They are generally pretty red-pilled on most everything (like Trump and degeneracy) except they are hardcore civic nationalists and are actually happy with race-mixing as they see it as a "unification of cultures." I've given it my all but they still see me as crazy.
I could potentially be getting it to them if it wasn't for their main argument of how there is no possible way to "keep the races pure" as the "white race" doesn't exist. My mom says that she isn't "white" because of her Russian, Polish, Irish, and Eastern European descent, and she says the majority of Americans don't even know their roots but they are all mostly a blend of cultures and therefore there is no problem with the cultures blending white/black as that's how it's always been. According to my parents people have mixed extensively throughout history, which I tried to explain not to this extent due to easily accessible travel on a global scale but they still won't buy it.
They also say that it is the character of a person that matters and not their race, which I said is hedonistic because people won't care about how good you are in 1000 years but people will recognize your race for its achievements and it's important to be part of that.
Can you guys give me arguments/debate points to help back up my claims (which are the general consensus on here about race-mixing)? I really need help fighting their idea of European races/cultures blending in the melting pot (myth) known as America and why it's no different for Europeans and non-Europeans.
Can I also get some statistics and evidence to show how race-mixing has negative effects on the individual, the family and society as a whole?
Thanks and 14/88