How do we solve the female slut problem?
How do we solve the female slut problem?
stop putting pussy on a pedestal
Found the faggot
Not a problem for me, I spent last night fucking my whore gf whilst coked up.
Don't marry. Don't have kids. Fuck prostitutes.
When I first came here I wanted to fight. I wanted to save the white race, find a red pilled qt, and have cute white kids that I could raise Christian and would have told anyone posting my above sentence to fuck off. But this site broke me, broke me with reality.
There's no hope. Not even Trump can save us. Just escape until a hopefully early and merciful death.
absolutely degenerate
better parenting
lately defeatist cucks like you just make me laugh
not sure what's prompting this reaction
Get them pregnant.
legalize prostitution and encourage young men to go to sex workers for sexual release instead of wasting money on pornography and firearms
*unzips dick*
Leaf it to me.
That's a fucking trap, you can see his balls hanging behind the bar
stop the beta fags who do all kinds of idiotic shit for these types of women's attention
Do people really find that type of "slutty school girl" clothing attractive? Believe me, I've tried numerous time to get a hardon from images/vids like that. It did not work.
It's too much. What hope do we have?
At first I thought people like my above post were shills, or niggers trying to bait me, but lately it just gave in. We're never going to purge the shitskins out of white countries, and that's the only way for our survival. Once we are outnumbered they won't be kind to us.
>wasting money on firearms
stop buying fucking AUGs nigger I got a ruger 10/22 with extended 50-round mags and 2000 rounds of ammo for 150$
Delete the internet
You will kill
>Lgbt "movement"
>Globalist control
>Attention whores
>Virtue signaling
>Further corruption of our youth by communists
>The EU's support base
>Electronic theft
>Most modern forms of Vidya
>Smartphone "gaming"
>Majority of porn
>Internet "journalism"
>The spread of nigger "culture" being pushed by the jews
Our hope rests in individuals like yourself not giving up hope.
sluts are awesome there is no need to fix them, just don't get into a relationship or have kids with them
we get them on MY dick
So fucking jealous
6 white babies for every white womb
they can't cheat work or leave you if you keep your seed coming.
This OP. Don't marry or have kids. Who wants to waste their time raising the next generation, let someone else have kids and raise them, just use that time to spend it on your hobbies like watching movies and playing games.
Her name is nonsummerjack and you're a homosexual fantasizing about women with balls.
>canadian firearms market
>women do things to get attention
>sex is the ultimate attention getter from lonely virgin
Stopping men as a whole from giving bitches attention for this shit.
MGTOW but not in the betacuck permavirgin manner.
The female slut problem comes from men indulging in whore rewarding sex and hedonistic way of life.
If women are inferior/weaker/etc... then the issue is with the men first.
>I got a ruger 10/22 with extended 50-round mags and 2000 rounds of ammo
>Just for $150
Shut them down when they act like whores. If a woman says something overly promiscuous or bawdy as a joke, either ignore it or just give a minimal response. Ask them slightly intellectual questions, and don't let the conversation get sidetracked into gossip or other useless shit.
I think it was 900 rounds but who gives a shit when 300 rounds is 20$ at the sporting goods store on sale
>female slut
>dead corpse
>wet water
>cold snow
Agreed, but it's a problem if there are way more sluts than women.
Remove all economic incentives for women to be whores .
I just rule them out as a wife material.
You can still have sex with them but i guess not if you're the kind of guy who could fall in love with an idiot of no worth.
bring the manufacturing jobs back so women will work in the factories instead of in porn
also, ban mexican immigration because mexicans run the porn industry
I was referring to the Ruger.
Women tend to not think of the consequences due to
>Birth control pill
create locations where men and women can come together and mingle without alcohol
Nah, she's actually /ourgirl/.
oh rugers are cheap as fuck especially at gun shows or on sale
mine was acquired at a closeout sale of a gun range last christmas
>You can still have sex with them
Good job rewarding their behavior. Put your money where your mouth is.
if we bring back the manufacturing jobs, men will be able to provide for women, and women will be able to be stay at home moms instead of sluts
practically all our social problems started when we went into these free trade agreements
It's subversion. /leftypol/ was an utter failure so this is another tactic
You sound like you never talk to women
is it possible to kill a woman with sex?
i guess if you pounded her so hard during the sex that it destroyed her internal organs or something
i wonder what the court hearing for that one would be like
Really... stop trading your soul for the vagina voodoo, you fucking plebs
By giving them the D.
We'll use HORSES
Source: google search= Bitch on Pole. Tanned Jap whores are fucking hot.
Have you ever spoken to a woman before? They're just going to walk away from you and treat you like a creep if you try to get "intellectual" with them. Bitches are all about the fee fees so you have to act more like RDJ's Tony Stark where you're still sophisticated but fun to be around.
the only intellectual talk you should be giving with girls is how many inches can she handle
>is it possible to kill a woman with sex?
