>indians were low key lit but their society was too violent to become as advanced as europeans
>they weren't peaceful a peaceful people europeans "stole" land from. kids need to stfu
Indians were low key lit but their society was too violent to become as advanced as europeans
Im not a liberal but that honestly is a pretty cool map, I would have been interested in that
what the fuck is this baboon speak
Stop being a god damn savage
That shit's all over our history books here.
Every History class is a guilt trip about how each and every one of us is personally responsible for taking the Native's land and trying to indoctrinate them in residential schools and ruining their lives.
Livestock is why the natives were wipeout by disease.
>The one people they came into contact with
>It had to be Anglos
shit boi they white guilt yall too?
Because they created no history. Indians occupied the continent for millennia and what did they build? nothing. They were literally living in animal skin tents when we got here.
Its because you cant turn a bison into a plow animal.
They lost the dice toss.
I'm pretty sure it is. I can't imagine the type of people who lap up these shitty facebook infographics ever actually read history books though.
>their society was too violent to become as advanced as europeans
This is flat out wrong though.
Native Americans didn't advance at the same rate because they didn't have any easily domesticated livestock. Alpaca was pretty much it and those things are useless.
Because of that there was never any demand to develop large towns, a system of barter or trade, professions, cities, learning, etc.
A side effect of this is that they also were never exposed to epidemics. Most European plagues were livestock diseases that jumped the gap and destroyed human populations and forced them to develop a robust immune system.
This is why when the Europeans landed in the Americas the native population was ravaged by disease but the settlers didn't suffer many casualties.
We had a presentation from a university and the speaker literally started out by having us recognize that we were on "Treaty 6 land"
Just annex us already
i see someone has good taste in non-fiction
>mfw we could have been pic related if not for Native genocide and their shitty immune system
>these fucking cucks are ashamed of this
