfy and creative and not hate life so much.
everything is fine and easy when high.
no stress when driving a car, no problems working with heavy machines, no problems talking to woman and bee myself.
food tastes better, cumming feels better, working out feels better, movies are more interesting and videogames are enjoyable, boring work time flies and the vapor tastes sooo fingerlicking good.
nothing you said refutes what user said
and I don't give a fuck as it improves my life x1000
I have a relative that uses it for Parkison's. They don't smoke a joint or whatever, it's just a drop of CBC and it works ridiculously well.
This. I used to be a stoner, but never bought into the "It cures everything!" bullshit. I grew out of weed after seeing how it affected me and others around me who smoked. It's for lazy slackers who want nothing more in life than to do the bare minimum.
Makes coping with your imminent demise easier, I suppose, huh?
everything is fine, I make money, make friends and have a great time.
Weed is only good for proper medical use.
People with mental issues should avoid at all cost. It fucks your mind and makes you lazy and fat after continuous use.
Most use it as an escape from life.
Reality is that the most productive successful people don't use it.
Sure if you want to be a woe is me loser in life then blaze away.
Truth is most of you baby faggots will mature enough to give up weed and vidya to become real men.
How many weed users over 30 have you met where you think wow what a great man he is. ??
>How many weed users over 30 have you met where you think wow what a great man he is. ??
plenty so far
I got lung cancer and a few years back and my doctor put me on kemo.
Shit didn't do anything.
I doubled the amount of weed I smoked every day and the cancer went into remission.
Voted for legal weed in California, suck it fags, I don't even smoke the shit anymore.
You are painfully oblivious.Get a fucking life. I don't tell you not to fuck your German shepherd.
When you walk into class and literally don't give a fuck what other people think. Feels freeing.
What were they using it for?
To get high or for hemp?
Why'd they stop?
That's why you can't win a war and import a billion shitskins to sex your women.
Stay lazy shutlz.
>you have none
For conservatives, you cunts sure hate liberty.
>it makes me creative
fucking ke k
Just like 80% of drug users and 80% of people in general.
>I need drugs to be creative
yeah, you're one of THOSE...
My neighbor cured his cancer with hash oil. Just sayin.
with weed i'm 80% happier than 100% of people without weed
It's pretty good. It's not a miracle. Treat it like all other drugs and use moderately. Don't smoke more than twice a day and just do it at night.
>People with mental issues should avoid at all cost
Can confirm
Am prescribed antidepressants and antipsychotics, and marijuana has made incredibly anxious and suicidal the three times I've used it. I now avoid it at all costs.
so you want devout Mudslimes who work hard yakka and dont drink to have no way to unwind after work?
The 420 idiots ruin weed for the guy that works hard and likes a cone or two before bed.. OP is underage
Have you thought maybe you're just a pussy?
This. People with stable jobs, nice families and a weed habit are facepalming all over the world right now. Why don't you guys read anything ever?
weed is pushed by the jews to pacify whites.
there is no non-degenerate amount of weed
There's stupid then there's dangerous levels of brainwashed.
weedplant did nothing wrong
OK... This is my problem.
If I tell a cop I'm going to smoke some weed, I will be arrested
If I tell a cop I'm going to chop off my dick and sew on a vagina, I won't be arrested
If we respect peoples rights enough to let them mutilate themselves
Why the fuck is weed even a problem
And who even cares about other drugs
You have confirmation bias and availability heuristic because the only people you know who smoke weed are shit people in poverty who use it to feel better about their shit lives. You live in a bubble where it is stigmatised so successful people don't share their use. Meet more people and think more deeply.
Yeah, seeing American history x for the first time is pretty cool
Holy shit a principled libertarian. You're someone I can disagree with and respect. These parrots' only ability is to regurgitate bullshit talking points.
a drop of concentrated black cock?
i had stomach cancer and eating weed edibles cured it
>dude, DuPont got marijuana banned because hemp was cutting into their nylon rope profits
>like, they don't want cancer patients smoking weed because chemo drugs cost millions and shit
Every fucking stoner I know
>smoke weed
>play rugby, workout 4 days a week
>browse Sup Forums
>voted trump
>have job in STEM making 75k/yr
>Abide all other laws, besides smoking weed
How am I a degenerate? Do none of you mongoloids have any concept of moderation or discipline? If you're too stoned to function 24/7 you're doing it wrong.
fucking drug companies wtf?????? i literally had stage iv cancer all over my body and smoking marijuana twice a day cured me
>any kind of use is synonymous with abuse
People like you are what's wrong with the world.
