Does Sup Forums advocate National Socialism for all races and not just white people?
Black Nazis
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Black People are okay. Niggers are not.
You can be white and be a Nigger.
You can also be straight and be a Faggot.
Also, OP is a faggot.
Pic related.
Of course, integration is impossible and seperation for each to be in charge of their destiny's is the most desirable outcome.
Yes, are you new here?
Couldn't give a shit. They can do whatever they like as long as they stay in their own countries.
He's not black.
This dude is real
There actually were Black Nazis in North Africa during WWII.
Only for races with high IQs. Races with low IQs should be exterminated.
A NatSoc African nation might actually be really good.
It would only be good if it had a strong eugenics program to stop the average person from being borderline retarded.
>The smarter blacks gain an insight into Natsoc
>Form gangs and groups against their retarded African ilk
>literal African Right Wing Deathsquads
I can imagine Tyrone in his ghetto will be purged with fire quite liberally by his own brothers who view him as for what he is: Human filth
The problem isn't whether or not it's right, but whether it's possible. Any western nation could successfully adopt National Socialism with the whole of their already present white population, and certain Asian countries could do the same with their Asian population, but African countries? Nothing will work there unless they implement eugenics or commit mass purges.
As if we had any control over that. There are no actual nazis on this planet anymore, so you guys can phantasize as much as you want
I wish he was able to articulate. He basically sounds like a crazy person.
chicken wing death squads
Monkey buisness.
Radical back people and other browns tend to be commies. The partnership of the state and business (if you're talking about legit NatSoc and not that meme shit) isn't something they care about. If it weren't for the Shoah, I could see a lot of Jewish prople being national socialists.
>Nothing will work there unless they implement eugenics or commit mass purges.
That's already happening isn't it?
>Human filth
National Socialists didn't accept certain behaviour that most niggers show.
Underated af
No? Unless I'm mistaken there's only degenerate warlords over there.
Black NAZIS scare me.
>A NatSoc African nation
How can African's be nazi's? Wouldn't that be killing yourself because ur not white?
They shouldn't.
Could you imagine if black people didn't embrace degenerate violent criminal behaviour and instead adopted traditionalist conservative values en masse? Right now they are a joke and most are easily manipulated against white people by the media.
The world would be a much better place.
Once (((they))) are gone, everyone can come out and play :3 All Uncle Adolf was to make the deeply kiked society more like The Nature.
>Does Sup Forums advocate National Socialism for all races and not just white people?
Yes, NatSoc is for everyone.
I think National Socialism is applicable to all races in the abstract sense. In practice, different races might have different priorities which preclude the social organization/cohesion/etc of NatSoc.
National Socialism is akin to economic autism.
There's some fascist Islamic movements I think.
Niggers arent human
You can also say that human aren't niggers.
A fucking leaf.... gets it right once again... Come you fatburgers.. you're getting lapped by fucking Canucks.
Socialism is retarded in the real world solely because dirty shitskins exist.
>leafs calling each other leafs
No, you can't, these are not logically equivalent.
>Chilean intellectuals