Hell, Paco.
Build Wall.
>El dolar está a 22 pesos
>Ya nos cargó la chingada
Fuck Off
such a nice flag for such a shitty country
Yucatan peninsula is fine fuck you
Is the town rapist doing well Paco?
>A fucking bird eating a snek
>tfw anchor baby
>mfw Reagan granted both my parents full citizenship years ago
>35 years old now with a degree in business and medicine
>planning on opening a pharmacy in Socal within a years
>wife is a 24 year old white women
How does it feel white cuck bois of Sup Forums?
I'm in my senior year and I want to study the same thing.
How bad was it?
Could you make a vocaroo where you whisper sweet things (i love you, you're so beautiful, ect) to me in a sexy Mexican accent? Pls?
Thank you
Vine a trabajar a los Estados Unidos por un año y aproveché y vote por Trump. Ya llevo $30,000 ahorrados. Pronto tendré las tortillas pagadas de por vida.
a fucking snek
>Vine a trabajar a los Estados Unidos por un año y aproveché y vote por Trump. Ya llevo $30,000 ahorrados. Pronto tendré las tortillas pagadas de por vida.
Extremely bad. The amount of time and effort you have to put in will eat at you. I went through many phases of depression during my time studying. I didn't start taking school seriously until I was 23, I was fucking 25 and still going to going to community college at one point.
Hijo de puta, ojala te mate un morado de black lives matter kek
Sí me compadeciste, te ves muy desnutrido.
Pásame tu información si quieres y cordinamos una obra de caridad. ¡Saludos!
>Sí me compadeciste, te ves muy desnutrido.
Pásame tu información si quieres y cordinamos una obra
I plan to do the same. Both my parents are residents that came from Mexico. About to finish my degree in Comp Sci and should have a well paying job soon enough. Haven't decided whether I want to piss off white men or the Jews by marrying a top quality whore of theirs.
Sí. Para tu galán también alcanza. No te preocupes.
Morado lo dejo yo.
>Sí. Para tu galán también alcanza. No te preocupes.
Alguien enséñele a este indito a usar Sup Forums antes de que doxeé a toda su familia.
If you fucking brainwash a Jew into racemixing with you you will be considered a hero around here compadre.
you transferred from a community college?
Mexicans can't operate technology more complicated than a leaf blower.