Give me your POV why conscription shouldn't be illegal / frowned upon.
Volunteer Army > Conscripted Army
If the draft was still in effect Hillary would have conscripted every white male under 35 and started WWIII when she was still Secretary of State.
She has admitted to supporting women in the selective service.
Which I back her up on.
Why conscription SHOULD be illegal / frowned upon:
>It's literal slavery
>Conscript armies are shit-tier
>When countries kill off their men as cannon-fodder they go to shit/become degenerate
Well shit, couldn't have said it better myself.
Good informed opinions user.
bump for opposing views
Conscription is useless to a modern military, a year or two isn't enough to train your average normie to a basic level of fitness and proficiency at whatever they're supposed to do.
The only upside of conscription is that it can be a common experience shared by every male of your population across all classes and backgrounds.
If it is done right, it teaches kids not to be faggots and can help foster a civic sense of belonging to the same nation, a bond between citizens. More often than not, it fails at that because privileged kids are given deferments eventually reinforcing the perception of class boundaries.
I wonder how to make most people want it illegal
Start actually drafting people. These days it would only take a handful of draftee deaths to get everyone emotional enough to just surrender.
What if the deaths are only male?
Why bother ?
- Your armed forces doesn't want it because they don't want to babysit retards.
- Liberals don't want it because doing manly stuff is degrading.
- Outside of small nations that need to prop up civic nationalism like Israel, only a few principled "we wuz Romans" republicans could possibly want it. That's a very small number.
If you need to argue against it, bring up how much it would cost for no tangible benefits.
Feeding, housing, dressing and supervising teenagers for a year or two is expensive and gets in the way of your military doing its real job or learning a trade or going to college for kids.
you'll end up with people not fit for the job or people making themselves unfit for the job since they dont want to be there
conscription is only useful if you simply need a shit load of bodies to throw at each other, but since that kind of combat doesnt really exist anymore and is all asymmetrical warfare and drones you want people who want to be there and are good at it
most people already dont want it which is why it wont be done in america since they know people will just say fuck off and the economy is already too unstable for that many people to get funny ideas about telling the government to fuck off
Conscription sucks because army gets filled with authists/nu-males/criminals, which leads to low discipline and morale, general lack of combat readiness. There are exceptions like (((IDF))), but maybe it's just a jewish thing.
but some kind of civil service corps would be a good idea.
an army of people who build roads, clean streets, and plant gardens for a year would be cool
Those same autistic numale criminals who destroyed you in teh winter war?
Have you tried getting a sulky teenager you're not allowed to smack around to do anything they don't want to do ?
Even if you do, they'll fuck it up just to spite you. Let wagecucks that need the money do these jobs.
Fuck off jew faggot
>Most asian countries have conscripted service
>Lower number of fat asses
that's the thing. you are allowed to smack them around, or extend their service if they don't do their job correctly.
National service should be compulsory 2 years, every citizen should receive basic training in the defence of their country. No overseas deployment though keep that shit for the ones that stay on after national service.
Conscripted soldiers are harder to use against your own people because the soldiers are the people.
Volunteer army isn't viable if you have large border and possible enemies literally next to you.
Male or Female?
I like the idea of conscription, personally. I think serving in the military has the potential to help instill maturity, discipline, national pride, and a sense of purpose in young men. However, I also think mandatory conscription has the potential to hurt our forces more than help them in the long. Because part of what makes our military strong is the fact that it's comprised of willing professionals that take their jobs seriously and believe in their missions. You could also make the argument of quality over quantity as well.
You're trying so hard to justify your all male draft.
>what makes our military strong is the fact that it's comprised of willing professionals that take their jobs seriously and believe in their missions
As a vet I assure you this isn't true. We are mostly a bunch of immature kids that got yelled at for a few months, had a ceremony, were given guns then sent off to fuck shit up. I don't believe conscription would harm the effectiveness of the military at all.
>I think serving in the military has the potential to help instill maturity, discipline, national pride, and a sense of purpose in young men
This however I agree with, even with all the dicking around, the service is good for you. It'd be good for our nation too that's suffering from a nu male epidemic.
Conscription ideally would be like an extra semester of high school used to help sort out people's career paths and encourage fitness/basic life skills
How come in your eyes, is it fair; that women can vote but don't have to be drafted?
If people aren't prepared to volunteer and fight for their country that country doesn't deserve to exist.
Women can't be soldiers.
if i lived in country where military isnt shit(teaches you military stuff instead of wasting ur time doing stupid shit) and its worth to defend it i would be totally okay with conscription. also consciption is can be cool if only people who served and are/were reservists can vote and considered 1st class citizens.
That might be the point of ridding conscription.
Why not?
Why force the men, and give women all the benefits of being a male without any of the responsibility?
Some men are weaker than some women, why send said males?
Wouldn't volunteer work better?
You already would volunteer yourself.
Why not just volunteer for such?
even a weak man is stronger than most women.
Women do well in clerical work and nursing in wartimes though.
I'm not disagreeing with you on the women getting the benefit part.
Only someone that has a stake in the country should have the right to vote, something similar to Heinlein's Starship Troopers but not to that extent.
Your idea still promotes unfairness.
I would rather go to jail than fight along your side.