Jon Lebowitz takes off his clown mask

This should come as a surprise to nobody. But there are a lot of plebbit fags here. Have fun choking on the pill. As he just admitted, he's not a comedian, he's a propagandist "controlling the culture". Thus you ought to view everything he's done in that light.

Which means all those jokes tearing down OWS right alongside the Tea-Party, and more recently Trump Supporters, reveals a man whose job it was to subvert and poison any legitimate grassroots movement in this country which challenges the corrupt establishment.

>“I think of one of the lessons of this book and what we’re talking about is to put satire and culture in its proper place — that controlling a culture is not the same as power. And that while we were all passing around really remarkably eviscerating videos of the Tea Party ― that we had all made great fun of ― [they were] sitting off a highway at a Friendly’s taking over a local school board. And the lesson there is, as much as I love what we did and I liked it, there is a self-satisfaction there that is unwarranted, unearned and not useful.”

>“Trump didn’t happen because CNN sucks. CNN just sucks. He happened because that’s the push and pull of this nation at all times. It’s a push and pull between nativism and a more inclusive multi-cultural approach. It’s a country that writes in its founding document all men are created equal but only white men who own property can vote. That’s the earliest contradiction, and we’ve been fighting that battle ever since.”

Other urls found in this thread:

Where does it say in the constitution that only whites who own land can vote?

bump this is pathetic how is this real life

In the liberal mindset the constitution sneaks out of its display case at night and strangles minorities. Reality doesn't really matter to them.

>What is slavery
>What is Jim Crow
If you're going to make an argument at least be cognizant of early American history.

fucking leaf.

Those were the laws as originally written; land requirements, race requirements, and gender requirements were abolished over time and in roughly that order.

>Where does it say in the constitution that only whites who own land can vote?
Ssshh, you're thinking too hard goyim. He mentioned the Constitution and "Something-Bad" in the same sentence. The take away is that the Constitution is inherently BAD!

It’s a country that writes in its founding document all men are created equal but only white men who own property can vote.
I'm glad some Leftists acknowledge that the United States wasn't meant to be an egalitarian democracy.

>>What is slavery
>>What is Jim Crow
Not something in the Constitution....

Why not call it what it is instead of pretending there's some racist segregation bullshit written into the constitution?

You must be a libtard given your innate butthurt

its not a relevant point you retard

That's what it said originally. Its been updated, at their bequest, since then.

because its an irrelevant detail and he, unlike you, is not autistic?

Sauce? I googled and found the complete opposite of what you said. Still giving you the benefit of the doubt, though.

Its the entire point of what you were replying to. Are you really too fucking retarded to not even understand your own bullshit?

How is it irrelevant? He's trying to paint the most historic document of your country as some racist white supremacist shit. Suck my dick beta male. I'll literally bend you over and fuck your tiny asshole with my maple syrup covered dick.

the point is the constitution is inclusive and our founding laws were not, autistic omega male

no, it was not, try to use your brain or you may as welll be a nigger

he didn't say it said that in the constitution. read his quote more carefully: the founding document says all people are created equally. only white men who own property can vote.

that is NOT because the constitution said so but because there was no national debate at that point about black landowners or women voting because it wasn't in the national consciousness that those people mattered or were even part of "mankind."

You mean the Founding Principles? None of them say anything about race. If black people didn't want to be slaves they shouldn't have sold each other :)


Look at me

You're Tucker now

you proudly represent canadian cuck values leaf

Okay so call it what it is.. state legislation. You know what's great about your country? If you don't like some racist state, like California, you can move to another state.

>caring what some hypocritical jew said because he was on tv once

Basically, what he said is accurate. The laws have since been updated.

But initially, it was only white, land-owning, males (mostly because, at the time, those were the most likely to be educated and have knowledge outside of their immediate town at the time).

>be cognizant of early American history.

Notice the "landowners" bit you ignorant fuck. Voting in a community or state was based off proof of residence (just like today). That means itinerant people (regardless of race) couldn't vote, because you shouldn't get to vote in a community you aren't from and won't live in long term. Restricting voting to people with as take in a community's (or state's) future makes sense and is easily morally justifiable.

John Stewart needs to come back. Trump's daily idiocy provides for more comedic fodder than anyone could possibly intake.

lol no I would be crucified in Canada for not towing the liberal narrative. Fuck off shill

I see, you're literally retarded. You literally attributed things to the Constitution that were never a part of it, to prove that the Constitution is something its not.

it's not even an issue of state legislation.

