Sup Forums on fucking suicide watch:
Can you get more BTFO???
Sup Forums on fucking suicide watch:
Can you get more BTFO???
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Could be worse.
Could be two Mexicans.
Did Ellen Page's dyke ass make the fucking thing?
Let's make a Caitlyn Jenner sim already? Just to please the Leftists
>Still plays Vidya
>Thinks he is redpilled
Gamer gate fags get out reeee
Very progressive.
So that's Ellie all grown up?
Lesbians? I dont mind, but wtf happend to the guy that was in Last of us 1.
>doesn't play games
The fuck are you? Mormon?
Sony is trying everything is can to go bankrupt.
Idk. I hope these two dykes get raped by Joel.
>My R34 searches for Ellie will now be filled with this tranny shit
Are they Muslim trannies as well?
I'm so done with this gay earth
>Ruining the most immersive game I've ever played
The first one hit me hard. Shame it's gone to SJW bullshit.
It looks like Joel killed Ellie and cut off her face, only sew it onto his own.
>implying two women in a post apocalyptic world wouldnt be someones cumsock
Yeah fuck that, nobody buy this trash.
Every sjw game will fucking die.
Does anyone know a good bot for shilling with? Gonna shit up every single review with it.
>playing video games
Aren't those characters fdom Uncharted
who's making these decisions over at Naughty Dog?
Well at least the title will be accurate this time then.
Since there are two lesbians, it will indeed be "The Last of Us"
>being a normie
This is the problem, I don't care if they made it Sup Forums approved with a wholesome white family with five kids.
If Joel and Ellie aren't coming back it will really subtract from the game.
Day 1
S.T.A.L.K.E.R is better
I would be okay gay but I draw the line at interracial.
Holy shit Ellie got ugly.
>They Kill Each Other Fighting Over Last Box Of >Tampex
Read the article you fucking morons it doesn't say any of that.
That being said it doesn't leave out the possibility since Ellie is a lesbian and her nigger dyke lesbian girlfriend died in the "Left Behind" DLC. So maybe she's got a new girlfriend or some wild progressive bullshit.
Joel was is alive in the Trailer thank god. I don't want him to fucking die fuck. They made Ellie even more insufferable and tryhard. Fuck naughty dog. This game did not need a sequel.
there's nothing wrong with this op wtf? Fight me irl you closet bisexual
There doing to much.
That's uncharted you moron
It almost isn't even a sequel. It's The Last of Us: Scissor Me Alive.
What's the problem, your not a...bigot, are you?
Personally I think it's incredibly brave to have an interracial polyamourous lesbian non-sexualised realistic relationship. Brace. The media, and society will openly reject it, we see the level of hate lgbtqa++ persons get so this move represents a refreshing change from the macho male power fantasies we are forced to endure. It's time to grow up.
Also the screen cap is from the new Uncharted 4 DLC "The Lost Legacy" The people in the picture are Chloe and Nadine Ross. Not Lesbians. Chloe is hungry for Nathan Drake cock and Nadine is just a typical strong independent black woman who had a hard on for the antagonist of Uncharted 4.
>the last humans on earth can't reproduce because of the gayness
You see how the title works on multiple levels? That's how the game is so deep.
Watching the trailer now. Wtf, I've never had to re-tune an A string that drastically. This triggers me more than anything.
It's not sonys fault, its society's for being bigoted and intolerant. Same thing with ghostbusters, the film was great, and anywhere else in the world it would have been embraced, but the west just cannot tolerate women breaking the traditional mould
First game was shit anyways.
>The Last of Us 2
you mean walking simulator 2?
>yfw Joel is going to be an old ass man and probably die early on
>Ellie is going to have a shitty romance with a chick
What they should have done is have you play as an older woman with her young son.
It's probably Naughty Dog. Sony just leaves them to do whatever the fuck they want and they are Canadian after all.
That's what I was thinking - why is her voice exactly the same as when she was 14? They should have gotten Kiefer Sutherland.
>Joel, her complicated father figure enters the room, and ask if the young woman plans to go through with an ambiguous plan. āIām going to find and kill every last one of them,ā she replies.
What are you fags talking about? I see no mention of lesbian shit. They better not fuck this game up because it was one of the best ps3 games I've played.
If they fuck it up I still have Norse God of War to fall back on which will be a father-son relationship.
The Last of Us isn't a game anymore.
It hipster pretension made manifest.
Isn't the black girl dead? They had a dlc about it already.
Yeah this was some high quality bait to get us to watch the trailer.
It was pretty cringe worthy but I didn't see any mouth to vagina resuscitation.
>all these retards taking the bait
That's Uncharted you fucken plebs.
