Hey, I came here because one of my Trump supporter friends said this is the best place to alert the public of things that seem to be wrong.
Please understand I had nothing to do with this, I was just trying to help, and I thought Jill would have made a great president in the beginning.
It looks like word has gotten out about us dropping our recount in PA, but it's because one of Jill's lawyers said they have something big on Trump now. Something big enough to get him put in jail.
That is what my friends and I think this press conference in front of Trump Tower is all about. She is planning to expose him. They say they have the code that was used to circulate through the machines in WI and that the Computer scientists can prove it was the Russians.
Problem is, we didn't have anyone check the validity of the machines, all we have been doing is counting. We think Jill and her lawyers are lying because absolutely no one has actually looked into any of the machines or computer systems. My supervisor tried bringing it up, but then they told her to leave and not to talk to anyone.
I am sorry guys, I don't know what is going on, but I thought I would at least try to get it out somewhere. Please understand that we were trying to just help with the counting. None of the counters had anything to do with the press conference and code finding. Please don't take this out on any of us.