Jon Stewart is so locked into his role as a fifth columnist that he skipped over the fact that "all men are created equal" is not a contradiction with slavery if you maintain that those slaves are NOT men.

What's up with all these Redditors flooding Sup Forums today? Please fuck off


>He happened because that’s the push and pull of this nation at all times. It’s a push and pull between nativism and a more inclusive multi-cultural approach.
>identity politics says that whites are all privileged and to advocate for white interests is white supremacy
>every other race and identity can nakedly advocate in their own interest though, just not white men

He still wants multiculturalism to work while his own side pushes a divisive vengeful, paranoid approach.

If its all about identity than every group will split the country in a thousand different ways with nothing in common.

He should be smarter than this.

>It’s a country that writes in its founding document all men are created equal but only white men who own property can vote. That’s the earliest contradiction
If all men are created equal, what's stopping the ones who don't become white men who own property?

Interpreted literally, "all men are created equal" is an obvious absurdity. The founding fathers were using laconic wit:
>In an account from Herodotus, "When the banished Samians reached Sparta, they had audience of the magistrates, before whom they made a long speech, as was natural with persons greatly in want of aid." When it was over, the Spartans averred that they could no longer remember the first half of their speech, and thus "...could make nothing of the remainder. Afterwards the Samians had another audience, whereat they simply said, showing a bag which they had brought with them, 'The bag wants flour.' The Spartans answered that they did not need to have said 'the bag'; however, they resolved to give them aid."

"The bag wants flour."
"All men are created equal."

They were simply rejecting hereditary titles of nobility and royalty in favor of a republic.

By the way you dumb fucks, Free Slaves were allowed to vote in several states, even before Non Landing Owning White Men were allowed to vote. New Jersey let women vote.

Land Ownership and Paying Taxes where the only common voting requirement between the States up until the 1850s. Learn your god damn history, it will surely surprise you.


Here's the full interview.

I don't think it's quite as bad as you put it.

>I know a lot of first responders. I spent a lot of time in that community. A shit load of them voted for Trump. The same people that voted for Trump ran into burning buildings and saved whoever the f— they could no matter what color they were, no matter what religion and they would do it again tomorrow. So, if you want to sit and tell me that those people are giving tacit approval to an exploitative system ― I say, 'OK, and would you put your life on the line for people who aren’t like you? Because they did.'"

He's literally just trying to point out the hypocrisy in that line of thinking.


He's pointing out that "all men are created equal" wasn't the reality of that time period.

>He should be smarter than this.

He's a Jew. Jew's aren't smart, they're just clever.

Lebowitz is irrelevant

Things are getting Comfy

Well kind of. See, when they said "all men" they werent talking about women, and other races were savage animals.

So they meant for equality among Humans.

Jew propagandists have been trying with vast leverage to nosedive the United States since the US Civil War. It was only when the baby boomers reached the height of power in the 1990s that the Jews started to succeed. HW Bush might have been a spineless shill, but shit fucking worked when he was president. You didn't see more "this building available for lease" signs than "help wanted" signs back then. Bill Clinton repealed the laws which protected us from a roller coaster economy, with breakneck dives for the general public to propel rocket leaps upward for the inner banking class.

Donald Trump is the one renegade boomer to defeat the entire baby boomer empire from within. That's why nearly all media and all politicians and all foreign countries acted against him. He's the wooden stake in their vampire heart.

Land ownership was enough to qualify non-citizens and even non-residents to vote in many states.

But also, black men were (officially) prohibited from owning property in most slave states (although the rule was often broken, with freedmen even owning their own slaves). Freeing slaves was a controversial subject. Nobody thought it was a good idea to have free black Africans immigrate, yet they'd bring them in as slaves and then free them into the general population. The owners would do it when they didn't want to be responsible for feeding and housing a slave anymore, as a special reward to encourage the others, or for their mulatto children. Any way you look at it, it was bad for the larger community, and there was a lot of conflict over this.

this kike can go fuck himself

eh i was alone in my house high on coke one time jackin off, started fingering my butthole cuz fuck it I need to spice things up a bit. Next thing I know I'm three fingers three knuckles deep using my own precum as lube tryn to stimulate my own prostate cuz it felt p good

just be careful is all Im sayin

There is nothing wrong with only land owning white males over the age of service being allowed to vote.

People that do not have stock in the nation will vote against the national interest for their own benefit and slowly but surely dismantle society.