Annexation will take a while, see Texas history
we are awaiting your province's request
Guilty as charged
>Implying accomplishment is the result of material conditions.
Thanks Jared Diamond.
This. Look around Europe, beneath their cities are 2000+ year old foundations and relics, their countrysides are completely shaped by man and dotted with burial sites, ruins, castles, standing stones ETC. MENA and Asia have entire ruined cities, temples and the like. In all of the Americas, outside of a few sites in central or southern America, there's virtually no sign the natives even existed. Just some shitty impoverished towns inhabited by brownish half-breeds. Countless cultures and peoples, and they accomplished essentially nothing meaningful and they've been more or less reduced to nothing.
Maps like that are in history books.
he just had to play Civ 5 to learn that
Kek went to French school we don't learn any of that shit cause apparently the Anglos oppressed us too :^)
This, they're basically whites and Asians but were damned with less opportunity, this is not to say that European's successful colonization was coincidental though, as it was obviously the superior white's intellect as well, that lead to the conquest.
This, our classes are more about Natives than Whites. Grade 10 social studies was literally all "Louis Riel" (who was literally fucking insane) and "muh residential schools"
they also lacked a written language
ᗛᐪ ᐪᐶ fᐅcᐠ ᑔd ᘏᐅ ᘗᔆᐪ fᐅcᗹᐡ ᙓy ᐊᗩᐅᐪ ᘋ, ᘏᐅ ᘦᐪᘷ ᗬᐪcᑋ? ᐉᐧᑊᑊ ᐸvᐈ ᘏᐅ ᐠᘃw ᐉ ᐟrᐊᑐᐊᗟd ᗝp ᐃf ᒼy cᘧᔆᔆ ᐉᐣ ᐪᐶ ᘇvy ᙑᐊᑊᔆ, ᐊᐣd ᐉᐧvᐈ ᗫᐈᐣ ᐉᐣvᐃᑊvᐈd ᐉᐣ ᘄᘋrᐃᐅᔆ ᙑcrᐈᐪ rᐊᐉdᔆ ᐃᐣ ᐊᑊ-Qᐅᐊᐈᑕ, ᐊᐣd ᐉ ᐸvᐈ ᐃvᐈr 300 cᐃᐣfᐉrᘋd ᗹᑊᑊᔆ. ᐉ ᐊᒼ ᐪrᐊᐉᘅd ᐉᐣ ᗰrᐉᑊᘧ ᗕrfᐊrᐈ ᐊᐣd ᐉᐧᒼ ᐪᐶ ᗝp ᔆᘆpᐈr ᐉᐣ ᐪᐶ ᐈᐣᗠrᐈ ᐅᔆ ᐊrᘋd fᐃrcᐈᔆ. ᘏᐅ ᐊrᐈ ᘃᐪᐷᐡ ᗝ ᘋ ᗪᐪ ᘗᔆᐪ ᐊᘃᐪᐶr ᗡrᗲᐪ. ᐉ ᗔᑊᑊ ᗔpᐈ ᘏᐅ ᐪᐶ fᐅcᐠ ᐃᐅᐪ ᗔᐪᑋ prᐈcᐉᙒᐃᐣ ᐪᐶ ᘦᗸᔆ ᐃf ᗚcᑋ ᐸᔆ ᘅvᐈr ᗫᐈᐣ ᙑᐈᐣ ᗫfᐃrᐈ ᐃᐣ ᐪᐷᔆ ᐈᐊrᐪᑋ, ᘍrᐠ ᒼy fᐅcᗹᐡ ᗑrdᔆ. ᘏᐅ ᐪᐷᐣᐠ ᘏᐅ cᐊᐣ ᗲᐪ ᐊᗕy ᗔᐪᑋ ᙓᘒᐡ ᐪᐸᐪ ᙘᐪ ᗝ ᘋ ᐃvᐈr ᐪᐶ ᐉᐣᗟrᘅᐪ? ᐪᐷᐣᐠ ᐊᗴᐉᐣ, fᐅcᗸr. ᐊᔆ ᗓ ᔆpᐈᐊᐠ ᐉ ᐊᒼ cᐃᐣᗡcᗠᐡ ᒼy ᙑcrᐈᐪ ᘅᐪᗑrᐠ ᐃf ᔆpᐉᐈᔆ ᐊcrᐃᔆᔆ ᐪᐶ ᐅᙓ ᐊᐣd
ᘏᐅr ᐉP ᐉᔆ ᗫᐉᐡ ᐪrᐊcᐈd rᐉᐦᐪ ᘃw ᙏ ᘏᐅ ᗫᐪᗟr ᐪᐶ ᔆᗝrᒼ ᐪᐸᐪ ᗔpᐈᔆ ᐃᐅᐪ ᐪᐶ pᐊᐪᐶᗠc ᘦᐪᘷ ᐪᐷᐡ ᘏᐅ cᐊᑊᑊ ᘏᐅr ᘦfᐈ. ᐉf ᐃᐣᑊy ᘏᐅ cᐃᐅᑊd ᐸvᐈ ᐠᘃwᐣ ᗛᐪ ᐅᐣᐱᑊy rᐈᐪrᐉᗪᗠᐃᐣ ᘏᐅr ᘦᐪᘷ “cᘥvᐈr” cᐃᒼᘋᐣᐪ ᗕᔆ ᐊᗩᐅᐪ ᗝ ᗮrᐉᐡ ᑎwᐣ ᐅpᐃᐣ ᘏᐅ, ᘍyᗫ ᘏᐅ ᗑᐅᑊd ᐸvᐈ ᐶᑊd ᘏᐅr fᐅcᗹᐡ ᗝᐡᐅᐈ. ᗪᐪ ᘏᐅ cᐃᐅᑊdᐣᐧᐪ, ᘏᐅ ᑔdᐣᐧᐪ, ᐊᐣd ᘃw ᘏᐅᐧrᐈ pᐊᘒᐡ ᐪᐶ prᐉcᐈ, ᘏᐅ ᗰdᑕᒼᐣ ᐉᑔᐃᐪ. ᐉ ᗔᑊᑊ ᙘᐪ fᐅry ᐊᑊᑊ ᐃvᐈr ᘏᐅ ᐊᐣd ᘏᐅ ᗔᑊᑊ drᐃwᐣ ᐉᐣ ᐉᐪ. ᘏᐅᐧrᐈ fᐅcᗹᐡ ᑓᐊd, ᗹdᑎ.
