why did Serbs want to ethnic cleanse THIS?
Why did Serbs want to ethnic cleanse THIS?
>let me just strawman this image of an attractive bosnian individual from a population of ugly retards
fuck off. bosnians are literally t*rks
the fuck would you know, chink
fuck off ameriFAT I am not a damn chink
>Her eyebrows have the texture and color pattern of a malign mole.
>Her eyes are looking in different directions
>One eye slightly lazy, that's why she tilts her head
>Will still go through life being praised like a Goddess, not having to study or work a day in her life if she doesn't want to
It's not fair Sup Forums ;_;
you sound like an angry jealous fat chick, desu. probably some Persian whale or something.
now ur dik
>That shitty wrist
Confirmed dyel lanklet. Then again a...
> a fucking leaf
If that isnt a slutface idk what is
No I'm an angry attractive, but socially inept, male.
My max potential is occasionally getting laid on looks alone, until I ruin it by being me.
not a chink
Either an Asian or a toddler by the looks of it.
Do you hate women?
lets see it hard
I knew i recognized that shape and texture
Serb diaspora lanklet LMAO
>ethnically cleansing anyone
serbia literally lost 4 wars in 8 years and their most famous battle ever is the one where their entire army got annihilated and then their country got steamrolled
where on earth does this meme of serbs having the ability to ethnically cleanse or win wars in general come from lmao
From the Ottoman empire
serbs were one of the first ottoman vassals and actively fought against other balkan peoples
they fielded one of the worst resistances amongst their neighbors, and they glorify a battle which they lost their entire army in
they were 2nd class citizens and got mega cucked in the empire
again where does it come from
Me too
i am actually east russian not a chink faggot
>east """russian"""
what the fuck i do not look like that
because you're a north asian chink using deceptive language to fool people into thinking you're white.
>Implying 'East russian' doesn't mean Asian rape baby