Toni Lahren B L A C K E D
Is no white girl safe?
Toni Lahren B L A C K E D
Is no white girl safe?
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>Toni Lahren B L A C K E D
more like Noah took the redpill and needed more info
Tbh she seems like a total slut. Her ideology is just an outgrowth of submission to conservative alpha men. Not a surprise at all that some nigger would rear her.
That's not the only BBC she took that week. Watch this video, it's clear that they're grabbing some brunch after a long night of fucking.
Proof every "conservative woman" is just looking for some Chad to fuck her and pay for her shit
I don't think that actually counts here, Trevor Noah is one of (((them)))
Kys cuckfags
>using kys
Underage fag detected
"Conservative" White women are always the biggest black cock sluts, why do you think most interracial and cuckold porn is consumed in red states?
Are you triggered that your conservative waifu is actually just a garden variety vapid whore?
Her boyfriend is a white Navy Seal.
She is SO far from being "blacked"
>her boyfriend is a cucked white navy seal
She seems overinflated by the media, like a false flagger to make Trump supporters seem dumb like Richard Spencer
Can confirm, had crazy BRSK (Blonde Republican Sex Kitten) girlfriend
>implying military fags aren't the biggest cucks of all.
yeah they are very matter of fact about needing to get just slammed
It's pretty obvious she's controlled opposition.
How many confirmed kills?
Military fags are notorious for getting cucked
She came out after he got back from his first tour
kys, you raging faggot
This. She just echos everything that's said about these topics, without offering any novel viewpoints. Everything she says sounds incredibly scripted and inauthentic, which is especially apparent when she's """""debating""""".
No white girl can resist the BBC
Remind me again how we save the white race when we're dependent on these two faced parasites known as white women
>non-black woman in presence of black men
why are cucks so obnoxious
That could be the little girls friend, or the daughter of another soldier. You have no idea.
>"Conservative" White women are always the biggest black cock sluts
LoL in what fucking world?
Are you guys all neets or organized Soros cuckposters or what?
Like she would sleep with him when this is what she's fucking
What the fuck bro are you kidding me. Into the trash she goes.
White bois simply cannot compete with the BBC
Because they are pathetic
If her boyfriend is fine with other dudes taking her out for drinks, just the two of them, he's a fucking cuck.
Wow someone is insecure as fuck. Can't hold your own leaf?
pls you have to smell a nigger if he is on you. It would be disgusting. Like what a fast food employee smells like after a long day of work.
>She has a boyfriend on deployment, so theres NO WAY that shes getting dick on the side guys
You know the endgame is that chinese men develop a fetish for prison raping black men right?
Sorry you so insecure about yourself, maybe this is why you're single user.
That's what they're doing in Africa right now.
Trevor Noah is getting redpilled on crime statistics.
Its probably a very uncomfortable conversation.
How do I look like that without any work?
If you want to tell me to kill myself at least say "kill yourself" instead of being a lazy faggot and making some retarded acronym that doesn't even make sense