The Inquisitor

>Walking down a narrow footpath
>Turns down an alley
>This man appears and blocks your way
>Introduces himself as "the inquisitor" and demands you tell him your political-leaning.

What do?

Other urls found in this thread:

Bend him over

does jimmy nu-tron know he is a meme?

Who is this little shit? Why are there so many pictures of him?

But consider this.

>In doing so he calls you out on propagating rape culture and begins lobbing ink filled balloons at you.

The inquisitor aka ilikebumshaha on insta

This dudes face is so punchable ... G*d help him if I ever see his face in public

Im just gonna fucking end this dude if I do , I'd be such a legend too

lmao do you honestly think you'd win a duel with the inquisitor baka

when is he playing mechanicles in the new aladdin live action??

Why hasn't somebody bullycided him over social media yet?
Fuck, that beard is the worst facial hair I've ever seen outside of my freshman dorm.
Check out his new hairstyle
Fucking awful, all his friends are numales and gamrrgrills

What is his instagram again?
I need it for some laughs.
Help a nigga out.

Ask him to inquire about shaving the taint he has across his chin

Because the inquisitor has hired goons

>Squirts you with water from a flower pinned on his shirt pocket
>leaps about from side to side whilst cackling

try again

this pepe is a disgrace i shall not have you taint him with niggerdom reported


Every single fucking thing about his life that he chooses to share on social media...
It all makes me feel angry.
Is he fucking any of the girls in the pics?
If so, how?
If not, what is he getting from this social media presence?
He must know that almost everyone who looks at these pics thinks he's a freak.
Not only that but his facial structure resembles me, and he makes me think of how I might look if I'd tried a lot harder to be trendy in college, spent more money on clothes, and made all the wrong fashion choices w/r/t clothes and hair.
It's like a mirror image of me. He's the kind of garbage male that I aspire not to be, but he appears to be getting pussy. God damn it.

"I am but a simple leaf raker, you wouldn't happen to know any leafs?"

>Is he fucking any of the girls in the pics?
The inquisitor is the one who does the inquiring into such things not you.

>Beat his ass in self defence
>thought water was poison
>media's verdict DINDUNUFFIN
>implying I'm capable of creating OC

Is he Jewish? I can't tell.

I find it really funny that is particular black hairstyle is basically Bart simpson's hairstyle.

t.Black person with this hairstyle

>"Leaves you say?"


>this turbo-faggot has a cute girlfriend and you don't

I've never seen a black wear that hairstyle without it looking terrible. Black hair isn't like Bart Simpson hair.
Do you have little even pyramids coming off the top of your head?

i was gonna say rape too. weird right?


I love this meme

The Inquisitor terrifies me

Holy fuck this image is golden

He's a fucking leaf too.

The Head Inquisitor of Heresy?

How does it make you feel that this clown regularly gets his dick wet?

*unsheathes rake*

The only Inquisition that I will answer to


He wouldn't be bad looking if he shaved those pubes off of his face.

george soros son. completely broke because hes so addicted to weed
yeah. and his dad was a jew who collaberated with the nazis

>Exhales a cloud of cannabis smoke in your face before you can make a swing
>Effectively intoxicates you
>Begins asking suggestive questions that demand answers regarding your opinion on blm

rake with shovel

>this jimmy neutron fagtron cuck goy has a gf and I fuck my hand
el justo me lifo up

his dad is like rich as hell so its not really a surprise

>Smoking so much weed that you blow all George Soros' trust fund money on it and are a liability to one of the primary pushers of leftist movements in favor of globalism
Is he /our guy/ after all?

laugh and strike up a marlboro with my new friend here and teach him how to better reach individuals and too an audience

I know a dude who'd like 400lbs and only experiences arousal while watching women get waterboarded who has a steady girlfriend. I seriously don't fucking get it.

Ask him if knows what BLACKED means, tell him that if Black lives matter he will let me BLACK his gf. Then I make him watch while he cries and cuts his chin taint with dull scissors

There's nothing to get. Love isn't something you earn, it's something that happens to you. Doubly so for sex.

We need this guy at Gitmo

>Has dog shit genetics
>Lives a happier life than 99% of this entire website.

>Implying he doesn't already masturbate to cuckold porn

Honestly? Like a shit. I am always alone and this clown has friends and even a gf.

>tfw you don't know who this guy is

someone have a redpill to spare? who is this kid and what does he do?

>Grab him by the beard and throw him out of my way.
>"I'm in a rush to your mom's, bud. Gonna make your household great again."
>Stop to buy medium sized condoms on the way.

He's probably miserable on the inside, and the girls are probably only dating him for his material possessions like the vapid things they are.

He's enjoying his life, sure, but the Rake of Democles is dangling just above his head.