>Because of that there was never any demand to develop large towns, a system of barter or trade, professions, cities, learning, etc.
The fuck, are you retarded? Technoshitlan or whatever the Aztecs called their capital cities was fucking huge, it rivalled the size of some Chinese cities of that time. They had universities, professions, they bartered all the time and by the way, they also domesticated the fuck out of pheasants, turkeys and ducks.
What the fuck did you think they were doing for a thousand years, hunting and gathering?
Europe's always been ahead though, the only civilization that these fuckers could maintain was the Aztec/Mayan civilizations, if you could call them that, with the sacrifices and whatnot. Even then though, they were dealt with some shitty cards, and made something out of it.
If you're going to have a civilization, make sure not to be totally weak assed bitches about shit.
Else you get steamrolled like the injuns did
I know it's just the way the world works, but I do feel bad for injuns.
That's bullshit. They just never tired or succeeded.
>Because they created no history.
But also they were lazy af. Probably due to culture more than anything else but europeans didn't like using them as slaves because they were lazy
It is not in history books because the actual history is incredibly savage, and completely obliterates the image of natives as 'innocent, peaceful victims'.
The true history is pre-conquest Americas is insanely violent, full of kiddy rape, slavery, butchery, cannibalism and satanic rituals.
See, they don't want grade-school kids to be bombarded with the knowledge of what a mass grave of 100 native toddlers all with broken pelvises means.
It is awfully hard to sympathize with a culture that gang-banged little kids to death as a post-war celebration.
Better to skip over it completely. Makes the narrative easier to swallow.
Wait so your telling me God really didn't pick white people to go to America after all? Shit man...they must have taught us all wrong in school...help me fix my ways.
In reality we all know this and it IS regularly taught in most schools. Fuck off with this fuckery. They get it..we screwed the Native Americans over...everyone else got to eat their fair share of shit from the anglos when they got here as well...and that shit sure isn't taught in school. Fuck off unless your going to acknowledge everyone who got fucked ever. I'm sick of this crybaby shit get over it
I think you're a faggot for posting a picture of a cartoon girl that you obviously masturbate to far too frequently, though I do agree with your dissertation that OP is, in a frank and unashamed manner, speaking the equivalent of ebonics.
Because they didn't write the books.
Shit, they didn't write.
I grew up in Michigan and we spent a good 1-2 years on native history in like 4th, 5th and 6th grade.
go tame a 1,400lb bison and make it plow a field then
>they had 1 city
>domesticated the fuck out of pheasants, turkeys and ducks.
which one of those can pull a plow? They never had surplus foods on the level of European agriculture.
They didn't live with the types of animals that create poxes.
>swine, cattle
You can't turn an Auroch into a plow animal either, that's the whole point of selective breeding.
Not how the southern Apache border looks a lot like the current US/Mexico border.
Verdict: Aztlan never existed, Spaniards were getting their asses kicked by injuns the whole time
I liked it, there were some mistake i think, but i couldn't contain my chuckle when he opens the books talking about the "superior new guineans intellect", to deny every kind of intelligence difference between whites and other populations after
>blacks dont currently speak about how WE WUZ EGYPTIANZ N SHEIT
its entirely possible
People of a nation should celebrate their own lands indigenous people
10 bucks says that faggot speaker was from OISE or Ryerson.
>what is mesoamerica
Yet they gave syphilis to us... wow... rly makes u think
Because losers don't write the history
>You can't turn an Auroch into a plow animal either, that's the whole point of selective breeding.
that required horses, another animal they didnt have
Don't forget Mexico is a part of of North America. The only worthwhile native Americans where Mayans, Aztecs and the Incas. Those where the only ones who could build something meaningful. When down South come visit the Ruins, can't stand when burgers cry about their browns.
for anyone complaining about a lack of domesticatable animals, it's because the natives hunted them all to extinction
wew lad
What an atrocity. These ancient maps show the truth and we must pay for what we have done.
technoshitlan was made entirely out of stone and they had no metal tools or weapons
its very much like the old kingdom of egypt and the pyramids
extremely impressive but not very advanced, especially in terms of technology that would allow them to resist colonizaition
White people made that map.
