Dear Sup Forums, Ghana user here again

Dear Sup Forums, Ghana user here again

i posted here one week ago about my rent issue and some nice pollacks offered to donate towards
my course, an even nicer "cowboy user" said he was going to contact me through email but didnt
i'm sure he has good intentions even though he probably forgot to contact me. i started an online business on F.i.verr
to see if i could make some profit but i havent gotten a single gig yet, mayb its because of my country
but i'm good at what i do. i know i'm not entitled to anything as a black, if anything i'm thankful for your
numerous inventions from wheels to space stations. you may feel i'm bad because of my color but i assure you
there are good blacks out there, not like me, but even better than i am. if you could support me through my gig
i will be forever in debted to you, Sup Forums. i dont want to live on the street Sup Forums

i'm just trying to make a honest living in this not so honest world.

are you a prince

Link your fiverr nigger

>frog pic

What does Kek want us to do?

Lol ur a nigre

Kek has spoken!

what did he who croaks mean by this?

You were once a part of the swedish empire. Hold your head high, that's something to be proud of

>thats something to be proud of

fiverr dot com slash anthonyfive slash transcribe -any -data-in -less -than -24hours

this is it guys

Sweden is now part of the Islamic Empire.
Hold your head up when Ahmed is fucking your wife, cuck.

jesus. had a hard time posting my link here
bots thought it was a spam.

Holy shit get a fucking job

why isnt your country spelled

I do not need your service now.
I will need your service soon though.
do not lose hope, ghana-bro.

i've tried my man, believe me and i'm still trying even as i do this
this is just for me to get settle my rent and continue job hunting

i thought africans just built shacks .
you pay rent on a shack you built?
now i've heard everything !

lol, dunno if vpn is on in this browser

but i've had an interview with an ameribro before for an engineering job. it was dope as hell

goodbye pol

good luck bro

thanks bro

Post your passport next to timestamp next to black hand.

I bet this is a ruse to get money from some NEET with a $10 proxy.

its real bro
i haven't gotten an internationall passport yet

If this is true this is fucking pathetic.

Even on a white nationalist board there are cucks who would give their money to someone just because they begged and pleaded for it. Suicidal empathy levels. For all you know he could be a burger on a proxy.

Dumb goys. Dumb goys everywhere.

I would if you were a prince from nigeria.

What the fuck. Niggers in Africa have Internet now?

>lol, dunno if vpn is on in this browser


seems legit

Can anyone help destroy these cuck?

Sup Forums banned my ip
i had to use another sim card.
i posted a time stamped pix already lol, yeah we have that now

lol, i wish i was a scammer, but i dont have it in me

Come to South Africa, your Xhosa and Zulu brothers love foreign africans, they will help you.

holy shit so sad :(

Holy Jesus fucking Christ
I've never seen someone this black
Must suck to live in Africa, I think you don't have any IPhones in there.
Anyways, try starting a small business, selling basic cheap shit. Then buy a fucking van and start giving trip rides. Then emigrate to Sweden as a refugee and get some education, don't racemix and you will be probably be forgiven when the day of the rake comes.

but when i have positive expectations, negative things will happen and vice versa.

i'm scared of even thinking of the outcome as i dont want to be too positive in other not to create a negative outcome or be too negative and ruin my shit



>Then emigrate to Sweden as a refugee

Refugee from what? A sub-Saharan African country? There is no legit reason he or anyone from Ghana is a refugee.

yeah, it sucks here

i know

help me bro, just order my gig and help me

Don't fall for superstition. You seem like a smart man. I can't give money, but I wish you the best.

t. Board that worships an integers frog.

sorry bro no can do

Nigger u need to do better , try providing a service that people actually need and value .

i have a wary mind, and i cant do drugs or weed to help me relax.

i dunno why the fuck my mind was built like this

paid for by western taxpayers :^)

Just don't think about it and start doing things you lazy nigger.
Stop being a dreamer and get into a doer, shit don't make themselves.
>european left

You're english sounds polished enough, offer editing papers and shit.

like which service?

thanks bro, i dont believe in superstition but i'm a catholic however

you're alright bro

Kek is with you user. Stay strong.

just relax dude

Not that I care, but what put the thought into your head to ask on Sup Forums?

>be African nigger
>want to make honest money
>have idea, skills and internet connection
>think to self "hmm but where should I advertise? I KNOW!"
>pick board full of literal Nazis

i'll give it a try

i do shit man, this has started since i was in college.
feels bad man

English is their official language in Ghana.

dont take advice from Sup Forums bro

Keep making stuff, find a niche you can fill. Don't publish before total completion or you'll get ripped off by China or big brands.

you know, the think about online job is that it takes a whole lot of positive review for people on there to trust you and order from you. that why i came to Sup Forums i've been lurking here for a while though

>implying blacks cant be nazis
fucking american education

Graphic design on fiverr, anything

Have u tried getting a job in real life?

Don't forget this.

What's your rent?

Have you thought about learning video editing or photoshop? Start out editing for the smaller youtubers for a small fee or even for free. Build your portfolio and move up to bigger youtubers.

Who else would he ask? His african brothers?
Fat chance getting any help from them.

>implying there are black nazis in Sup Forums
lurk moar leaf

As for OP, go to /biz/ to get real economic advice

I'm in school and not too comfortable with money right now. If I had a job, I probably would ask you to transcribe some youtube video speeches. I saved your fiver link. I don't know if I'll ever contact you, but I'd keep trying to reach out, idk what else you can do. Good luck