Yes, women can die as result of internal hemorrhage, this most likely happens during rape though.
Time. Pressure and time.
we rape them
I found out today my gf sucked nigger dick. Which means she really fucked him. It was before we met but I can't take this shit. I thought the BBC was a meme yet even this girl from the backwoods can find a nigger to fuck
>you have to act more like RDJ's Tony Stark where you're still sophisticated but fun to be around.
Well put. If you really try to be serious with them, they get that dead eyed look and before you know it they're tapping on their pocket dopamine screens looking for their next fuckbuddy or reading Buzzfeed.
Give everything a thick coat of cool, calm, laid back snark and charisma. That's the coating you need for red pills if you want bitches to take them.
This is a legit problem. There are way too many try hards out there. Too many guys that will do WHATEVER it takes to fuck that one bitch.
Look for uncut white twink gifs
dont date whores and sluts. dont talk to whores and sluts. completely shut sluts out of your life
if they want to be sluts. let them. but completely isolate them from any form of success. theyre only sluts and whores cause we allow them to be. we allow this sort of behavior because they slut around and we still accommodate them
if all they talk to are the loser fucbois that work at mcdonalds and notice that the girl who keeps her legs shut is out with educated men with successful careers. eventually. theyre gunna catch on being a slut is only hurting them
>we will teach them.jpg
it doesn't work because there will always be men to accommodate them
We don't. Cat's out of the bag. Feminism gave women hypergamy in spades.
Relinquish your earthly need to propagate the species and jack off to 2D girls.
1. Remove kebab
2. Make Europe fashy again
3. Combat the Jewery and quarantine them in Israel, not just physically, but culturally and financially.
4. Deport any man who is still cucked Nigeria
5. Start having the state force women to get married, enforce polygamy if necessary.
6. Incentivize people to have children.
7. Repeat in America, Canada, Australia, and New Zealand
8. Retake South Africa and Rhodesia.
9. New Crusade, this time we don't stop at Jerusalem.
10. Recolonize Africa
11. Secure alliance with Japan, Taiwan, and South Korea.
Do you want me to keep going?
Tranny. Body like a fucking fridge.
then kick them out of the success circle as well
essentially we build a economic wall around men and women who think slutting around is ok. men think sluts are ok? they get to work at mcdonalds. only give men who value family and hard work promotions
You don't. Learn to deal with the reality that a conservative sweet loyal wife no longer exist. Embrace it, learn game, and fuck as much bitches as possible.
only a problem if ur a loser. Stop being a loser.
wow I'd fuck that forever
actually, a lot of the high earning men will put up with it as well
particularly guys in say the tech field and other beta type careers
If this is such a problems, why don't women want to fuck me?
Instead they are all so prudish about sex even the nerdy homely looking ones
What problem? I bet you're just a small white boi who can't get laid. It's alright though i'd be happy to cuck you.
she's not a trap, not that I would care, I'd still fap to her, but she clearly has a pussy,
lol because Sup Forums people need less sluts. Y'all forever virigins need more, if anything.
There is no such thing as a female slut. Men should get rid of their madonna/whore complex and start treating sexuality proper, just as you can eat bad shit so you can fuck up with your sexuality, and repressing it is one way of fucking it up.
Right after we figure out how to get bears to stop shitting in the woods
Super aids
Fix your face and wallet first.
Try searching for big black cocks instead, then you may get a stirring
This behavior is hard wired in human genes. So you need either alter human genes, which our science cant yet, or officially demote women from humans to livestock and property.
Try to have some self respect and not fuck your 14 year old girlfriend turning her into a complete sex crazed whore.
get a bigger dick
it's that simple
sluts are only a problem for guys with penises less than 8 inches long
My point is that women aren;t as slutty as OP says, cuz if they were there wouldn't be such a huge virginity (and wizard) epidemic
If anygthing women are too stingy about sex
there aren't a lot of men who are virgins
it's just a lot of virginal men spend a lot of time on the internet, and tend to visit boards like these
not even making fun of you guys in particular, you all might not be virgins, but it does tend to happen - look at r9k for starters
The future is professional couples. Asians, Jews and whites.
Everyone else will be peasants and will have painful, empty and depressing lives.
Even the couples won't be very happy. Giving their entire lives to the Jew.
>evidence women don't understand math
>can't even assess penis length.
Well, I am one and if there is a woman out there slutty enough to have with me I haven't found one, they all have high standards
the same way you solve literally every other societal ill, user
You simply can not fix women. In order to try and escape a degrading middle or lower class life where you are nothing more than cattle playthings for the rich they will spend at least half their 20s whoring themselves to try to land a wealthy man.
If you want a pretty girl you will have to accept Chads swill and the cesspool of leftovers.