I've taken the final red pill Sup Forums. Hitler was a Jew and did what jews do. He infiltrated a nationalist movement, coopted it, changed its leadership, used it to create Israel, and finished by discrediting it after starting a war that killed millions and fleed like a cowardly kike to Argentina. its time to take the final red pill.
(((Adolf Hitler)))
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Wtf my neurons are firing now
I always thought that the Hitler was Jewish meme was just Jewish propaganda. I'm gonna need some proof on him being a Jew.
"Hitler became the chief economic sponsor to Israel"
-(((Edwin Black)))
But he wasn't a Jew
>Alois Hitler was a staunch monarchist Catholic
>His 2nd wife was his niece who he married in order to have help raising his daughter from his first marriage
Hitler's grandmother worked as a maid in a Rothschild mansion and had rape baby Alios Hitler
If you swallow this red pill, then you start seeing how truly genius those in power are.
They have outsmarted and outplayed the human race.
All you can do now is sit back and watch.
Try not to degenerate yourself at least.
>pulling false flags using Arabs
Classic kike trick desu just look at 9/11 and the Lavon Affair
I used to love Hitler.
Then I realized that WW2 led to the deaths of millions of white men.
It destroyed the face of white nationalism.
It gave Jews the ability to create fake genocide statistics, establish a state to live in, and eventually take 35 billion from the German government.
Hitler lost the war by invading Russia, something that according to Jewkipedia was an "inevitable event due to tension in the Baltic states."
Not to mention that Japan forced the United States to join the war.
Everyone lost besides two groups of people, the Jews, and their eternal protectors, the Americans.
All of Europe and most of Asia was destroyed and ready to be heavily "Westernized."
Wake up.
Hitler was a part of them too.
Nietzsche was right all long.
proofs please
if u can confirm this would be a breakthrough
I could give a million other reasons, but it does not matter any longer.
That is disinfo.
everyone agrees ww2 was a disaster, but that doesnt mean hitler was a jew
people always die in wars, hitler didnt want the wars, remember that. if he was really a jew then he wouldnt have been such a pacifist
He was meant to lose.
His defeat was forced.
Fascism is dependent on war.
Jews are pacifists.
This is a blue pill.
Read Nietzsche's "On the Tarantulas" from Thus Spoke Zarathustra.
"And when they call themselves the good and the just, do not forget that they would be pharisees, if only they had - power."
Look up pharisees.
They have the power now.
Nice try JIDF
>jews are pacifists
This is party why im gay
Australian shitposter.
I misunderstood because calling Hitler a pacifist (even if he only killed 200,000 Jews) is fucking stupid.
I would suggest reading Carl Cohen's collection on Fascism.
No fuck off there is good indicationhttps Maria Schicklgruber had Alios from rape by a kike
I see you did not get to the last sentence of my post...
This does not matter.
It only disqualifies the point you are trying to make.
Whether or not he was Jew he was put in power by them.
>destination Yis'real
This Jewish blog citing David Icked citing Walter Langer is not proof that Hitler was a Rothschild.
When women stopped us from falling I will stop. Yours is the degeneracy
Kill yourself Kike
He gave the jews a chance to emigrate to Palestine. He didnt know what would come of it. And come on OP, he killed a bunch, thats the important part, no cover up
Please dont deface our hero by calling him a dirt judenschwein
Just because you can't find a proper woman with a similar belief system does not mean that you should turn gay. Allow me to quote Nietzsche's "On Chastity."
"What is chastity? Is chastity not folly? Yet this folly came to us; not we to it. We offered this guest hostel and heart: now it dwells with us - may it stay as long as it will!"
>Historians dismiss the Frankenberger hypothesis (which had only Frank's speculation to support it) as baseless as there were no Jewish families in Graz at the time she became pregnant
Jump down the rabbit hole.