>Stumbling for a reply, the inquisitor is speechless
>The inquisitor is dealt a critical blow for 10+ damage and proceeds to cut his beard
>As you turn to leave you suddenly hear
>"However! I implore you to..."

Great now I'm helping him
>if you cuck your enemies they win

I'd beat the shit out of him and humiliate him. what else is there to do?

The inquisitor
Inquires, overcomes opponents with an array of dastardly tricks and contraptions.

>you are propagating homophobia now let me grab dat boipucci

>Cut him off
>tell him to put his finger in butt so I can finish
>dump all 30 days of noFap into his GF
>make him felch it out of her

>As you open his house door to find the inquisitors mother, you hear a voice to your left.
>A man raises from a single seat couch and introduces himself as the enquirer.
>"I see you have met my son, the inquisitor. Now I must enquire as to what brings you to my domain"

It's MY domain now!
*unsheathes Einzige*

>Not use to being interrupted whilst inquiring, the inquisitor is taken aback.
>As you watch wearily uncertain of his next move and preparing yourself to have an ink filled balloon thrown at you he raises a single eyebrow
>Suddenly he disappears in a cloud of smoke, defeated but not beat.

What's his name???

>psh n-nothin personal kid

*teleports behind him*
*unzibs benis*

The inquisitors dastardly re-appearance and the fate of the man who locked horns with the enquirer will be detailed in the upcoming saga.

damn who is this guy?


An unmilked lolcow

>give an ocular patdown
>see glass of water
>throw it in his face
>his make up runs, getting into his eyes and blinding him
>break his hip like he's old anyway
>go upstairs and fuck him mom on top of his Canada Goose jacket
>cum on lapels

holy shit

that IG account, this is a real guy out there living his life, damn fucking interesting

he only has less than 500 followers but he has a large community behind him and people who semi know him, this guy is semi famous i am guessing

Sorry but this isnt canon

youll have to wait for the next saga

I've only seen him on Sup Forums. I think someone is pushing him here to get people to troll him.

>isn't cannon

Eat shit, faggot. I know what I did.

>tfw your Stirnerpost is canon
The power of the ego cannot be denied.

Give thanks Florida has great stand your ground laws, and liberal conceal carry laws................After all, that fucker looks dangerous and was blocking my way!!!

No, as a matter of fact you DONT know what you did, as YOU are not the one that inquires nor enquires.

wait, the thing is he is a real dude out there, he doesn't know about this and its interesting he doesn't post anymore, these pics are super old now, this might be just some dude out there living his life, damn i wouldn;t think something like that could happen, this is like truman show

isn't that Danny Proton?

No it's not, this is real life.
Anne Frank's diary was literally the diary of a young girl, it's not just a title. Even if that's not true, almost everything of value that we know about the past comes from our having access to the intimate details of the lives of people who basically had bad OpSec or didn't care about the public having access to whatever they used before Facebook existed.
Most of the philosopher Leibniz's work happened in the form of letters, private correspondence.
James Joyce was into farts; we know this because of his love letters.
This is how we understand reality; this is the construction of a thought-form out of documentation.

>just as I finish letting loose the last of my load, I realize I still have one of my three medium-sized condoms left over (last one is still in the inquirer's mom's cooch)
>slide down banister and out the window
>skitch on my skateboard Back to the Future style to your house
>fuck your dad in the ass
>cum on your jacket's sleeve (missed)

Blast him with my G29 for being an irredemable cuck and violating the NAP.

you can't handle my strongest potions

lmao. Okay your previous post is canon. But this one definitely ISNT

>it is "this nerd has a gf but I don't, get him!" episode.

>Anne Frank's diary was literally the diary of a young girl, i

wasn't it found to be fake?

Transfer him to the fourth dimension and finish him off.

As I said
>Even if that's not true
I don't know and I can't bother to look it up right now.

anne was a real person though

what is the diary? i have never read it
i would love to give it a read

but somehow IG, twitter, facebook it all means being social and leaving a footprint of yourself, we all leave a foot print, how long do we have?

>how long do we have?
That's probably classified, desu

im high as fuck, don't ruin my trip

im already paranoid about the upcoming war in nigeria

>im already paranoid about the upcoming war in nigeria
you should be

Redpill me on that war.
>mfw we annex Nigeria and the blacks all move there

>Unsheathes katana that has been folded over 9000 times
>"Ara, ara, ara, it's not nice to sneak up on your elders boy!"
>Teleport behind him and cut him down in a gush of blood
>"psssh nothing personal kid"
>Turn 360 degrees and walk away

I pull a pair of dice out of my pocket. I roll and get a double 6.

give him the good ol' Zidane headbutt

wow he looks SO much better without his faggy beard