Why is he so based?
And who here hopes Muslims try his bluff so we can start wiping out the middle east? Needs to happen eventually, they are cause of so many problems decade after decade.
Why is he so based?
And who here hopes Muslims try his bluff so we can start wiping out the middle east? Needs to happen eventually, they are cause of so many problems decade after decade.
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Maybe if you're an edgy teenager who hasn't researched him for more than five minutes. You disgrace our country.
he never said this
Please please please let them try some shit in Russia
Does ISIS target Russia at all? They seem focused on America when it seems Russia would be most likely to exterminate them.
America is always first to me, but I can still respect a man for being a good leader for his country. Those two aren't mutual.
it's the only way to fight
You know the majority of Muslims aren't in the Middle East right retard?
Oh right
>american education
Putin fears Chechens and Dagestanis
He was talking about ISIS mostly here, which is in the middle east. Which is what I'm talking about. He isn't going to kill people in Indonesia for example.. idk why this would confuse you.
He might be talking about France.
I'd rather have strong independent nations working alongside us than CIA invested shitholes ready to blow up and start wars.
this guy n trump are guna have fund starving out germany n france n china!
woo hoo!!
no one needs china gemany or france!
all of them?
wtf i love the middle east now
> being rekt by chechens for decades
> based
The middle east is a shithole, Based Ashin's country is turning into a shithole. Nuke them all.
Wiping out Muslims is easier said than done.
I personally don't like gung-ho war-in-the-Middle-East talk. I prefer propping up strong dictators out there who keep order and keep the people THERE.
Bringing war and instability to the Middle East only means more refugees coming to Europe, and at least for now - until we get rid of the Eu - they will continue to take refugees.
So kill IS, certainly, but then help ensure stability out there and then ship all the migrants in Europe BACK.
This quote has been debunked about 1,000 times on this board alone.
why is he on picking on my poor little island?
>dick waving in the Caucasus and Ukraine and having massive sanctions slapped on your country that destroy your currency and halve your economy, leaving millions in poverty
>being a good leader
you really need to kill yourself right now RTshill
>Being attacked on all side by EU bringing down your influence in the Ukraine by ochristrating a series of "protests" that turn violent and culminates with the expelling of the government and the "election" of a pro-EU government who wants to completely turn their back on Russia; as well as your allies in the middle-east being systimatically attacked by western backed rebellions of "moderates" that immidiatly instill sharia shit holes throwing modertly modern countries back to the stone age of theocratic despots which in turn causes thousands of radicals to go to the western world to bomb their cities and rape their women while on another front millions of "refugees" come to completely change the face of the western world with almost entirely the same results.
You're an idiot leaf.
absolutely based
I mean, every religion is bad at its core but islam is fucking cancer
The only reason we haven't nuked the Mudskins is all the oil they have over there.
Man, we're the cause of half the problems in the middle east.
I feel like those sand niggers were on the verge of solving their own problems and modernising...
But we literally killed their secular leaders and paid allahakbars to take over. We did this to them.
We did this to them 60 years ago, 40 years ago, 20 years ago, 15 years ago, 5 years ago. We're still trying to do this to them in Syria to this day.
if america/russia took control over their oil reserves, will the price go down and the world be happier?
>tfw when I dunno who's leafing who anymore
I'm not arguing that the West isn't trying to destroy Russia's sphere of influence, I'm saying that Putin is a bad leader for trying to fight an unwinnable battle. Any gains he's made by annexing Crimea and possibly holding onto Syria, are far outweighed by the immense damage Western sanctions have done to the Russian economy. They're economy literally halved. Halved. Do you know how fucking serious that is?
>/pol gets butthurt when Hillary does election rigging
>Its okay when Putin does it
Kill yourselves
It's a liberal meme that Russia is evil
They had issues before we even got started with them, look through history, they would just continue to have more and more issues without us or with us.