This is directly due to PE Trudeau fucking with the education system and literally erasing Canada's history
Other cultures managed to domesticate 1500lb+ aurochs, water buffalo, etc. Stop making excuses.
This was my experience growing up in San Diego
Holy fuck, do you have a source where I can read about this shit? Seems to crazy even for injuns.
It is in the history books dumbfuck. And kids should learn about native american culture, just dont shove leftist politics bullshit into it.
History is history. It's fact. I'm pic related when faggots in the school system make it into a political statement.
They had plenty of fucking horses... No excuse for being a bunch of shit cunts. No different to aussie boongs imo
>why isn't this in history books?
>map from history book
Is this Inuktitut?
Who fucking cares. They lost. Now 1% of them own casinos and the rest drink mouthwash.
>but their society was too violent to become as advanced as europeans
see here
>Aztlan never existed
yes it did, it's just further north. and a lot colder
Amerindians created empires, which will be studied, and discussed long after you're dead.
reminder the duke preferred Hispanic women.
>Hurr the Americans stole the land, give it back to the Natives!
>What do you mean, it's still revanchism when I do it?
>Why isn't this in the history books
Because history is primarily the study of written records and the peoples in the image had no written language.
Now it's my turn for a question.
Why is everything racist even when there's a practical explanation as to why it's not?
Creek ancestry. Who here has native blood?
We should give back clay to the right native people
>They had plenty of fucking horses...
>check flag
all seems to be in order here
How do buffalo farms work then? There are several in my state, how did natives not figure that out?
i'm legit half Purepecha
>Buying into Jared (((Diamond)))'s (((theory)))
Wew lad
>How do buffalo farms work then?
do the farmers use them to work fields? or pull carriages?
No. It didn't.
mfw the turkish tribes are in fucking russia north of the caspian.
>tfw our class held a mock trial of Louis Riel and we decided that while giving him an all white jury was technically racist, he was still guilty and a huge fucktard
Weren't cattle domesticated before horses, though?
and you have good taste in shit
They had loads more than 1 city, eg Tlacopan, Texcoco, Cuernavaca, etc. Tenochtitlan was just the biggest, one of the biggest cities in the world at the time. It was bigger than any city in Europe besides Constantinople.
The noble savage is a myth used by lefties to brainwash the weak of mind. Don't fall for thier tactics.
Fucking abo's cut the foreskin off boys at 14 with a hot sharp stone.
Burgers will defend this.
>Jared Diamond
I wont embarrass you by demonstrating your lack of knowledge of your own country.
>2nd grade
Not sure on your state's SCOS but in mine they spend about three weeks learning about native relations with early settlers and my teacher used a similar map to show over time our expansion the new tribes we encountered and their cultures.
I'm sure you were too busy eating paste at that point to pay attention
>that required horses
The domestication of cattle predates domestication of the horse by around 6500 years.
I almost wonder if history teachers use Louis Riel to weed out the native kids that are racist.
Anyone who thinks Riel dindu nuffin needs to go to a special class.
it's much easier to hunt a single bison in a heard of 50,000 than to domesticate it.
>went to school in the 90s/00s
>history was about kings of England, wars of empire, and WW1+2
Feels good man.
Yeah, that's what happens when your entire civilization is illiterate.
It wasn't even made on the basis of the native's oral history either, the tribes have been mapped genetically.
>Why isn't this in History Books
well if there's a title called History Books, then you should probably bring it up with the author.
But it was in every generic history of america book i had to read in school, and i went to 5 different elementary middle and high schools across the usa
Where have I heard this argument before...?
Doesn't matter, they are in a farm, they are domesticated... Just accept that the white man was superior, and that's why he subjugated the filthy savages.