My local mall 8 years ago was mostly white. Now when I visit it is full of poor fat spics and niggers. Any other burgers notice changing demographics?
Changing Demograhics Thread
As if anything has changed except of the skin color
Dumb animals that don't speak English.
That happened to everyone's mall, which is why white people invented online shopping.
If they're poor then how are they buying shit at the mall?
Yes i live in oregon and its insanely mexican. Going to school in 2008 it was half mexicans.
they just walk around
I think what he said still applies hue hue.
Check out the beaches at Rehoboth, DE. It's all Mexicans now. The businesses themselves are cool though. Based French crepe maker in Penny Lane. We talked to them before Bastille Day. I hate sandniggers so much.
I remember the streets where I used to live were 90% white. But now it's full of Indians.
you brought this on yourselves by not having kids and doing nothing about the shit state of immigration for the last 50 years.
When i was in elementary school in california all my teachers were white. Mostly.
But the students were not. I could see the dissatisfaction in some teachers
What can we do when both R's and D's promoted it? I wish society would collapse sometimes so I could form a faction and live out my desires of living in the woods.
I'm 17 but I plan to have a family so...
I grew up aroudn Mexicans, they'll buy expensive clothes and shoes and food, and then use financial aid for school and live in poor areas.
It's gonna be an ugly future for you nazis.
Malls being filled with minorities has more to do with the development of online shopping than racial replacement.
Which isn't to deny that it is happening, of course.
It's going to be an uglier future for you when you realize what you've done.
lol, this.
You really let things goes in Britain...