...But blacks weren't able to own land.
>Not considered people
>No property rights

It's not hard to understand why lefties say this country was built on racist foundations.

>He's pointing out that "all men are created equal" wasn't the reality of that time period.
So what? They still aren't today. You can't claim you've championed "Equality" when you support a system that legalizes discrimination, and special privileges for certain people, which is exactly what Leftists have done.

>reveals a man whose job it was to subvert and poison any legitimate grassroots movement in this country

Are you retarded? He literally said the exact opposite of this. That he's just a fucking satirist who doesn't influence anything at all. He doesn't "subvert" or "poison", he just tells jokes and pokes fun.

>he was quick to point out that satire doesn’t have too much influence on things

Propaganda is not his job and if it was, he's bad at it.

>[Trump] happened because that’s the push and pull of this nation at all times.

It's just cycles. Everything cycles. Boom and bust in the economy, democrat and republican in the White House, nationalist and globalist politics in the mainstream. People get fed up with x and double down on y. Then when they're fed up with y they go back to x. He's not attempting to influence anything because he literally can't.

One key word the liberals love to ignore: CREATED.

Africa was enslaved by west Asia. Europe and the Americas profited for a time, before sacrificing their own lives to abolish slavery in their own lands. Meanwhile, slavery continues in west Asia which introduced it to central Africa. Before Africa was conquered by Europe, it had already been previously conquered by Islam.

Liberals ignore this, because it doesn't go with their white-guilt theme.


Hey so I was wondering if anyone knew where my pizza map handkerchief was at?

It was the state constitutions not the federal constitutions.

People are created equal. What happens after they are created is clearly and incurably non-equal. Your mother divebombs a fifth of vodka because she doesn't want to be pregnant anymore? Not equal.

Your parents neglected you instead of raising you? Not equal. You skipped school when it was given to you freely? Not equal. You break laws and forfeit your liberty by going to prison? Not equal.

What happens after creation is inevitably unequal, and will never be equal as long as consciousness and free will exist.

>...But blacks weren't able to own land.
Yes, yes they could, depending on where they lived. The first official Slave Owner was a black man. One of the biggest Slave Owners was a black man from Louisiana. American History is 100x more complicated than the Selective Leftist Dogma you've had crammed down your throat your entire life makes it out to be.

The Federal Government had very little power for a very long time. Thus the State's controlled most of what was Legal or Not within their own borders. There were no Universal Voting Rights for a very long time.

The real redpill is the Equality meme was a mistake to begin with
America's suffered ever since

He has such a rat face.
I can feel the self-loathing, he projects his own shortcomings onto the world. He also looks homeless, must be the new age bullshit he is trying after he retired. Trying to fill a void.

I almost pity him.

Looks like Lebowitz is still assblasted over Trump winning. He's attacking the constitution now? Pathetic

Also the writer of that article is a cuck.

can you give me a good red pill on how wide black slavery was?

It would be really fun if black slave-owners were common but the fact is they weren't and white slaves were nonexistent with the exception of quadroons in Louisiana.

>He literally said the exact opposite of this.
No, he said they were all riding high, with inflated egos from being the Masters Of American Culture at the time, but then Trump won and he realized he hadn't achieved anything meaningful. That is what he "literally said". In his mind, at the time, it was real. That was the intellectual space he was operating in. He was, and is, nothing but a propagandist who just realized he wasn't as good as he thought he was.

Don't forget that the declaration of independence was written by Thomas Jefferson, who was against slavery. So of course is says something at odds with the rest of the law at the time.

I want to fucking die

African slavery was a well established thing. It was something they were doing to each other. They offered slaves during initial contact and trade with foreigners.

I mean in the US.

I dropped the truth on some people about Benin over Thanksgiving and they almost cried it ran so counter to the narrative.

>Netanyahu didn’t happen because Haaretz sucks. Haaretz just sucks. He happened because that’s the push and pull of this nation at all times. It’s a push and pull between zionism and a more inclusive multi-cultural approach. It’s a country that writes in its founding document all men are created equal but only Jews who own property can vote emigrate That’s the earliest contradiction, and we’ve been fighting that battle ever since.”

Words (((Liebowitz))) will never say.

Remember goyim, multi-culturalism for thee but not for me.

such a smug fucking piece of shit
always has been worthless

>we’ve been fighting that battle ever since

who the fuck does this kike think he is

Black Slave owners were not common, but neither were White Slave owners. Throughout the entire history of Slavery, less than 7% of Americans total ever owned even a single slave. And if you look at it proportionally relative to population size... well Oy Vey, the most common Slave Owners were Jews. Pic unrelated.

