Are they white?
Do they all have fat bulging juicy cocks?
Are they white?
Do they all have fat bulging juicy cocks?
They were cucked by Turkey, just like Greece.
No, we are not. Our cocks are tiny and we won't fuck your wives. Stay away.
They are very white. Much whiter than USA. There's 8/10 blue eyed blondes all over the place. Very beautiful women overall, except the cigany
I dunno, fag, why not vacation there and find out about their cocks?
Eat shit, faggot.
If I want to go to Bulgaria and see if you've got fat cocks to fuck my wife with, I will.
>fucking a diabetes infested crack whore
Make me, faggot.
>implying you wouldn't do it for some clean drinking water and a burger
Keep trying to act tough, lmao.
Direct Hungarian ancestry here, in all seriousness that isn't a meme, OP.
>be me
>Slight left curve to hit gspot
>7.25 inches long
>6.25 inch circumference
BWC here, Feels good. Every girl I've ever been with has said I'm the best and I've made girls cum who haven't been able to before me.
Awful people just like us.
Dont come to Balkans in general, you will get stabbed, robbed, murdered.
Stay away.
No one was interested in Serbia to begin with, you QT murdering rapebaby nigger baby faggot.
We're just as white as the finns mate, we were literally khans and shiet.
But yes, if researches are to be believed we and the Serbs are packing the most heat in Europe.
And 54% is still more than 0, you illiterate rapebaby subhuman.
k, now go be a god goy somewhere else.
YOUR IQ IS Literally Lower than FUCKING I-RAK
Pick one
IQ test me 1v1 bro
Does false vacuum propulsion violate Newton's 3rd law ?
Even if you personally had a high IQ, your children will regress to the mean and be mentally retarded, just like your parents and Turkish ancestors.
THIS (Plz don't come here to civilization, we have enough wiggers as it is already)
>Coming to Cucknada
No fears, I would not do it if someone paid me to.
I dont want to live with niggers, spics, and gooks.
you may mock us but when the knife reaches the bone it will be us to stop the hordes just like before
>I dont want to live with niggers, spics, and gooks.
We don't want another third world shitskin piling onto our non-white demographics anyway, so I respect your decision.
>niggers, spics, and gooks.
Implying you're genetically any better than the aforementioned.
Even Jorge (Mexican name) is intellectually above you above you Slavshit. Zhang eats your homework and makes you pay for it.
You're literally White Tyrone
>knife reaches the bone it will be us to stop the hordes just like before
The Ottomans blitzed you, you're half Turk. Ask you grandmother lol
Cool. Watch out to not get shoot.
Stay cucked.
>t.b literal Turkish rape baby
But somehow the Turks have a higher IQ than you.
Dad is Russian and Mom is Belarusian, but my surname is predominantly Bulgarian.
Anybody have any recommendations for a genetics test or someplace I can find out my ancestry?
>inb4 find out I'm X% Jewish
Seems like my superiority caused anger in you.
>IMPLYING higher iqs can't come in the family genetics
el oh el
>Are they white?
>Do they all have fat bulging juicy cocks?
it's horrible here. foreign devils keep out
>hat happens in this country?
They have a real Apple tech support office there
Also, answer my fucking question
Its horrible. Full of gypsies and turks. No culture at all. Stay away. ooga booga
[spoiler]Иcкaм вкъщи.[/spoiler]
This is literally you right now, mate. Why not just leave this thread before further embarrassing yourself? I'm already starting to feel bad for picking on a poor third worlder with no access to quality education, or even a warm meal with an IQ that low.
I guess a Paypal is out of the realm for a Serb? I'd like to donate some change to you or your country so you can have some blankets for the winter.
thats a cute pic desu
That really angered me.
Your question makes no sense faggit
damn son
They have Rusev, the most handsome man in the world with the most beautiful wife in the world. For that alone, Bulgaria is top-tier
>American Education
It violates Newton's 3rd law because Perpetual motion is an impossibility. And it might destroy the universe.
Stay cucked, Tyrone
Oh the irony..
You're total retard. I'm not surprised though
Why derail the thread
Not really, Mr. 92.
>Sharty Marty Got an MERICAN Education
>In quantum field theory
Nice theory you got there leaf
They are Slavs, so I guess they are...
Pic pls
We also have who you'll be calling daddy
No, he won't. The Balkans are very safe. Just avoid the gypsies.
I'm pretty sure it's the 20% roach and gypsy population of bulgaria that brings the average way down, not actual bulgarians.
If you did not simply screencap a part which suits your needs, or tried to do a bit of searching, you would find about some interesting stuff about that whole ordeal.
Ne budi nov
23and me best test very accurate and it breaks down the results very nicely
Do you know of the accuracy, validity, and how exactly it works, or is that something I should just look up on their website or google? I've read that it doesn't necessarily correlate to any ethnic group.
