Ann Coulter tweets Trump is a con man lying sack of shit after shilling for him for like a year and a half

>Ann Coulter tweets Trump is a con man lying sack of shit after shilling for him for like a year and a half

Why are conservatives so fucking stupid and buy books from people like Ann Coulter?

Why do people support Donald Trump? There's just a segment of the population with inferior critical thinking abilities.


shut up faggot

For the same reason low IQ NEETs supported a man whose political platform was based on denouncing as 'disastrous and greedy' the very same venues from which he and his family continue to profit to this day (immigration, outsourcing, h1b visas, etc)

Racists have low IQs and are easily malleable by pitting them up against an external group like Mexicans.

Sorry, I hope I didn't offend. I know that you can't help your condition.

Ann is on her period you fucking virgin

how the fuck do you not know the cycles of your tv waifus

Ann coulter is the dumbest fucking stupid bimbo slutbag whore on the planet

>spend whole career crying about the decline in white birthrates
>be fertile blond white high IQ woman and have ZERO children.

shes a stupid fucking hypocrite. If she had gotten married and had 5 or 6 kids it would have done more than her entire shitty career to save the white race. and I might actually take her seriously.

that was right though. there's=there is

"there is just a segment"

Honestly she has a lot of characteristics of a hormone imbalance and is probably infertile. Don't bully.