These countries never existed. Some corrupt plutocrat has attained a time machine and is messing up our current timeline.
Other urls found in this thread:
I thought they did. However, if there are time travelers, then that means there is hope for humanity.
leave this timeline evil spirit
>another leaf thread
OP is a retarded American that failed History and Geography.
Someone didn't pay attention in their high school geography and or spanish class
>both your flags
You're a special kind of fucking idiot, aren't ya?
Dont you remember the story about the autistic Surinamese man who donated sperm to 500 women in the Netherlands?
Da fuk happened 2 afrika?
As someone who has familial connections to Guyana, I can say without doubt that it would be preferable that it never existed. Guyana was a mistake, both as a colony and doubly so as a republic.
>canadian education
when the proxy too strong
you're right, WTF is Venezuela, Colombia and Brazil? Are those places full of niggers or something?
Nothing, it's still full force fucked.
That is where you are wrong. Everyone on my mom side is Guyanese.
It's just that Guyana is such a fucked country full of niggers and rioting that it has literally no relevance or importance whatsoever.
Guyana is the Delaware of south america
So what the fuck happens there? You must know.
Nobody in the continent seems to acknowledge these mini countries even exist.
The one on the right isn't a country.
I've been to the other two and they're shitholes.
Don't go there
They've literally always existed. They're just completely irrelevant.
Weren't they all African? Maybe this is a shoop
Eddy Grant is from British Guyana
Today? Not much. Paranoia about Venezuela, general political corruption, depression due to total lack of opportunities and prospects which is usually resolved either by suicide or by emigration. It's a typical West Indian post-colonial shithole but it has none of the advantages (good beaches and tourism) that other West Indian countries have. It's shit, and also a sort of parallel of Detroit except on a national level and without any of the former industry.
Guyana is a conglomeration of french, english, nigger, and spic. Mostly the latter two.
You are
So are a lot of black market organs.
Doesn't make them relevant
No it's not. Guyana is mostly Indian (poo in loo, which we call coolies) and blacks (which we call Afros). All the Anglos and Portuguese bailed on the country by the 50s. There never was a French population there.
A little
You're thinking of Guinea
Sup Forums - philisophical incorrectness
I guess it beats endless trump threads.
Watch this
>talking out your arse
It's mostly niggers and indians (from india), then some amerindians.
I didn't encounter a spic in my whole time there, and I met maybe 5 other white people
As someone with Guyanese and trini senpai, who spent some of the 90s there I can agree with this user.
They burned down most of Georgetown 60 years ago and were too lazy to ever fix it.
Better luck next life
>Guyanese and trin
Are your parents basically the physical embodiment of Punch and Judy?
bitches don't know about my jonestown massacre
You can't beat endless Trump threads, petrolbrain.
Thats from moving a thread off Sup Forums to another board you fucking retarded newfag kys
Where the fuck do you think cayenne pepper comes from? Fuckin leaf.
hey i can download famfamfam archive too watch this
What the fuck are you trying to say monkey? Stop trying to make your own language
No, I'm white.
My dad married a Guyanese girl my age when we lived there and I'm married to a trini canadian.
i have the full collection of flags that i legitimately collected from legitimate posts just like you :^)
So am I. Well, if you consider Portuguese white.
How does your step mother and your wife get along?
PK also use this, newfag
Guyana is in Africa of course.
It certainly has a comparable standard of living to many African hellpits.
Where the fuck do you think Georgetown University is? Fuckin leaf.
Op I know something is up! I can't find Tlön, Uqbar or Orbis Tertius on Google maps either. I have the fucking encyclopedia with them still there though!
But those are not countries
Post pics of the encyclopedia
Holy shit, USMOI is probably the rarest
French people are such assholes.
>Declares a country/colony for the French Empire
>"What should we name it?"
>"What are the countries near us?"
>"Brazil, Suriname, Guyana, Ven-"
>"We'll be French Guyana, but spell it weird"
They have always been there... Your pride instead has been gone.
Canada was like Alaska, a cool and cold place; now its a nation that makes people cringe and chuck with all the homosexuality it brings when named.
Trinis quite rightly consider themselves better, but tbqh I dont get the pride in being the top dog of 3rd world shitholes.
They never talk.
Guyana used to be British Guiana before it got independence, so French Guiana isn't that strange.
>They never talk.
south america has countries other than brazil mexico and argentina?
Isn't Georgetown where that cult an heroed?
total kaakz
cool sounding lang tho
why not call it peppylepoo?
I remember buying weed in the Tiger ghetto , drunk at midnight with my white boy friends when I was 15. How we didn't get stabbed I have no idea.
The girls were easy AF for whiteboys (only indian / mixes obviously)
Nah, Jonestown is a distance away from Georgetown. They were out in the jungle secluded AFAIK. This is Georgetown.
I haven't been in years and I have no intention of going back. The only person I know who hates Guyana more than I do is my father.
Where do you think Jim Jones and his cult had their mass suicide?
Jonestown. It's not even the same fucking continent. Jesus American education really is bad.
Holy shit where I'm from its always been the MANDALA effect I'm super spooked lads
But it was spoopy before!
I do remember those countries, those and the carabean islands were the ones my little brain was not able o memorise
>australian education
Jonestown was IN Guyana you fucking Abo. I took 3 fucking seconds to google it.
That looks like something out of a Mr. Rogers episode. Damn that's colorful.
Lol who the fuck came up with this map?
Please dont make me state it as rhetorical.
the leaf is right i never noticed these aswell
no mandela effect, you just never got familiar with that region of the world.
are you thinking Jamestown you literal retard?
Suriname used to be Dutch Guyana as well
It's literally the only reason that Brazil borders the Eurozone (are we 2020 superpower nao?)
I had to learn the capitals of them all in 9th grade Spanish so they've existed for at least 6 years or so.