/mlg/ - Break your chains Edition

Welcome to Marxism-Leninism general.

This general is for the discussion of Marxism-Leninism, the ideology of revolutionary socialism and communism. Broader 'Marxist' discussion is also encouraged, but not general 'leftist' ideologies.
Communism is the next stage of humanity following the capitalist stage.

>Communism is a stage of society in which the productive infrastructure is socially owned, and goods are produced not in order to sell for profit, but in order to meet a social need.
>Communism in it's full form is a stateless, classless society that follows the maxim "From each according to their ability, to each according to their need.
>To acheive such a society Marxism-Leninism teaches us that we must replace the capitalist state, which is controlled by the capitalist class, by a socialist state, which is controlled by the working class. Then, a period of class struggle follows in which the capitalist class is liquidated by the working class. When the capitalist class has been completely vanquished, there will be only one class, the working class, and eventually the functions of the state will become indistinguishable from the functions of the society as a whole, and the state as such will 'wither away' as Marx said.

ML uses a philosophy called dialectical materialism, see here:
It is recommended that you read some of the critical works of Marxism-Leninism so you can make an informed assessment of the ideology.

Other urls found in this thread:




Reminder than communism is inevitable.


kill yourself

You spam my pol i shit on your thread.



Le lefty pol raid XD. Boy seeing this far left ideology sure rustles my conservative, christian jimmies lol.

you clever fuck

Oh boy, here we go again. It's these fags again.
>inb4 not an argument loser

OP must be the street preacher here to sell us the virtues of failure

The crazy thing is Ive never even been to 8ch, im an OG polster from years back.

I used to make threads too back then, but they just never got many replies and then got drowned out by the various phases pol goes through. Now almost every thread hits the bump limit, and while the discussion is lacking its pretty good in terms of visibility.

Reminder that arguing a sci fi future of super abundance provided by automation and scientific advances from a market economy is no argument at all.


crapitalism... UGH..... fail!

Sage and roll to hit the bump limit

I don't know why they're even trying and I cbf to redpill these marxist scuzzbags

Kill yourself OP


>Not based Juche idea

Wew, I get to be a worm.

Everybody knows about your raid you shit cunt


mods should delete these threads, communism is the definition of a shitpost ideology

Even better, I get to be aborded. Fuck this gay earth anyway.

Don't forget kids if you're gonna bashed the commies don't forget to bash the nazis or otherwise you're hypocritical, not that you care...




well to be fair the nazi's got shit done, commies didn't


How is that hypocritical? there are legitimate Nazis here.


Why not modern Russia?

Nazi's had a pretty god run of commie slaughtering, Pedro.

I could say the commies got a lot of shit done from the 60s till the 80s and be 100% right and you won't be able to come up with a valid counter argument.

But yes, I do agree both got "shit" done in regards to genocide.

Wtf are you trying to say? Bashing the commies saying they were genocidal warmongers whilst being a nazi cuck is fucking hypocritical. What about the nazi war crimes? When will pol tards stop posting images showing the soviet union's death toll and start posting content which reveals how many Slavs the germans killed.

We're done here.

Stalinism >>> Juche



Daily reminder for your daily commie threads. Kill yourselves you worthless looters.

Putting Words into Someones Mouth: The Post

Real communism was tried and it was successful. It was just subverted by crypto-capitalists and reformed back into capitalism.

>Real communism was tried and it was successful. It was just subverted by crypto-capitalists and reformed back into capitalism.
And when we blame the Jews, we're the retards.

Using communism, Lenin and Stalin made the USSR great and prosperous.
Using communism, Mao made China great and prosperous.
Communism is more efficient and sensible than capitalism.

Please yes, tell us more of this outdated 19th century nonsense.

It is documented though, reformists taking over and slowly pushing more and more market reforms to their benefit.

The whole 'DA JOOS' is not documented and the story and idea behind it constantly changes as elements of the story are proven false. Maybe they do have proportionally more influence than other groups in the US, but that could be down to a load of other things that do not have to do with the Jewish conspiracy and alien reptilemen.

What part do you want to know about in particular?

If you open your mind you might even learn something.



sage is the best seasoning

kys leftist scum. I admire your autism, but you have neither the numbers nor the ability to subvert this place. Go home and find somewhere new to try and brainwash, you'll find nothing but frogs and derision here

Gulags happened, but only for Nazi war criminals and big shot political dissidents, they didn't send everyday people to these camps for small punishments.

Normally if you talked shit about the government you were given a warning, and if you continued to do so instead of being sent to a Gulag you were simply relocated to a city far away from your family and friends as punishment (Like Central Asia or Siberia).



>NatSoc threads being deleted
>Multiple leftist generals popping up
>Turns out one of the mods is a commie faggot

Why did so many people want to leave the Soviet utopia?

I am a market socialist who believes in local governance, and strong families and communities. Tito was alright, but to socially left wing.

Do I belong here?


I've read too many books written by soviet defectors to believe that the USSR was great and prosperous. It was a dystopian hellhole where if you criticized the state, you'd disappear.
>Communism is more efficient and sensible than capitalism
Only insofar as the people managing it are capable, which is a herculean task and one that the Soviets were pretty shit at. As for Capitalism, it is the anarchy of production, which forces change and progress as long as monopolies are kept in check.
>The whole 'DA JOOS' is not documented
An orthodox jew on the board explained this to me as such,
>Basically, a number of jews went abused abused our communal nature in order to spread their businesses and business practices around in order to make good money. In doing so they were better able to spread globalism, and it makes them good money.
You can't ignore how many of these people hold a disproportionate number of important positions, and that you have people like Soros funding and spreading Feminist/Sjw ideology all over the west.
>Crypto-Capitalists were undermining communism
You're right to believe that we were undermining communism, because;
1. You were doing the exact same ideological you're doing here on a mass scale in the U.S., and it was a danger to leave you alone, and
2. Your socities were so unimaginably totalitarian and batshit crazy, that allowing the ideology that allowed for their formations to continue to exist and infect the rest of the world would be self-destructive.

Fuck communsim

pick one

then why don't you go to leftypol?
t. leftypoletarian

Recommended reading material for my wife's boyfriend? He's a hardcore capitalist scum but I want to try.

Lenin used NEP -State Capitalism.

greetings, comrades




Because they are trying to figure out what makes us tick. Their board is filled with failures and they would rather be on the winning team. Besides this is great, we can finally redpill the leftist and wake them up from their delusions

Don't be retarded English teacher en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Market_socialism

It's where the workers own a part share of the companies they work at, usually all citizens also own a percent of all companies.




God, Family Circus is so shit.






We don't hate them because they have blood on their hands, we hate them because they're retards.

Well it's no Heathcliff, that's for sure

You should get an image where you can actually read what it says.




Capitalism is a fraud and a fallacy. Look at Detroit in America it was once a vibrant city fifty years ago until it implodes. That is the inevitable outcome of Capitalism. It implodes.

The best way of keeping things in order is to implement an impeccable system which is Communism.

Leftypol is run by a bunch of diaper wearing snowflakes who can't handle the banter. All you communist faggots need to go back.




capitalism is the new hip way to call niggers ?



This user got the right idea. But they'll never respond to you and just open another thread when they get out debated and their arguments get holes poked in them. While screaming that they can't be proven wrong and that they win every debate. This is no better then a raid.

rollin cuz fuk communism lmao amiright kids


Why is OP such a fucking faggot?




Roll and sage


wrong again, bucko

detroit 'imploded' due to unions, which are commie, forcing businesses to leave to seek lower prices elsewhere. they also imported thousands of niggers which is poison to any civilization.