If you think any of this shit would work you're a fucking moron.
Why are there like a million irrelevant anarcho-whatever ideologies? They're literally meme-tier and like 90% of people have never even heard of them.
>humans can't sustain civilization without enslaving one another and future generations with debt
>I feel a strong desire for order!
My parents never beat me so I don't have fear engrained in my psyche like you.
Correct, see
I fucking love queer anarchism. Imagine it, an entire state composed of mentall ill retards who won't breed. It's just asking to fail
>not being a queer anarchist
LITERALLY transphobic
Agorism/mutualism is best anarchy.
> come at me bro
>literally ad hominem
I'd say it's a valid criticism since you're so afraid of cooperating with others you support a system of government that lets you escape normies
It's pretty autistic, bro
>boy including the anarcho-anarchist flag
>an entire state
nope, it's a group of stateless people who conveniently are all always mentally ill
>no state
how the fuck does that work?
It was a mistake for AnCaps to affiliate themselves with other anarchists.
The ideology would be much farther along if it had a different name.
I'm ancap. My entire philosophy is based on voluntary cooperation. Stop making attacks without sufficient knowledge, it shows you're a headstrong know it all.
If there is anarcho communism, is there also anarcho fascism?
but its just as retarded as all the others so why does it deserve special treatment?
Well following the trail of logic Ancap inevitably devolves into a form of regional fascism in the end.
If you think any of them would be worse than this shit then you are a fucking moron.
anarcho communism is basically what communism was supposed to be in the first place. Nobody has ever transitioned into the stateless/classeless society they desired because it contradicts human nature.
Anarcho facism is a complete contradiction though.
>a system that, if it were to exist, would happen hundreds of years in the future
>an user on Sup Forums knows exactly how it would play out
>Anarcho facism
O-Obey the government!...that doesn't exist because we're anarchists
An-prim is the only viable anarchist theory. It's not possible today but if it would've been applied like 300 years ago the world wouldn't be as fucked as it is today.
love these threads
>posting on a Maldivian rabbit breeding forum whose posting structure is based on the principles of anarchism
>If you think any of this shit would work you're a fucking moron.
You're a moron
your parents did beat you freak
stfu you are mentally ill.
more of this?
So Sweden then?
Because without a state anybody can do anything! And those all need their own names because it's the left.
Communism is good you're a fucking moron.
There is. National Anarchism.
Anarcho facism is real
moron it would happen in the past
no there isn't MORON