> best test very accurate
Sorry, I'm incompetent? Any info on the other two?
What's the name?
What difference will it make at this point? You're an American with slav roots, just embrace it and move on.
I'm a mixed slav with even some German blood there but I totally don't care about exact nationality or such. I live in America now so I'm American first.
nice country, i spent a year there. great food it's all so fresh and great people. they are white x 10 they drive like shit and have major corruption issues so they never develop past thrid world country.
Gichev. It's pretty uncommon according to some surname database, but still disproportionately prominent in Bulgaria.
I don't deny my nationality, in fact I embrace it, but I don't see the point in ignoring my ancestral lineage.
It can be a Belarusian surname, but it's pretty rare anyways
That's what I figured. There's like 600 Gichev's in the world and 400 of them are Bulgarian, but the next 80 after that are Belarusian, I believe. I'm interested in the 23andme test, but I'd also like to learn how exactly you can correlate a genome to a certain ethnic group. I assume it's based on probability and likeliness of being from a member of a certain ethnicity.
I'm pretty sure genetic websites don't specify particular slav nationalities so you'll get something like "80% Eastern European" and that's it
>Hurr bulgarians are half turk
Bulgarians are 100% Turk faggot, but they are the good Turks who embraced Christianity hundreds of years ago and European civilization, while the Roaches took after the Mohammedan savages to the southeast
I know most Eastern Slavic nations and generally countries around the Baltic Sea had pretty poor record keeping before the 20th century, assuming it wasn't destroyed during WW2 or something.
Gichev comes from the name Gicho, which is a form of Grigor, Georgi or something. It's one of those old names no one uses anymore, since they don't sound cool. How do your parents look like? There is a big difference between eastern and southern slavs.
I'll post a wedding photo rn, but I'm not so sure I can adequately describe physcical features too well.
Don't post photos of your family on pol, are you fucking insane.
On second thought yeah, you're probably right. Not for security purposes as much as courtesy reasons, but still.
You can post pictures of 10 random slavs including your parents and we'll try to guess if they're eastern, central or southern slavs
They're Tartars.
Also there was a Volga Bulgaria in todays Russia, but no idea what kind of names do they use.
igrnore bulgarian, she probably has a tractor to fix, post pics
>there was a Volga Bulgaria in todays Russia
They were Turkic
Nah, all I have is my laptop webcam and I'd rather not take photos of my family in the living room, incase they find out I websurf on a Ruthenian scarf knitting forum. My dad is 6'3 and had dark hair and rugged features and my mom is 5'2 and had dark hair as well, but with softer cheekbones. Both indiscernible in their whiteness.
I'm half-Bulgarian. My dad's from there and he's pretty much Sup Forumstier in his beliefs. Very nationalist right-winger who hates kebab and gypsies and has an affinity for Hitler. He moved here in the 90s and married my mom who was a middle class blonde from SoCal (he could barely speak English when he met my mom yet somehow got her). He speaks fluent English but with a heavy accent.
My family owns a house there and I'm a citizen so if shit ever gets fucked here I can just go live there whenever.
Bulgaria's a decent country. They got fucked by communism but they have qt women and have good food. They're pretty redpilled and have nice beaches. Their government is corrupt and their economy is shit though.
Gonna need some imgurs of these euro peens
so you confirmed your mom is a coalburner.
desu I'm considering it. My family is nowehere to be found on the internet, especially with only a face and a last name, regardless of it's rarity, plus we have nothing to hide. tradcon eastern ortho values here. I do heed the Bulgar's words tho.
thread dead o well thank you guys anyways
Uhm, eye color of your dad? Does he look like a gopnik in any way?
you'd better post pics or never come back to Sup Forums
Brown. lol fuck no. He's a military rugged face dude. Looks like he's seen shit type of face.
Try to research the area which your parents come from. The dna tests are just scams, you won't learn shit from them.
t. chink
fugg maybe
I am encountering tumescence
Right on.
Avars/Bulgars also took the northern route (over Caspian and Black seas) while the Oghuz took the southern route. The latter got ARABD along the way.
I'll definitely do this, but like I said previously the record keeping is shit.
no theyre not you idiot lol
bulgarians are typical southern balkanoids similar in color to greeks and albanians, the only "white" balkanoids are austro hungarian subjects such as the slovenes and croats, and serbs and such tend to be lighter than their southern neighbors but more of an intermediate and some more variabiltiy
but what you said is retarded, bulgaria is one of the most dark haired/dark eyed countries in europe, meanwhile the USA's white population is literally like 80% northern european or east slavic, theres no universe in which the US is darker than the balkans
t. albanian
click this link quick
Also look for a russian thread on int, they might know more. Check also /balk/ while you are there.