Sup Forums humor thread

Sup Forums humor thread.

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someone make one with this pic




This is more rage-inducing than funny. I can't stand the audacity of those people. Do they know who's countries they are living in?






Got you senpai

The black chick on the right ended up becoming a prostitute. Bernie got cucked by a prostitute and it cost him was his campaign.



Whats this about?


Trevor Noah had someone from the blaze (forgot her name) to debate black lives matter. Trevor got annihilated worse than coloureds in apartheid


Care to give a link?

Thanks kebab remover

Tomi destroying the nigger on BLM. He couldent even look her in the eyes after she was done with him. He shook her hand while looking at the ground.


1997 called, they told me to tell you nice meme.



Thanks anons

Someone please link the version of this with AIDS skrillex / Carl the Cuck pls.












>Wake up
>Donald Trump is still Elected President
>Confirmed for best timeline

I still can't believe it happened, I'm re-watching all the 'Can't Stump the Trump' vids, it only becomes more apparent re-watching them how far he came in a short space of time, and how many people he took on and demolished




>we exist on a spectrum
bitch is correct



> can't believe it happened
Same here. Thinking back, the night of Nov. 8th was fucking magical. How steadily it became apparent that Trump would fucking win. That surge of excitement when he fell behind in Florida, then crept back up... then the freaking rust belt states turning red... wow...


Couple of hundred years ago they executed people for trying to subvert the Kingdom, now look.

"A nation can survive its fools, and even the ambitious. But it cannot survive treason from within. An enemy at the gates is less formidable, for he is known and carries his banner openly. But the traitor moves amongst those within the gate freely, his sly whispers rustling through all the alleys, heard in the very halls of government itself. For the traitor appears not a traitor; he speaks in accents familiar to his victims, and he wears their face and their arguments, he appeals to the baseness that lies deep in the hearts of all men. He rots the soul of a nation, he works secretly and unknown in the night to undermine the pillars of the city, he infects the body politic so that it can no longer resist. A murderer is less to fear. The traitor is the plague." - Marcus Tullius Cicero

The video is not made available in my country, and when I search for it on youtube it's all short versions saying the nigger destroyed her.


Horrible thread. Jesus christ I feel like I'm really back in 2000.





Pic related is orgasmic


He couldn't have done it without us, but our job is not over yet. No one is in jail.

Holy fuck that jpeg


Literally a cuck made a video about that

>People take Trevor Noah seriously

I know it's not a YRYL thread but does anyone have the original of this comic?


Got ya covered user

Thanks man. Always gets me.
^^^ I just fucking lost to this vid

God I'm so errect.


>nostalgia is bad



Say it with me!


Beautiful. Saved for reposting purposes


I love you, Satan.


>Making the Pastor RICH
This user knows whats up. Though tithing is holy.



Can someone give me one example, just one, in which Islam encourages intellectualism and/or feminism?

Screencapped indeed

want it posted everyday until 2020

I would've accepted BLACKED Friday, but alright.

>posts literal trash
Fuck off

Holy shit she's got balls. That halfrican bitch couldn't make eye contact the entire show

No kek is always right

That's why world war 3 starts in a year and half

Check them



>mfw i was expecting it to be another man and the message would be some pro LGBT stuff but then that ending

Aww man.


> that dude's username had 4k47 in it
> 4k47
> Ak47

Kek. The liberals know a thing or two after all.

Okay... watch me...

WW3 starts in a year & a half... check 'em

> 431431
Good enough


Isn't that glamorizing Mass Shootings?
The coolest person in the video is the guy with the gun , I actually wanted to see him complete what it was building up too from the start ,not that lame love story they tried to paste over the main story

Damn. Portugal bringing the bantz.

> how to vote Hillary
> how to suck dick

Kek what's the difference?
