Latin america hate thread


>americans like to suck cocks for FUN

Latin Americans on this board.

Rank 'em.

Best, worst and average.

It's all just un-DT to us white people so prove my ignorance.

Latin America is okay. Dominican Republic is trash-tier.

good thing we aren't there

go take a shot of tequila and relax , pablo , trump won't deport you

>latin america

American education

why do you hate us man?

Because your """"""""""(((country)))"""""""""" belong to the trash.


itt Gabriel cantor de churrascaria.

>mexicans do it for the protein

Pay debts

not my fault that our country is filled with leftist shitheads


>Send the worst of the worst to other countries, causing more problems
>Scam and bankrupt people to invest there
>Destabilize countries
>Napalm their own people during 1960s

our economy is shit mainly due all illegal haitians here

So paying 38 billion to Israel is fine?

Good. Enjoy our flooding. Both Haitians and actual flooding.

>not know about
>1st and 2nd Mexican Empire
>Gran Colombia
>Brazilian Empire
>Peru–Bolivian Confederation

it's been done and it failed

>inb4 shit skins and indios
the leaders of all 4 of those Imperial states were White Spaniards

wait my mistake the Brazilian empire wasnt run by Spaniards. they were portuguese

Iberian's then

Heh. Browns.



I have never seen or met anyone from Central or South America in my life

I support Trump bro, no bully

>12.3% to 99.7%
that map is retarded

pleased to meet you

The internet isn't real life

I really only ever see mexicans, argentinians, brazilians and sometimes chileans

I swear it was never that far east before....

leaving for colombia on monday !! latin america is the best region in the world, you basement dwelling shut-in neets would hate the freedom and high test women

Surprise, surprise, it's full of mulattos. Only Haiti is worse, and it's full of blacks. Just a coincidence, goy.

>2nd Mexican Empire
>The Conservatives received funding from Europe, especially from Isabella II of Spain and Napoleon III of France; the Liberals found backing from United States Presidents Abraham Lincoln and Andrew Johnson

Yeah, thanks a lot Abe

I fucking hate Haitians. The gave my dad HIV when he went to volunteer after the 2009 earthquake. Eat more mud cookies, and die, Haiti.

I don't know man.

Narcos was a pretty nice show

why was your dad fucking haitian children user?

Nicaragua reporting in.


Gran colombia failed because of traitors and separatists, if we only didn't allowed them so much room to scheme against us, if only we continued leading with an iron fist when the spaniards left.

Ehrmmm yeah... I sure do hate those latinamericans, as a proud texan I'm glad that El Emperador Trump will build the mighty wall...

nuke us already

>Where's Puerto Rico

United States Reporting

Richest latin american country :^)

I fucking hate the rest of Latin America even more than you fat fucks, I fucking hate their culture, I fucking hate their music, and I fucking hate the niggers entering from far away countries crossing in Argetina and Brazil borders, even though I like Argentineans and some Brazilians.

calm down Don Porfirio was everything they wanted Max to be