Holy fuck this ad was hilarious.
Sandy Hook PSA. Ultra cheesy. You fucks would enjoy it.
stay safe, you forum addicts.
Holy fuck this ad was hilarious.
Sandy Hook PSA. Ultra cheesy. You fucks would enjoy it.
stay safe, you forum addicts.
Look at all of those signs! Oy, ban the Instagrams and obsecene hand gestures now, mashugana!
Doesn't every texan school in america have gun magazines lying around?
I browse /k/ at college and my normie friends know it too. How fucked am I?
What kind of kid write sin big block letters like that?
>tfw people told you not to shoot them if I shoot up the school
>Evan spoke in class today
I don't care about the faggy edgelord
Did the ginger get the blasian twosome?
Lol, what cuck made this shit?
thanks for video
I had to re-watch, but I found the shooter at 0:05. I didnt believe it was him at first, but the madman keeps getting away with it
>comments are deactivated
Jesus Fucking Christ, I am bored.
Why would I shoot them if you shot up the school?
Fuckin lol
So watching hickok45 makes you a mass shooter?
How does he keep getting away with it??
Now that's how you cockblock somebody.
Because you cannot understand mistakes.
I did all these things except bring a gun to school and post on social media
If there were bullets going in the other direction that shooting wouldn't have happened. Gun free zones are a disaster.
Gun violence...not the kid being a complete fucking reject and wanting to take his anger out on innocent people. Damn white people.
0:05 - Kid is reading gun magazine
0:41 - Kid is watching youtube video on guns
0:45 - Kid is posting on social media with a pistol and the quote "see you at school"...56 likes, not bad
0:51 - Bigger kids bully troubled youth in a zero tolerance bully free zone
0:57 - Teacher makes comment to youth, he makes a finger gun and 'shoots' it at her
1:39 - Kids shows up to cock block the ginger race-mixer
check hem
Fucking white males.
That's actually a pretty good ad. It's stupid since it's just relying on diversion and magician tricks but it's memorable.
>ratings and comments disabled
instant meme, well done sir
Yes. It's not exactly a huge leap to go from shooting watermelons to shooting watermelon-eating pickaninnies and their (((white)))-yet-niggerfreid peers.
Just oy my shit up familia.
Good job Captain.
Things that actually cause school shootings:
>single mother
>public school
>gun free zone
>untreated mental illness
But no, focus around the kids fascination with guns! REEEEEEE
ah yes, it's not the increasingly alienating school environment, the bullying, the bad home situation, the lack of moral principles, standards, the lack of a shared culture, the lack of friends.
it's dem gunz. damn rly meks u tink
Check'd and saved
Except it's the nigs posting selfies with guns
Ooooohhh you've unleashed the lion
>bust inside
>cocks gun
Pure kino
Fucking vandals
wew lad
Is that actually one of his videos? Can he sue for that?
Witnessed, pls spare me
>le evil blonde guy
lmao imagine the auditions
>yeah, so we think you have the "school shooter look" we need
BASED, Stoped that racemixing degenerate behaviour !!!!
I lost it when he walked into the gym. My sides.
He might be entitled to a lawsuit of false light, since they are implying his videos inspire murderers
Sure that's not MAC?
based leaf
I couldn't contain myself when he cocked the gun.
That is a good point about him suing. The most he could do is force them to remove the clip of him since im sure this video is being used 'non-commercially'
Maybe defamation in a civil court as they are needlessly associating him with these events, unless there is evidence to suggest a majority of school shooters watched a lot of his videos
directed by Henry-Alex Rubin
so, no PUMPED UP KICKS edit yet?
Holy shit nice
No anti-gun video ever has comments enabled because no one agrees with their stupid bullshit.
Well, there goes the fun of being a young adult male. If this video is any indicator, I knew about 10 high-school shooters growing up in the 80's in Kansas. They read shooting magazines, they hunted, they blew shit up on the weekends, and they had military paraphernalia all over their lockers and notebooks.
And gee, guess what? Not one of them did anything violent to anyone.
But then again, they weren't on anti-depressants either.
>talking to hitler the white kid
Immersion broken
>people actually believe Sandy Hook happened
Keep the hood safe H
Keep the hood safe H
call me satan but that just gave me a funny idea for a ring tone.
>asks you to say something
>you cant actually say anything
keep the hood safe H
You leafs are alright
>make every kid in school a boogeyman
great job, what were they thinking?
eerily realistic
Keep the hood safe H
That last scene was captivating. Is this a promo for an upcoming movie?
Looks cool as fuck. If they filmed columbine as an action definitely would be dope.
Would watch/10
>if you look closely, you can see him planning a school shooting by watching a hunting video on youtube and pointing his index finger at someone
in the country with the most privately owned firearms per capita, you're a potential terrorist if you're interested in firearms? what's their endgame here? don't answer, that's a rhetorical question.
Someone should PM him about this. It's a heavy, heavy insinuation this group is placing on his videos.
I'd go thermonuclear if someone did that to my content.
>approaching a guy
I didn't realize this was fantasy island
Seeing a white guy getting into racemixing was the last straw.
Keep the hood safe H
You´re pretty good
>be liberals
>complain about conservative fearmongering
>create an ad demanding that people turn in fucking everybody because everyone can be a mass murderer
Fucking magic kek
Fucking witnessed..
>if you like guns and been bullied before you're going to commit mass murder.
Holy Fuck they really boiled it down to this absurdity right?
No I'm honestly asking. This add couldn't be more absurd if they replaced car with gun and had the kid start running over people.
after the screen goes black
>evan whips around and draws his glock
>puts 3 hot ones in the autistic faggot lazily walking around on his power trip because he lives in the real world and knows the dangers of society because he's a stand up guy except for his bad habit of minor vandalisation of school property, no one is harmed except for the dead autist
>gets a 2 way hot interracial blowjob from the cute black and asian girls and graduates as prom king or whatever
good guys with guns save the day again
>racemixers are vandals
OK this made me reeee.
Hickok is a nice old man just doing what he loves.
Reminder that there is literally ZERO evidence that Sandy Hook happened. It's one of the most easily provable conspiracy theories.