Classic champagne socialist.
Take solace that as a television personality, he has a public lifespan of a moth.

>legitimate grassroots movement

Wew lad

Christ, he looks like a fucking dirty hobo now. Kikes get more disgusting looking as they age.


>The first official Slave Owner was a black man.
Proofs, especially one that doesn't feature a photograph of the man prior to the invention of photography.

>multi-cultural approach
oh boy the kike uses the buzzword again for white genocide

predictable like the tides

just look at that kike

into the oven, all of them

if you have sauce for a disproportionate amount of American slave holders being kikes I will give you my 12 year old daughter in marriage.

this is the golden goose of facts I've been searching for.

>an argument

Nigga calm down, the leaf just asked a question you goddamn autisti

>He's pointing out that "all men are created equal"
niggers, gooks, kikes, muslims, non-whites were not human then, and they are not humans now

Anthony Johnson was one of the first slaveholders and help pushed for it in the US. He was a black man who used to be a slave but got his freedom.

>It’s a country that writes in its founding document all men are created equal but only white men who own property can vote. That’s the earliest contradiction, and we’ve been fighting that battle ever since.”

Fuck he's write. We need to get rid of that all men created equal shit asap, and really specify who exactly is equal.

Jefferson didn't really consider blacks to be part of mankind though. He viewed them as truly lesser beings, and argued for abolition mostly out of pity. But it was really just fear, because he knew they were just intelligent enough to be a threat if ever released. Like a lion you can neither hold onto forever, or let go of for fear of it turning on you. One of his stipulations for abolition was that they absolutely had to be shipped back to Africa because they were completely unfit to integrate into regular society.

Jefferson was right about everything and no one listened.

Quality post rewarded with trips. Checked.

>He's pointing out that "all men are created equal" wasn't the reality of that time period.

He's pointing out his fucking ignorance because the "all men" they were talking about were all WHITE MEN that came from the same European stock.

NOT niggers.
NOT Asians.
NOT natives.

That's the fucking reality, and if we had sent the niggers back, and closed our borders to non-whites, we wouldn't have had nearly the problems we do today.

Democratic electoral strategy is to galvanize minorities, women, and gays to vote for them. That's the entire point of BLM and third wave feminism. That was the point of black power in the 60's. By alienating them from greater white, Christian society, Democrats can make their appeal to them.

As long as there are sufficient numbers of minorities, there will always be a political party whose strategy involves alienating them from the majority culture.

This is what multicultis don't get. As long as power can be gained from appealing to people on identity, diversity will always produce a shitty power structure that takes the voters for granted. There will be no multicultural, diverse utopia. Instead, the return of race riots.

He was a former indentured servant who bought a black indentured servant and broke his contract by keeping him illegally, and then the court was like, "fuck it whatever keep him", thus starting a legal precedent for permanent slavery in the south.

Not true wtf

almost a century

he was basically a one off.

There were very few black or jewish slave holders.

Most were anglos and most were small landholders who owned just one or a few slaves.

Slavery was a white man's game and most of us have benefited directly from the proceeds of slavery.

the less retarded response is that yes, they believed all men are created equal
that doesn't mean everyone should get a vote in how the country is run. being treated as a human being != being allowed to decide the course of a nation

because it doesn't say otherwise. historical context.

it worked better then.

But he is absolutely the first slaveholder in america, and started the precedent of black slavery in America.

Fun fact - Neither Anthony Johnson nor his slave could read. Anthony Johnson was once accused of a debt with a forged letter supposedly written by him, but Anthony Johnson could not write a single word in English. Anthony Johnson ended up paying the debt though, because the courts just hated blacks that much.

I love you and don't listen to that fucking cuck beta

that is all that needs to be said, thank you for doing what needs to be done. Based leaf


>Slavery was a white man's game

>Ignores African and Muslim slaveowners and slave traders
>Ignores that the vast majority of slaves went to places other than the US

Boy, that selective vision of yours is really clouding your judgement

in America I meant

I didn't watch Lebowitz because his schtick was making dick jokes mostly. Too low brow.

I've watched the video, but I don't get exactly what pisses Sam off so much specifically about the byrd here.

Then maybe they shouldn't have taken the slaves in the first place? :^)

The constitution isn't perfect. It is too tolerant of subhumans

His whole episode where he claimed Sweden was socialist was really eerie. Sealed the case that he was a propagandist.

Fucking /thread