>And come on OP, he killed a bunch, thats the important part, no cover up
It doesnt matter kikes are willing to sacrifice other kikes if it brings the result they want like Soros for example
>Historians dismiss the Frankenberger hypothesis (which had only Frank's speculation to support it) as baseless as there were no Jewish families in Graz at the time she became pregnant
The supposed proof you yourself posted refutes the Jewish claim.
Implying there is only one.
Once you swallow this pill you will be thinking about simulated reality and direct control of the masses in the face of an abundance of information in no time.
Court historians always protect the establishment and also say jews were not behind Communism another lie
This guy gets it
Hitler was the anti jew!
This is a red pill that will be hard for pol to swallow, but once it does we can make some real conceptual progress.
Nazi party was started in a faggot bar. I will always stick the based sex not the weak one
>ends up giving them total control
>anti Jew
Pick one
Is that why he let millions of escape before he started the ((((Holocaust))))?
Now you're just making circles. Your proof was anything but and the original claim was made by a disgruntled ex-nsdap member.
>look he's Jewish, wiki says so!
>wikipedia says he's most likely not Jewish
That's not proof.
>ends up giving them total control
After the entire modern world beat him into submission at the behest of the Jews.
>Implying Catholics aren't the ultimate jews
Nazi is nationalism.
Nationalism was defaced.
Hitler was not a nationalist. He was a fascist.
There are similarities, but a distinction has to be made.
Now which one started in a gay bar?
>He infiltrated a nationalist movement,
Hitler was in a gay rifle club called the brown shirts, Fritz Thyssen put money behind him to earn profits for himself and his pals at Ford, IBM, Brown Brothers Harriman on behalf of their investors, wealthy families of Europe and industrial captains of America
Hitler made his money from him book and from appearing on postage stamps, he had his hand in the till of Germany for being on postage stamps while he was leading the nation, he kept his money in Switzerland where it couldn't be confiscated from him,
he liked for his 5 year old niece to squat over his face and urinate on him,
Wtf i hate hitler now.
He let one escape and he never harmed the Rothschilds he let one escape and gave him special treatment in prison too. Mind you the Rothschilds were real important in forming Israel
He did pose German Nazism as a part of the Fascist Party.
This, I think, was what OP was talking about.
>Nazi party was started in a faggot bar
it was more like a supper club, rifle club, they used to hang around shoot guns smoke and drink
recently I have heard mentioned Nazi = National Zionist
hidden in plain sight
>shoot guns and smoke
That's code for pole smoker aka cock sucker
Fuck off JIDF
>t.Rabbi Schlomo Goldstein
>A Fucking Leaf
Im sorry was that one too tame?
>he has shit taste
Day of the rake when?
When you remove tampon
Don't use tampons only suppositories sometimes
Nothing emulates skin suppositories
Trudeau pls go
No... Himmler was impressed by him so he improved his conditions. Absolutely not proof "Hitler was a Rothschild".
>Nazi party was started in a faggot bar
This is a canard invented by Bryan Fischer, try again.
>trying to divide the ns community
>bullshit unprovable psyops
Pls leave hitler did nothing wrong, he tried to save europe, and everything and everyone now including op tey to discredit him
>final red pill
You're getting close, but you're not there yet, OP. But good for you.
Also it was the english who wanted to establish isreal, the nazis just wanted to deport all jews so they just sent there wherever anyone would take them. Remember EVEN NEW YORK CITY REFUSED TO TAKE ANY MORE JEWS.
So no goyim suspect hitler of being Jewish. That's disinfo specifically spread by other jews.
got it. saged,
Yeah well faggots really like cars. I thread the needle like you wouldn't believe. We also allegedly have bigger benors. You wouldnt understand such things. There was a lot of research given. I weigh that more than just you beakin off
excellent word use
english motherfucker
we dont speak nerd klingon
What is the median age around here? 57? What about the IQ? Who knows wtf you allegedly didn't understand. I don't really care. Just admit you have nothing to say and that you settled