The maddest I ever got on here was during the election, a few days after the second debate when I had multiple Amerifats earnestly telling me that nobody on Sup Forums was rigging polls for Donald
never said this
in order to actually do this he would have to slaughter quite possibly 30% of our population
We need to nuke them from orbit. Its the only way to be sure.
inb4 (((false-flag)))
How can we convince the Jews that OPEC is secretly planning to demand payment in Rubles starting when Trump takes office?
Stop being cucks for other countries. Sad!
if you throw yourself into the fire screaming, maybe someone will call the fire fighters.
Or at least the cops to stop the guy that set your house on fire.
when did this start anyways?
I thought libs loved russia for their communism.
I honestly can't tell why they hate him and love someone like castro.
actually shit, what the fuck is this double standard.
What the fuck do you want him to do? Take in the ass? Join the EU? That won't happen and why would any sane country do that. He has no other options but to play hard ball or get his country cucked completely out of their oil, out of their influence to bureaucratic authoritarians disguising their ambitions as just. Russia has survived much much more.
Sheeeeeeeeeeeit actually rare
>I thought libs loved russia for their communism.
Dude. We literally outlawed gay pride parades. And we don't have communism, nobody in the world ever had, you fucking retard.
Yes, he should literally take it in the ass, at least in Europe, and try to wait out the Western nations. You know there's a huge financial crisis barreling for the West in terms of the debt crisis in the US and the housing bubble collapse in China, right? I really hope your parents don't have too much money in the stock market.
If Putin was smart he would have made as much money off of selling oil to Europe while biding his time for the next huge financial crisis, then he could go full neo-Stalin and kick ass all over Eastern Europe with virtually no repercussions.
Instead he's an insecure manlet who wants to look like a strong leader to his people, so he's getting his retarded ass handed to him financially. Unfortunately tens of millions of Russians have to pay for his stupidity.
>We literally outlawed gay pride parades
yeah and castro did what to gays?
>And we don't have communism, nobody in the world ever had
Ah, fuck!
Vlad, I can only get so erect!
Guys... was this the Jews plan all along?
>increase racial tension
>have leaders start popping up that are increasingly 14/88 at the muslim question
>leaders wipe out every single muslim country
>Israel can now reclaim land and turn into the greater Israel
There is no way he said this. Also, putin is one of the greatest kike puppets there is, the >russia is the savior of the white race
meme needs to die.
If he nukes the Middle East, Israel is literally collateral damage.
Fuck them and fuck you.
A communistic country is a dreamland where people work hard, only need bare minimum (that it, no luxuries), and stores are always open and people can get whatever they want not paying for anything, because money doesn't exist in any form.
So he's a shitty leader because he won't roll over and let a foreign government dictate what he is allowed to do?
So "true communism" hasn't been tried?
because I'm confused about the communism scare if there was no such thing as communism.
Also, would you say you're better off than cuba?
Yes retard, when the odds against him are so monumental. Sometimes you have to bow to your enemy so you can stand up and fight him later, see
Killing Saddam was one of the biggest mistakes in modern history. Look at Iraq now
Fake quote
also Putin engineered a series of false flag apartment bombings that killed almost 300 Russians so he should put a bullet in his own brain
Don't worry guys, I'm sure President Trump would stop Putin from literally killing every muslim
Maybe muslims are the key to the Russia - United States bromance? Muslims do some shit in Moscow, Putin declares open season. Conservative states in the U.S. back Russia and begin the purge of the leftist faggots. Bada bing bada bang best allies for at least 15 years.
You're the most American user I've come across. Dude, you have the Internet now, maybe you should stop watch cold war propaganda and start lurking the fuck more instead of asking stupid questions?
would you rather poke a dying bear or a bear that's ready to tear your fucking face off?
well I did, and I found stuff saying you guys were communist for a little while.
of course I didn't think you guys were still communist (thought you were socialists but it looks like you're capitalists?)
I guess I never really bothered to learn what every economic system every country was using.
