At what point has someone 'won' an argument?

At what point has someone 'won' an argument?

The first person to bring up hitler or nazis loses. Godwin's law is the only way.

When they stop attacking your arguments and start going after your character.

The best way to win an argument is to deflect it.

>The first person to bring up hitler or nazis loses.
Where do you think you are right meow.

getting emotional, invoking fallacies, or dismissing opposing views without explanation is a pretty good way to lose

when you crush your enemies, see them driven before you and hear the lamentation of their women

The winner of the argument is the person asking the questions.

Socratic questioning will illuminate a person's cognitive dissonance. Once they're forced to stare at it they start moving goalposts and cave.

>Socratic questioning will illuminate a person's cognitive dissonance. Once they're forced to stare at it they start moving goalposts and cave.

This is usually the case but doesn't always work. Especially with something the person has real "faith" in.

They will just hold the dissonant positions and look at you like you are crazy

I guess you still win but you can't convince them

When the tears start flowing

When you convince enough people watching the argument that you're correct and can get them to form an angry mob to break the other guy's stuff.

when i'm done talking

Basically if you don't support communism you automatically lose.

Basically fucking die, (((you))) have been shitposting all night with that stupid fucking flag and that stupid fucking commie pepe

Only after you've removed your flaccid dick from their still quivering anus.

>are you telling me i could win arguments?
no, user. i'm saying, when the time comes, you won't have to.

It rarely results in immediate capitulation.
The more 'faith' someone has in their ideas the longer it will take to alter them.

That's the power of a question though.
An argument can be written off and forgotten but a good question can linger in the back of someones mind for years like a seed waiting for the right conditions to grow.

If you can trick someone in to asking the right questions about their own beliefs on their own time, you can disassemble their whole paradigm.

When they have provided sufficient data.

When you provide evidence to support your position and the other person accepts the validity of the evidence and the logical consequnces of it that lead to your position but can't provide counter evidence to disprove it

None of the virgin losers on this site have, despite all the self-congratulatory bullshit.

---True Story---
I work in a mental health facility in a jail as a jailer. 89 year old 5'10 white man starts arguing with a 45 year old 6'4 ripped black man. White man gets pissed and pulls out his penis and start mushroom stamping the black mans back while hes sitting at the table. Argument won. White guy lived.

>At what point has someone 'won' an argument?

When arguing with a liberal, the instant they call you a name.
