Designer baby technology will be heavily fought against because everybody would want light skinned children and super genius athlete perfectly healthy people white people would be the new elite.
Jayden Myers
The Earth is flat.
(((global))) warming is not real.
Connor Gray
Your mom's chest is flat!
Kevin Mitchell
People will complain about this but the benefits of no children dying of leukemia and the end of congenital disabilities is too enticing. For a few generations there will still be nogs and other people who have children naturally and there will be huge disparities.
Oliver Young
Amen. That would be certainly a solution for the racial IQ issue. A pity it would be rich parent = smart children, poor parents = dumb children. But at least the race issue will go away.
Kevin Mitchell
It's not as expensive as you'd think, but there will still be bastards and children born out of wedlock who can't reap the benefits of these advances until culture catches up with technology.
Aaron Miller
Disk warming confirmed
Tyler Collins
The same genes responsible for increased melanin production also cause hyper-sexuality and criminal tendencies. People will obviously choose genes that create a person with less chance of going to jail.