Why do millennials earn so little?
Why do millennials earn so little?
wow, thats even worse than I thought, source?
because of outsourcing and high immigration rates. any other reason is a distraction
Because most millennials are 14-20 years old and working part time.
Source: common fucking sense
millennials are 20-34 years old, you are talking about the post millennial generation, don't post again in this theead
20k isn't too bad in MO, as long as they don't live in St. Louis of KC.
>AK signficantly higher than any other state (DC doesn't count; it's just a bunch of lawyers and political lackeys getting paid a lot)
It's the oil isn't it?
Because we produce less, are less skilled, pursue less valuable degrees, and in general have less experience.
Woah. Can we see some sources for this? I never dreamed I'd be above the median.
>20k isn't bad
you are retarded, our parents were making 50% more than that during a time prices were 200% less.
That, and low supply of workers willing to live there.
Probably a big reason Texas and Louisiana are alright as well compared to the other gulf states
The average living cost per year for a single person in Los Angeles is like around $35,000 how are these millennials/hipster faggots even around still?
my parents had a hard enough time getting jobs with 20 years field experience after moving, why would it somehow be easier for people with no experience because no job because no experience because no job?
it's the living cost, it's expensive to live in AK so they compensate with high wages
We don't try
I make $40k @ 28 after getting a great degree and being of above average int, and live like a fucking popper.
Many resources have been consolidated under very few companies.
There's no such thing as wage competition anymore when everything's controlled under a standard rate.
>why do young people earn less than old people
holy fuck is CTR still here how is such retarded bait still being posted
t. someone who doesn't live in MO
So few. Why do they earn so few.
>I make $40k @ 28 after getting a great degree and being of above average int, and live like a fucking popper.
>Above average intelligence
>Live like a fucking popper.
>Jalape-No way
The word is pauper you stupid fuck. Christ.
and there are fewer companies willing to train for a position, everyone wants experienced workers and they advertise it in job postings because there are people with the experience who will apply.
Sucks for you guys. Join the Air Force, learn something technical/useful - do 4 and out the door- get a job making 120-150k a year. Easy. Here. Do this. Suck it up.
unless you were in fact talking about pills, in which case as you were
Yep, my employer as well, except as a civie. One team, one fight.
fuck off chair force
That's pretty high, I make 0 dollars a year. I guess I drag it down a lot. By my time is worth more than slaving away at minimum wage.
>DC $42k
Drain the millennial swamp
This chart makes sense, most millennials are still in school.
Assuming of course that OP didn't pull this off of intentionallymisleadingstatisticsforthesakeofmyargumentthativeyettomake.com
>he thinks anything he's talking about matters at all and his thread is off limits if he says so
bcuz obongo created burger jobs and thats where they all work
well all those zeros really drag down the average
Suck my dick. I'm 25 and make only 53k.
>Sit in lecture hall with 500 other political science majors.
>One of a thousand colleges
>Be surprised when there aren't 500,000 poly-sci jobs offered per year.
>because of outsourcing and high immigration rates. any other reason is a distraction
>any other reason is a distraction
I got out. Went GS for a bit. Hit my 13 then took a job at Boeing a year later. It's not hard to make cash, you just need applicable skills. Not many people know how to calibrate aircraft flight equipment for example. Since aircraft are expensive and they want to keep people who know how to keep them operational happy...they tend to pay well.
They share a one bedroom with two other people
As someone making median income at 24 living in San Diego- everybody lives with their parents or with multiple roommates. Some people get into rent-controlled or low income shit if they are lucky.
suck my 9" dick, I make 600,000 at burger king. head chef
>making 30k
>looking for my path up to 40k
guess im not doing too terribly for myself
>live in Kansas
>make about 2.5 times my state's median millennial income
>getting a raise at the beginning of 2017
>I grew up pretty poor so my quality of life is already a lot higher than it was for most of my life
>all this in spite of my shit tier liberal arts degree and sub-3.0 GPA (nepotism did not help me either)
Feels fucking lucky man
mfw 23 and earning $52k at my first ever job
not only am i debt free, i skipped right over the retail meme :^)
The bank of Mom and Dad. I'm from Long Beach. Every longboarding faggot with a bohemian flat and craft microbrew collection is a scumbag living on their parents dime.
I just started last year. First job out of college. Decent benefits, even though the pay is like $20K less than Raytheon was willing to offer. The main thing is the area I'm in has a reasonable cost of living, unlike the big DCs who tend to be in high cost urban areas. Bought a 5 bedroom on 3 acres within 6 months of graduation.
the live in an oakland warehouse
Holy shit what? I am a millenial making over 6 figures after working my way through a STEM degree in college. Roughly 20k everywhere? What the hell? The ONLY way that could be possible is if the majority ate unemployed sure to outsourcing. Every employed millenial I meet is making at least 35k, which, while isn't much, is still way more than that average
Literally a terrible measurement
Easy... they're lazy fucks "too good" to work an honest job.
Keep holding out for that management job ya fuckwits lol
Can I get a blood sample or something? I want some of your luck.
I live in Topeka and everyone around my age, mid-20s, ends up working at Dillon's or whatever fucking grocery store since our degrees are worthless.
No marketable skills.
t. millenial with no marketable skills
Nah, median is pretty solid for a lot of measurements, especially when there's a lot of variation and outliers among your dataset. It should be combined with upper and lower quartile measurements though.
they arent "too good'to work an honest job,they just arent qualified at all for them
this is what happens when you learn how the real world works after you graduate instead of before you graduate
Alaska is unbelievably expensive to live in because of all the energy costs and things you have to buy to get through winter. It has about the same cost of living as Los Angeles or Washington DC.
It seems to me like almost everyone there who isn't an inuit/hermit/survivalist is there to make money though.
>south had almost same pay as California
>rent can get as low as
Yes it is open borders. These people accepting less money to work devalues our wages universally across the country. Wages stagnate or go down to dollar amount levels of pay from 20 years ago. but now with extreme levels of added hyperinflation. But millenials want to bring the entire world here and are out rioting for their own socio-economic demise. Everyone in the upper middle class downward are grossly underpaid now..not just millenials.
>30 or 34 years old
>head chef
>burger king
I wouldn't attempt to live in this state while pulling in less than 70k. This place is unlivable.