Americans are the most ignorant people on the planet. More than half of Americans have never left their country and even more have never left their state.
>t. 15 year old who doesn't know his own Countries history
Fucking kek
Just stop
stfu stupid kangaroo fucker. The Russiebro is right, the soviet union was Socialist and its ultimate goal was Communism.
You're a defeatist sack of human garbage.
>Leaf intellectual educating me on what Gommunism is
Damn, I really got BTFO
why would the CIA ever bomb russia?
>more than half haven't left their country
>and even more have never left their state.
that doesn't even make sense.
It's a fake quote you dumb asshole.
>communism in Russia
During the civil war 1920-22, the country's economy was destroyed and a currency couldn't exist because of terrible crisis, so that was pretty much communism, but very-very shitty one.
>Socialism in Russia
Once the country stopped drowning in shit, bolsheviks released new currency, but no business was allowed, the government was the only entrepreneur, which mean fixed plans on production (what to make, how much, how much time you have to make it) and fixed prices (prices were literally written on goods). This is how the USSR worked, from 1922 and until 1991, when it's finally collapsed. Now Russia is a capitalistic country with several political parties and democratic election, unlike the fucking smelly Cuba you tried to compare us with.
Fucking kill yourself.
Put a fork in the fucking power point and die, seriously. Your genetic lineage offers no worth.
Are you being retarded on purpose?
What do you think "USSR" stands for? I don't see any "C" for communism, do you?
They blew up a Russian passenger jet with 300 people on board a year ago.
> unlike the fucking smelly Cuba you tried to compare us with.
I'm trying to figure out why liberals hate you but like cuba.
Good on him for planning for kebab removal in such circumstances, but how would you kill every Muslim in less then an hour? You could glass the Middle East but there's plenty of rapefugees elsewhere
Kek. Putin would never do this. He fucking loves Muslims. He should bring back Collective Farms and Gulags for the Muslims but instead he makes it illegal to draw the Prophet Mohammed. What a joke!
Don't use logic to understand it, they're all fucking retarded.
This. If he'd have the smallest problem with mudslime, he'd glass chechens or other mountainkin so hard that the UN would whine of genocide. With the numbers of muslims in power we have in here, excluding immigrants, saying this kind of stuff would be political suicide 146%
I was gonna take the bait, but then I notices your flag.
Die retarded Communist scum
>political suicide 146%
Are you aware that Russia isn't a democracy ?
At times like this, it makes me want to pull out the old sugar loaf...
Nobody gives one shit about dem values. It's about physical survival which would become troublesome since national security is based on art of "not triggering" muslims.
>Bringing war and instability to the Middle East only means more refugees coming to Europe, and at least for now - until we get rid of the Eu - they will continue to take refugees.
>implying putin will not use the threat of refugees as leverage to get whatever he wants
I've heard a lot of newfies have never left their island, what's up with that?
>being rekt by chechens
it's a 'poorly equipped guerilla force is kicking the big kid's ASS!!!' episode
literally the only reason vietnam, chechnya, iraq, etc. are considered failed enterprises is because international law prevents us from deleting every man woman and child and rendering the land uninhabitable and unproductive for decades to come
It's because in this country, people grasp at superficial tangibles rather than the principles because they're too fucking retarded to form abstract thought. Can't really blame them, natural selection was effectively eliminated for a long time here and all notion of holistic critical thinking left the psyche, or maybe it's the nigger blood.
I hope Russia gets attacked now. Would be cool to see a society without Muslims.
That mode of thinking is why the west is so fucked.
>The 1965 immigration bill is only temporary, guy. Accept it for now and enjoy the new food, then you can reverse it later.
>Dude. We literally outlawed gay pride parades.
Muslims stone and throw gays off of roof tops, but the left doesn't care about that when they defend them.
Ramzan pls, Russian feds aren't controlling shit on Caucasus.
Liberals think we're white.
And then he started the bombing runs
sage this KGB Putin shill thread.