Obviously gun control needs to happen. This video PROVES it.
Sup Forums is, yet again, on the wrong end of the stick here.
Other urls found in this thread:
Gun control didn't stop San Bernadino fuccboi.
Oh, and the only reason why the comments and like bar is disabled is because the youtuber thought a ton of meat head gun owners were going to look for the comments that were for this video and shoot them up.
Libs are about to get ass raped by the NRA controlled republican supermajority in the entire federal government.
RIP the Evans of the world when MG's hit the streets and /r9k/ goes berserk.
I'm not gonna lie, the shooter was a qt. Way cuter than that ugly ginger. 6/10 would sympathy fuck.
Fuck you!
This guy gets it.
We want the full size image right fucking now
thank you my man
i'm all for bum control
Actually now that I think about it their roles should be reversed, shouldn't they? Gingers don't have souls and everyone knows it, after all.
Am I the only one who found this fucking hilarious? It was an interracial relationship with a ginger beta faggot anyway, who gives a fuck? I guess they needed someone from Sup Forums to set them straight.
We don't need gun control we need less libbies. They are responsible for most gun deaths. Look at the places they run.
The shooter was a blonde haired, blue eyed, white skinned Aryan angel of death. I think "Sandy Hook Promise" has a little racist agenda up their sleeve.
>The government carries out fake shooting events.
>The government then makes propaganda videos, showing more fake shooting events
Then they say we need to lose our guns.
And they're surprised when we keep our guns.
Plus, the kid was bullied, guns are the great equalizer, good riddance, everyone at that school looked like a douchebag anyway,
ofc I didnt notice, I was focusing on the protagonist like every non-autists does while watching a movie.
how retarded are these people?
More whores
>i'm all for bum control
That bum makes me out of control
You didn't notice because you are such a brain dead gun owning dolt.
Just admit we need gun control!
This video doesn't demonstrate a gun control problem, it demonstrates a mental health problem. That kid didn't get the help he needed because he was always in the background and nobody thought to help him.
Also you're a faggot
>another thumbnail
what's your fucking problem pal?
I only get off to thumbnails because it makes my cock look bigger in comparison.
>we need gun control because of this choreographed youtube video
Every shitpost you pathetic leftists make only pushes me farther to the right.
Everyone at that school was either a numale (bullied the kid for being white), nigger, chink, or spic as well as that ginger. He was the odd man out. The shooter decided "fuck these lefties, it's time for an ethnic cleansing". He did nothing wrong.
I read gun magazines at school all the time. Fuck these anti-Second Amendment cocksuckers.
I didn't realize adam lanza was in elementary school, if only his fellow students had recognized the signs
Srsly gets dem dendrites humming.
The only gun control we need is the total and unequivocal removal of all gun control to date
>Seems more like he was getting bullied. I totally noticed the gun facebook thing
>even in this shit they push the interracial bullshit
And as a teacher, I'd totally carry if I was allowed to while teaching. School shootings don't happen in places where the teachers are allowed to have guns
The ginger is a complete retard. He's staring RIGHT AT the kid when he's watching the gun video and doesn't say a word to him. He deserved it.
Adam Lanza was finally found bro. Turns out he is the brother of that "dead" singer girl Grimmie.
What is he watching away? MAC, hickock?
Here's clearly looking at the women behind the computer. You made his vision go into an angle.
>being interested in guns makes you a school shooter in the works
someone warn /k/
At the very least it had to be in his peripheral vision and noticed what he was watching.
Reminds me of this.
>This video PROVES it.
It only proves that some retards are still wasting piles of money on emotionally manipulative videos.
checc dese bich
How am I supposed to fap to that?
Not an argument.
we have emotional videos as well
>promoting racemixing
I haven't never laughed so hard after watching this video omfg
gun control is the thing that allowed communist to kill us, never let them take your guns guys
what about this
heres a better crop
checc u bich
does anyone else think he looks a little like alex jones?
Kek, he was watching some old dude on youtube. That old dude is probably an ex marine.
Evan would have probably been killed by some hood nigger anyway.
The kid had the right idea.
OP is an effeminate, cock gobbling, smegma chugging, jizz swilling fanny bandit.
Have some funs on behalf of /k/
Mirin' that collection hard.
Is that a 40mm gl?
If its illegal. Legal is 37mm. For "flares"
/k/ here, warning acknowledged