I don't hate weed or the idea of smoking it.
I hate the people that smoke it.
All the people who smoke weed are all "weed lmao 420 blaze it" kind of fags.
>711 ad
>american education
germanic tribes had agriculture about the same time the greeks existed
There's at least a hint of truth to it. There's a reason every for-profit prison group and police chief's association wants to ban the debilweed.
You just smoked too damn much.
I made the same mistake.
Smoke literally, just a few crumbs, and you'll probably feel pretty good.
Just because guys who've been smoking every day for 5 years smoke half a gram in one session doesn't mean you should; you wouldn't drink a whole bottle of whiskey like a long time alcoholic would...
Ban weed. I don't even give a shit about what people argue about, if only losers smoke it, if it cures cancer, or whatever. I just wanna piss off the stoners.
Discipline is bettering yourself to not need it.
>You live in a bubble where it is stigmatised so successful people don't share their use. Meet more people and think more deeply.
Yeah maaan!
Like if ...
Like more people hung around rockstars and actors and expanded their bubble beyond shit people in poverty they'd also realize that successful people smoke crack and do heroin too!
no i'm just fucked up
i'm not a pussy, you're a pussy kiwi
We all smoke weed here you delusional cunt. I wish leafs would stop false flagging as fucking aussies. We smoke weed and drink. We play rugby and cricket. We surf. We are thoroughly unapologetic about these facts. If i ever meet you in person and hear you sperg out on a fucking misguided liberal rant like that, i'll personally break your fucking jaw. Aussie my fucking ass.
The government says weed is bad and all the plebs here believe the government
it smells like shit.
You're right.
It's just coincidence that you all turn into the exact same brain-dead, potleaf, tiedye obsessed faggots after smoking, it has nothing to do with the drug itself.
Chinese were introduced to hemp cultivation by the Tocharians, the Indo-Europeans were well known for dragging it around everywhere they went. It simply fell out of our culture, due to natural selection. Also Germanics have never been described as hunter-gatherers by any civilization (unless you include the Finns/Fenni of Tacitus, but those are really more mongoloid that europoid). Agriculture was in Europe 3000 years before it was in China.
if you "need" a drug you have a problem, I would never call my use a "need"
Is it 1971?
Stop reading fake news. most pot smokers are not stoner memes
What about drawing from life experiences? Every stoner I've ever met started using it religiously and is basically permastoned whether they smoke that day or not.
you've probably met many people who regularly smoke weed and you didn't know because they didn't act retarded or talk about weed all the time
A lot of people that smoke pot are occasional users that tend not to talk about lighting up too much, mostly because it's still frowned upon by many to smoke weed, or because of legal ramifications
I'll admit bunch of the reasons liberals are ok with marijuana is retarded but in my state until the state starts to sell it those god damn spic cartels are going to just keep bringing it in here themselves making a bunch of money
20X the antiinflammatory effects of Aspirin, 4X the effects of cortisone.
Stops seizures, cluster headaches, Parkinson's and Alzheimer's
Alleviates MS, chemotherapy recovery, chronic pain (without physical addiction)
Yeah fuck off uneducated retards
all drugs should be legal.
>dat id
In favor of legalizing weed here. I hate the CURES CANCER DUDE LMAO shit the most because it's ridiculous. A better argument for legalization is that if you do your fucking job and don't cause society any problems you're not degenerate and should be allowed to do what you want in your free time.
I'm classically liberal to the extent that it isn't retarded. SHit like meth actually causes problems unto itself and so does heroin/crack.
Although I understand why conservatives/traditionalists would regard this with suspicion. Slippery slope and all.
Your country lost a war to a bunch of fucking emus your opinion is invalid
and they lost twice
If you don't enjoy sex, or music, good rest, etc naturally as much as you could enjoy it on drugs then it's a need. If you can enjoy those things just as much then there's no incentive for drug use.
What is wrong with video games..?
I'm not saying it should be illegal but 99.9% of users are degenerates.
>who needs blood flow to their hippocampus anyway
>what's the equivalent IQ point loss of lead exposure worth anyhow
>is it really a problem that it makes susceptible individuals more likely to develop psychological disorders that more and more people are being diagnosed with
>stuff you care about when you give a fuck about Chad and Stacey
of course they believe it, stoners start out half-retarded and then weed finishes the job
weedfags suck
>pls mr. government ban this plant I don't like it