Man punches kangaroo in the face after fighting his dog
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He did the right thing saved his dog and didn't have to kill the kangaroo either
Just your average day in Straya
God bless that man
That was great, I would do the same shit to those fucking deer here in michgan.
objectively, unironically true
I have no idea where we'd be without them
The roo was just fucking mesmerized like "did you just fucking do that cunt?"
>implying strayans don't get drunk and fight kangaroos on the regular
There's something so fucking funny about a dude punching an animal in the face in self defense
idiot aussie, those things can shred your stomach and disembowel you.
Their heads are like fuckin rocks tho
i fucking hate the "LOL QUIRKY STRAYA AWSUMM!!" meme
Australia is hilarious. What a crazy fucking place.
holy fuk did that roo just murder his best mate? Over a fukin sheila?
it doesn't get more australian than that
How'd Justin get this far south
Thus begins the Kangaroo War.
Don't shit you know you can't win, Straya.
Nah, it was just a prank.
is he ok
laughed a bit into my pants and threw my pepsis onto my graphics card
That's a crazy cunt, them 'roos are fucking jacked
I liked the part where the kangaroo just stood there in shock and then calmly walked away
I fucking hate the LEL A FUCKING LEAF meme r/thedonald brought to this place
What happened to Australia that made God hate it so?
Damn nature, you scary
>Roo and Kanga after they moved to Australia
they really cant. thats a meme. roos never hurt anyone
That guy is lucky he didn't get the shit kicked out of him. You can tell that Kangaroo was like "Did that motherfucker just hit me?" Few more seconds and that guy would be out cold.
Thats got to be the gayest wildlife white mans ever had to deal with
show us on this doll where the australians hurt you trudeau
Have the deer been strangling your dogs?
we were never meant to be here. Nature is trying to fight back every day
Africa and Australia are the two full PVP continents of our world
Fuck this cunt, he didn't have to hit the kangaroo, it already let go of his mutt.
In my timeline kangaroo didn't have such big fucking arms. They weren't aggressive like that either. It's a little disconcerting to see them like that.
bison is such good meat
They strangle my car. Just as important.
If only you'd shown that strength and courage when you faced the Emus.
Show us the last thing on red dit you upvoted
A lot of animals are like that. They will beat the shit out of you unless you act super confident and go aggressive. Like there's on tribe of nigs in Africa that hunts by stealing food from lions just by walking up super confidently, taking the food, and walking off before the lions figure out that they could fucking slaughter the humans. I've also heard about how you need to stand perfectly still and unafraid when a gorilla charges at you and it will just stop before it hits you. If you so much as flinch, it will rip you to pieces.
shhh no more tears only vegemite now
I love how the kangaroo is like "this guy actually punched me, what do I do now?"
damn didn't know we warranted so much dislike on Sup Forums that a video would have people capslock crusading on us
we don't even behave here the way we do on Sup Forums
>Kangaroo "you punch like a bitch".
Visited Western Plains Zoo when I was 8, thought it was funny when a kangaroo put it's paws on my shoulders, like I was getting a hug, mum takes a photo.
Realise years later that was a challenge and I was extremely lucky it didn't start kicking me in the stomach.
Fuck off greeny. Hope they blew its head off.
>winning by technicality
>not going for the knockout
jumpin' cunt made it personal, but bogan pussed out
Straya as fuck m8.
Kangaroo takes that right hook like a champ though.
Only in Australia can you get choked out by a giant rat who probably has an eighth degree black belt
I, for one, love Australia's presence on this fine board
Anyone else feel sad?
That Kangaroo was clearly offended. He just wanted to have some fun with a doggo and then he got punched. You Australians are a bunch of turds. That's all your country is known for. Being a bunch of turds going "haha we are cunts haha". That's your whole national identity.
kangaroo shouldn't have lowered his hands, he should dominate in the stand-up, but if you can get inside the guard its all over apparantley.
He's still breathing.
I never understood why Australians had a brand of ass-flavored butter.
Most obvious slide thread ever
the kangaroo serial killer
Am I on a list now? Did I fall for a honeypot?
Australian men are D most ignorant cunts on Earth outside of maybe, some fucking remote third world tribe.
I hate em with a passion. Hopefully that kangaroo catches up with the twat later..gotta love them kangaroos though with their mixed martial arts.
Yeah he's just dead
touch of a beard I said to him but he never once whispered the ladies name in my ear as i sang, and sang along the river and the myrrth oh the myrrh was deliciously sweet
ayy yeah take that u fuckin cunt yea
That's not too different from us Americans. At least Aussies are funny in a surreal kind of way.
>comment from the owner
Australians realy can't help but shitpost huh.
It's basically just gamier beef.
i bet they got soft noses though. never seen one but most animals have a lot of small bones and cartilage in their noses
he was trying to strangle the dog lol
It's in their DNA, they're natural born memers. That's why their shitposts are actually funny.
>Australia's top philosophers
black belt in roo-jitsu
Roos can never go the distance mate, they always gas out.
I fought one last week. And he had me against the rabbit proof fence and was working me over proper like a dingo on an infant. But I knew if I waited till the galahs sqwauk, signalling the end of the round, I'd get him easy deep in the fight. After I won, I deported him to naaru to work on his ground game.
Literally no. Lemme guess, you're from New England or the Burnt Club Coast and have only had a "bison" burger from your local hipster coop?
That's a fucking wallaby. That's like fighting a midget
>tfw there's no punchable wildlife in Canada except for chugs
There's a bison on my fucking flag.
dammit no more (You)s from the retard
maybe he'll go on to be butthurt in a new thread, god bless him
>roo didn't even flinch
No wonder yall cant fight.
You have geese but I think they'd gut you in the blink of an eye while a kangaroo is still thinking what the fuck you're doing.
What the fuck is a chug?
>U fockin wot
>Did you just punch me
i audibly giggled
>4 posts by this id
what kind of godless sasquatch creature is that
Quit lying faggot. Don't talk about things you're know nothing about.
I think it's amazing that it seems like the Kangaroo knows what drowning is.
Their heads are like fucking rocks. They're evolved to get punched in the head without taking serious damage.
it does. that's exactly what it's doing
you know kangaroos are trash animals?
They are worse then rats you could kill 100,000 of them and they would still be a pest.
The reason is that abos never shaped the environment so when whites came we made lots of grassland and kanga population went mad.
Kanga has no predator, in rural people actually build cages around vehicle like mad max because how many fucking roos are on the road.
punch a moose
Wyoming born and raised. We flyovers need to stick together. No infighting.
Oh yeah. I bought a truck one time and it had "roo bars". I had no idea what that was until it was explained to me
What the fuck sort of dark magic existed before humans were around that allowed your country to be this way?