>high quality
How new are you?
Nice bait OP you stupid faggot, this is from the upcoming Uncharted DLC
Shit idea
How new am I?
How new are you... I've seen Sup Forums flip its shit over less.
/vr/ master race reporting in. Sup Forumsirgins BTFO! Sup Forums BTFO!
Good thing literally nobody cares. The game will crash and burn just like every other SJW progressive liberal garbage AAA game studios are pushing in the industry.
This is ok because it's already a fake fictional world that's a disaster.
Why would someone wear converse in the apocalypse?
Is there any practical purpose to them?
This image is from fucking Uncharted dlc
Last of Us already had lesbian interracial and it didn't work out to say the least
Consider how Last of Us 1 ended, I'm not shocked he isn't the MC. He became a villain by the end.
>Naughty Dog
>Crash and burn
Unfortunately not, normies loved Uncharted and TLOU.
I wonder who could be behind the Marxist agendas in their recent games though....hmm...
That movie was shit for all the same reason other shameless cashgrab reboots are.
Boycott the game, let the company die. Problem solved.
Marvel not a game company but their comics turned into a sjw joke, they lost almost their fanbase and would go bankrupt if wasn't for the movies and those tv shows.
Woah. Go have some heroin and cool off, Jose.
I don't care because I don't own a playstation.
>when repeating something with maymay arrows is your only form of argument
I got it. What if you don't buy or pirate the game? Let the jews that manage these dev studios learn that social justice makes no $$.
Spread Colin Flaherty you faggots
What is with people and The Last of Us?
I mean it wasn't terrible but it was a mediocre story and a bare bones survival game
>video starts with her in a hijab
>she's somehow accosted by a FUCKING WHITE MALE Syrian army member
The last of us DLC already had lesbo race mixing.
At least they're attractive lesbians.
Who gives a shit unless they turn it into a lesbian soap opera. Wouldn't be surprised if you play as Joel'a brother too
The multiplayer was immersive and fun
I don't care
None of you read the article. OP posted an uncharted DLC picture about two stronk wymn, not the last of us lesbos. Also Joel is alive.
Devs actually think the people this shit is aimed at play vidya
Isn't the DLC for the first one cucked like this as well? I don't know, I still haven't gotten to doing it.
I know the DLC was about Ellie being a lesbian. TLOU was not a bad game, I liked it a lot, but even if I still had a video game consol I wouldn't by this game. Obvious shilling and propaganda.
Also why is it every game now has a women protagonist? Dishonored 2, that game coming out where the woman hunts robot animals with a bow, and now this? Is it revenge for gamergate? Women don't really play video games, no where near as much as men
>post apocalypse
>better be a lesbo
>women in charge of good decisions
Another example where Sup Forums doesn't do it's research.
>tfw been a fan of Naughty Dog since Crash Bandicoot
>now this
Just fuck my shit up
Sure am glad I spent 100 US dollars on ps4 games. At least they were used and included mega man
>playing western vidya
>current solar cycle
Watch the video you gullible sheep. OP is fucking baiting.
Just play this in the background while playing the game.
That's india you fucking nigger
That was the DLC for the first one wasn't it? Not memeing I think it actually was.
>still playing video games into your 20s
It had multiplayer?
>Women don't really play video games, no where near as much as men
You really know that they don't when every survey trying to prove that they do have to oversample mobile and Kikebook "games"
sounds fucking hot
I might buy the game
You fucking shitskin, almost ruined my expectatives.
That image is from Uncharted's trailer. In TLOU:LB there was a lesbian interracial "love story", but it was "justificabke" becouse there were no bois.
The Last Of Us is in a fucking post-apocalypse world, no homo shit.
I find it funny how white women LOVE to shove themselves in EVERY fucking thing. Does interracial always have to have one white and one black? Ar eno other races allowed to use the term interracial? Why not an indian and black woman? Or a chinese and a black woman. No, white women just can't stand being left out and has to be in everything without fail.
the femenists want men to stop playing video games and start doing shit in the world
that is why this is happening
they want to end manchildren
scare them away from games
First one was one of my favorite video jews ever, I knew I would have to play as a retard woman but a DYKE NIGGER LOVER!? You know they will pull the save shit with the next uncharted too, Im done with Vidya
Just wanna cum inside her vagina repeatedly over the course of like a decade and raise a large white family with her as a house wife to be honest lads, why is life so cruel?
And I forgot to point that THAT NIGLET WAS ZOMBIED INTO OBLIVION AND SHOT 3 TIMES IN THE HEAD, so, no more humans, and no more SWJ shit. Naughty Dog is not retarded.