You are, as a human being, literally property of the state

>You are, as a human being, literally property of the state
>Since your birth certificate is a contract signed by your parents under duress, you can use this to sue the state for BILLIONS OF DOLLARS.

Other urls found in this thread:

>things that aren't real
No really. As a person, which constitutes a legal fiction, you are a share holder of the United States of America, and you can use this to sue the state for $300,000/yr

>No really. As a person, which constitutes a legal fiction, you are a share holder of the United States of America, and you can use this to sue the state for $300,000/yr

Then why don't you do it?

Natural persons aren't legal fictions, they are legal facts.

This is why sovereign citizens end up in jail for filing bullshit in courts.

>Then why don't you do it?
I'm working on it right now.

Alright, let us know how it goes.

>Natural persons aren't legal fictions, they are legal facts.
They are BOTH. Your birth certificate is a signature the creates a corporation that has the same name as you, since the state can't apply pressure to people who are not corporate owners. But since the state was required to make that corporation, you are a shareholder OF THAT corporation which is the United States, and that entitles you to a certain percentage of the United States profits every year.

>that entitles you to a certain percentage of the United States profits every year.
which is not part of any law anywhere

>Your birth certificate is a signature the creates a corporation that has the same name as you
says who?

>which is not part of any law anywhere
It's part of basic corporate law, and even though it was never meant to be applied this way, it is technically true, can be used this way.

what the hell?


>What is a jury
>What is a contract

How are people THIS fucking deranged that they don't even understand the basic principles of what they are talking about?

A contract, according to American Law, is not even close to what a birth-certificate is. Why don't americans know their own laws?

Reported for autism

Fucking bring evidence to support your claim next time faggot.

>A contract is not even close to what a birth-certificate is.
It actually is, under American Law.

Our legal system is really broken and poorly constructed. I imagine a smaller country like Sweden has a more soberly designed legal system, but this is how it works in the States.

noun: birth; plural noun: births

the emergence of a baby or other young from the body of its mother; the start of life as a physically separate being.

noun: certificate; plural noun: certificates

an official document attesting a certain fact, in particular.

Combine the two and TAHDAH!

Dictionary definitions are not the same as legal definitions. I'm sure you must feel quite clever copy-pasting from Google, but the truth of the matter is something far more complicated.

>No this is how it works by law!
>No it has never won in court ever because otherwise she wouldn't be asking for money or would have shown us some case numbers where this was proved!
>Its still law though!

Oh burger-san. You're so silly!

She's not asking for money. If I understood the video, she's trying to file a class-action lawsuit which requires a certain number of participants to sign on, so that they can all be covered by the lawsuit, since suing at the individual level wouldn't get taken up by the courts.

>So what if i called it law i don't have any proof and will just dodge the point you just made!

Goodnight burger! Maybe you will find happiness tomorrow that will fill that dark hole inside you forcing you to believe in this sort of crap!

Dude, what is there to prove?

Let's go more slowly.

A birth certificate IS a legal document attesting to the fact that you exist, right?

How can anyone take this shit seriously? 19:47... what? Was there a problem when you accepted the loan/cash/asset from the company? Oh, now that they want their money and interests (the agreement you made) you're screaming show me the paper work!

I know there is some fucked up shit going on, and people cheating the system, but CMON!

Has anyone successfully done this? Do you think you will be the first? Do you think the state will allow itself to be sued for "BILLIONS OF DOLLARS"?

>growing debt
>you can get the profits

>click street signs
>interstate exit that I live off of
>Google is starting to scare me

Are Sovereign Citizens even real or is it just a meme that a few skitzos thing is a serious concept with merit?

Like how can someone without mental illness be that retarded?

this is how Athens ended in shams. lawyers. Read Plato and start over

Regardless of what you, in the abstract, might consider a "serious concept of merit", what matters is whether or not this will be held up in the courts, and the hope is that by educating enough people we can get a serious enough class action lawsuit that we can successfully sue the state.